This item is sold brand new. It is ordered on demand from our supplier and is usually dispatched within 7 - 11 working days Norwegian thriller in which a group of students set out to film a bear poacher only to find that he is hunting something else altogether. Thomas (Glenn Erland Tosterud), Kalle (Tomas Alf Larsen) and Johanna (Johanna Morck) are a group of college students intrigued by a series of mysterious bear killings in the area. Convinced the killings are a result of illegal poaching, the students covertly follow the hunter, Hans (Otto Jespersen), into the woods and film him. When they discover that he is pursuing something much larger than bears, the trio's attitude to Hans changes completely and they find themselves caught up in the adventures of a troll hunter. Features Summary Norwegian thriller in which a group of students set out to film a bear poacher only to find that he is hunting something else altogether. Thomas (Glenn Erland Tosterud)... Studio Momentum Pictures Format Blu-ray disc Release date 20120109 Contributors Otto Jespersen (Actor), Glenn Erland Tosterud (Actor), Johanna Morck (Actor), Tomas Alf Larsen (Actor), Urmila Berg-Domaas (Actor), Hans Morten Hansen (Actor), Robert Stoltenberg (Actor), Knut Naerum (Actor), Eirik Bech (Actor), Inge Erik Hnejesand (Actor), Hävard S Johansen, Andre Ovredal, Sveinung Golimo, John M. Jacobsen, Hallvard Braein, Andre Ovredal (Director)
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R 111,00
R 111,00