Description of Resource Plus Training and Development: We train, develop and mentor young individuals, students and graduates. We will train and provide you with the skills necessary to ace the interview, get the job and how to conduct yourself in the workplace. Goal of Resource Plus Training and Development: To equip young individuals with the necessary skills to enter a workplace with the know-how and confidence needed to succeed. We will analyse your short term and long term goals so that your long term goals are intercepted into your short term goals and this forms part of your daily vision. We will work together to achieve a common vision and mission (what is your purpose in life), which will be the first stepping stone in providing the foundation (understanding what career path you would want to follow) for your successful future (achieving your long term goal) and in the hope that your dreams and happiness (chosen career field) will become a vision of hope… Vision and Mission Statement of Resource Plus Training and Development: Being able to see what potential the youth of today has and realising that they are falling behind because their true potential is not being utilized, I decided to become a mentor and trainer to the youth of today by equipping them with a set of basic skills. These skills will provide the youth with a set of building blocks that is required to put together to create a foundation for their successful futures and careers. By being able to understand and analyse the simplest concepts in life, our confidence reaps out there will be excitement and joy when you succeed in life… What does Resource Plus Training and Development offer: •Attending interviews - I will assess how students conducts themselves in interviews and provide them with relevant skills that he/she might be lacking •Career Guidance - Assess his/her short and long term goals and see if he/she is in the right industry of work •Compiling your CV - I will go through his/her CV and adjust their CV to make the CV more marketable •Marketing yourself as a candidate – Skills needed when applying for jobs or contacting people •Addressing e-mails in the workplace - Using the correct business English when addressing emails to superiors or colleagues •Top companies to work for - Background information about the different companies and the competing industries •Companies preferences - What companies look for individuals •Basic computer skills needed in the workplace – Mainly focusing on Ms Outlook For more information, kindly contact Preshika Bennideen on or 0117899858. Website:
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