MTS Skills & Operator Training Centre We are fully equipment and Accreditted to offer mining and earthmoving machinery Operators and Artisan courses, we train both theory and practicals. Call/WhatsApp on 0738981112 27738981112 FORKLIFT - 1 WEEK - R2500. MOBILE CRANES - 14 days - R6, 000. Tractor Loader Backhoe (T.L.B� -14 days – R5,500 TOWER CRANES – 14 days – R5, 500. LHD SCOOP - 14days – R6, 500. DRILL RIG -14 days - R6,000. UV (utility vehicle) – R5, 500. 14 Days BOB CAT - R4, 500, R14 days Articulated DUMP TRUCKS;14 days - R5, 500. EXCAVATOR - 14 days – R5, 500. FEL (front end loader) - 14 days – R5,500. GRADER - 14 days - R5, 500. OVER HEAD CRANES – 14 DAYS – R5,500. BULLDOZER – 14 DAYS – R5,500 DUMP TRUCK 777 R7,000 (To train the 777 you need to have driving skills. Note: You don’t need to have a licence, only so long as you can drive). DIESEL MECHANICS – 6 weeks – R15000 (free overalls u just buy your own safety boots) OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY (safety officer, safety management, safety representative,) with FIRST AID LEVEL 1 is 4 to 5 weeks – R11, 000. Free overalls you just buy your safety boots. (FREE BASIC FIRE FIGHTING TRAINING FOR ONLY THOSE TAKING THE OHS COURSE. This is our new 2020 offer) BOILER MAKER / WELDING – R10,000 – 1 MONTH (free overalls u just buy your own safety boots). FIRST AID 1, 2, & 3 LEVEL – R 8500 – 3 WEEKS. (free accommodation and free overalls). RIGGING – 6 WEEKS - R17,000. (free overalls come with safety boots). FITTING AND TURNING – 4 to 5 weeks – R 16,000 (free overalls come with safety boots) ELECTRICAL – 6 WEEKS – 15,000. (free overalls come with safety boots). FITTER INCLUDING MACHINERY – 4 WEEKS – R17, 000 (free overalls come with safety boots). PIPE FITTING – R 15,000 – 4 WEEKS (free overalls come with safety boots) PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL FEES INCLUDES REGISTRATION FEE, and ASSESSMENT FEE (PRACTICAL) We are located in Rustenburg North west
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