Short life bree
Top sales list short life bree

South Africa (All cities)
R 30
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South Africa (All cities)
Buy The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner - Stephenie Meyer - Hard Cover for R30.00
R 30
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South Africa (All cities)
Buy A Short Path to Change: 30 Ways to Transform Your Life | Jenny Mannion for R73.00
R 73
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South Africa (All cities)
Buy The Christian Remembrancer - Or, Short Reflections Upon the Faith, Life, and Conduct of a Real Chris for R414.00
R 414
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South Africa (All cities)
Buy Meet Martin Luther - His Life and Teachings by Ruth Gordon Short (US 1959) for R120.00
R 120
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Cape Town (Western Cape)
here same of students testimonies “Actually I can say I am liking my Studying with Kingsway College. One thing I like about studying with Kingsway is the time, Flexibility. I mean for me I have to come study and later go for work, so for someone who is working like me I will recommend Because being at work and studying, Someone would need time to rest and kingsways studying time or roaster is flexible thus it caters for Non-working and working Students. To be Honest at first I judged by appearance and size, But I was proved After my first lecture that Appearance is nothing as Compared to Knowledge. I mean the lectures are above average, understandable and made easy.I simply like the way the lectures are being presented to me, For anyone who wish to study I will Recommend Kingsway College for Flexible Studying times and Conditions” - Remember Chibururu Kingsway college helped me achieved the inevitable, it helped me set my goals and also achieve it, I found my studies quiet convenient and flexible as the time table wasn't a hectic 8-5 or worse 6 classes was kept at a minimal and it didn't occupy to much of my daily schedule I'd recommend Kingsway College to anyone who is working 9-5 and still has a dream he / she would like to rekindle Kingsway College is the Way for you. - Monique When my mom told me I had to resume my studies I wasnt to pleased of the idea of going back to school as sitting in a class all day isn't very appealing.When I first went to inquire about Kingsway College the staff was friendly and helpful, Studying wasnt all bad as it didn't take to much away from my daily schedule. Lectures were convenient enough to attend, classes weren't a dead sentence as the lectures knew what they were doing it made things so much easier. I'm taking things a day at a time I've learned so much in such a short period of time and from this point onward I can only grow into better person kingsway college gave me the necessary platform to achieve my goals. - Jason Kings
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South Africa
TRAFFIC AND POLICING COURSE 2016 REGISTRATION IN PROGRESS AT UNITED CITY COLLEGE REGISTRATION FOR 2016 EXAMINATIONS (DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION-JS700400593, COMPTIA, QCTO NATED NO.13/0037, FET 00969PA, GDE No.400593,ICB Accreditation No. 300798,SASSETAAcreditation No. 141199969246, Affiliated to Afric Police) National Diploma in Policing NQF L6 61729 (RESOLVING OF CRIME) FULL TIME AND PART TIME CLASSES AVAILABLE(DAY, EVENING AND WEEKEND CLASSES United City College is one of the best colleges in Gauteng that offers high quality programmes that are recognised in the business world and provide learners with opportunities to advance their careers. Becoming part of the United City College’s success story will pave your way to a prosperous future with high quality short & long term courses. United City College South Africa has been helping thousands of students to reach their dreams by giving them access to quality distance learning courses, short courses and computer courses. United City College South Africa has a course to meet everyone’s' needs. Practical and Training Practical: Firearm Training Practical: Physical Restraining Techniques Practical: Baton Training Practical: Tactical Street Survival NB .Computer Practise is an added compulsory subject of which you shall be examined by Ministry of Higher Education. Career Opportunities: On completion of National Diploma Policing you will be qualified to work in areas of Security & surveillance, Private Security, SAPS/Metro, Community Policing and National Intelligence. 2016 STUDENT SPECIALS: Only BE A UNITED CITY COLLEGE STUDENT TO QUALIFY Free registration if payment is done before 31 December 2015 Pay 3 Months in Advance and attend the 4th Month Free, OR Pay 4 months in advance and get a FREE TABLET First 100 students will get Free Cell phones 20% Discount on Full Payment of your Tuition Fees, 0R simply Get R1500 off once you pay in full, Free T-shirts, Free Caps Free Driver’s Licence (ONLY applicable to Traffic and Policing Students) For all other courses we offer a Discounted Driver’s Program.i. e 30% Discount on all your Lessons) Free Computer Lessons Free WIFI 24 hours internet FREE TRANSPORT IS PROVIDED TO COLLECT YOU FROM MTN TAX RANK OR BREE TAX RANK IF YOU ARE COMING FROM OUTSIDE JOHANNESSBURG. ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE For more information please contact UNITED CITY COLLEGE on: 081 056 5545; 011 334 2704 OR WhatsApp; +27810565545 OR Visit us at; Number 8 Kruis Street, Opposite Fire Station, and Johannesburg
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Johannesburg (Gauteng)
TRAFFIC AND POLICING COURSE 2016 REGISTRATION NOW OPEN AT UNITED CITY COLLEGE National Diploma in Policing NQF L6 61729 (RESOLVING OF CRIME) FULL TIME AND PART TIME CLASSES AVAILABLE(DAY, EVENING AND WEEKEND CLASSES United City College is one of the best colleges in Gauteng that offers high quality programmes that are recognised in the business world and provide learners with opportunities to advance their careers. Becoming part of the United City College’s success story will pave your way to a prosperous future with high quality short & long term courses. United City College South Africa has been helping thousands of students to reach their dreams by giving them access to quality distance learning courses, short courses and computer courses. United City College South Africa has a course to meet everyone’s' needs. Practical and Training Practical: Firearm Training Practical: Physical Restraining Techniques Practical: Baton Training Practical: Tactical Street Survival NB .Computer Practise is an added compulsory subject of which you shall be examined by Ministry of Higher Education. Career Opportunities: On completion of National Diploma Policing you will be qualified to work in areas of Security & surveillance, Private Security, SAPS/Metro, Community Policing and National Intelligence. 2016 STUDENT SPECIALS: Only BE A UNITED CITY COLLEGE STUDENT TO QUALIFY Free registration if payment is done before 28th February 2016 Pay 3 Months in Advance and attend the 4th Month Free, OR Pay 4 months in advance and get a FREE TABLET First 100 students will get Free Cell phones 20% Discount on Full Payment of your Tuition Fees, 0R simply Get R1500 off once you pay in full, Free T-shirts, Free Caps Free Driver’s Licence (ONLY applicable to Traffic and Policing Students) For all other courses we offer a Discounted Driver’s Program.i. e 30% Discount on all your Lessons) Free Computer Lessons Free WIFI 24 hours internet Free transport is provided to collect you from MTNTAX RANK or BREE TAX RANK if you are coming from outside JOHANNESBURG. ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE For more information please contact UNITED CITY COLLEGE on: 081 056 5545; 011 334 2704 OR WhatsApp; +27810565545 OR Visit us at; Number 8 Kruis Street, Opposite Fire Station, and Johannesburg OR WEB: SHOW ME PROOF OF THIS ADVERT THEN YOU GET YOUR FREE REGISTRATION
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Johannesburg (Gauteng)
PUBLIC RELATIONS DIPLOMA N4-N6 FACULTY OF BUSINESS STUDIES N4-N6 JANUARY 2016 INTAKE REGISTRATION IN currently in PROGRESS AT UNITED CITY COLLEGE FULL TIME AND PART TIME CLASSES AVAILABLE (DAY, EVENING AND WEEKEND CLASSES United City College is one of the best colleges in Gauteng that offers high quality programmes that are recognised in the business world and provide learners with opportunities to advance their careers. Becoming part of the United City College’s success story will pave your way to a prosperous future with high quality short & long term courses. United City College South Africa has been helping thousands of students to reach their dreams by giving them access to quality distance learning courses, short courses and computer courses. United City College South Africa has a course to meet everyone’s' needs. N4:Information Processing, Entrepreneurship, Communication, Computer Practice. N5: Information Processing, Entrepreneurship, Communication, Computer Practice. N6: Information Processing, Entrepreneurship, Communication, Computer Practice. Career Options: Assistant in Public Relations Officer, Public Relations Officer, Marketer and Promoter, Personal Assistant. 2016 STUDENT SPECIALS: Only BE A UNITED CITY COLLEGE STUDENT TO QUALIFY Free registration if payment is done before 28th February 2016 Pay 3 Months in Advance and attend the 4th Month Free, OR Pay 4 months in advance and get a FREE TABLET First 100 students will get Free Cell phones 20% Discount on Full Payment of your Tuition Fees, 0R simply Get R1500 off once you pay in full, Free T-shirts, Free Caps Free Driver’s Licence (ONLY applicable to Traffic and Policing Students) For all other courses we offer a Discounted Driver’s Program.i. e 30% Discount on all your Lessons) Free Computer Lessons Free WIFI 24 hours internet Free transport is provided to collect you from MTNTAX RANK or BREE TAX RANK if you are coming from outside JOHANNESBURG. ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE For more information please contact UNITED CITY COLLEGE on: 081 056 5545; 011 334 2704 OR WhatsApp; +27810565545 OR Visit us at; Number 8 Kruis Street, Opposite Fire Station, and Johannesburg OR WEB: SHOW ME PROOF OF THIS ADVERT THEN YOU GET YOUR FREE REGISTRATION
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Johannesburg (Gauteng)
Description of Resource Plus Training and Development: We train, develop and mentor young individuals, students and graduates. We will train and provide you with the skills necessary to ace the interview, get the job and how to conduct yourself in the workplace. Goal of Resource Plus Training and Development: To equip young individuals with the necessary skills to enter a workplace with the know-how and confidence needed to succeed. We will analyse your short term and long term goals so that your long term goals are intercepted into your short term goals and this forms part of your daily vision. We will work together to achieve a common vision and mission (what is your purpose in life), which will be the first stepping stone in providing the foundation (understanding what career path you would want to follow) for your successful future (achieving your long term goal) and in the hope that your dreams and happiness (chosen career field) will become a vision of hope… Vision and Mission Statement of Resource Plus Training and Development: Being able to see what potential the youth of today has and realising that they are falling behind because their true potential is not being utilized, I decided to become a mentor and trainer to the youth of today by equipping them with a set of basic skills. These skills will provide the youth with a set of building blocks that is required to put together to create a foundation for their successful futures and careers. By being able to understand and analyse the simplest concepts in life, our confidence reaps out there will be excitement and joy when you succeed in life… What does Resource Plus Training and Development offer: •Attending interviews - I will assess how students conducts themselves in interviews and provide them with relevant skills that he/she might be lacking •Career Guidance - Assess his/her short and long term goals and see if he/she is in the right industry of work •Compiling your CV - I will go through his/her CV and adjust their CV to make the CV more marketable •Marketing yourself as a candidate – Skills needed when applying for jobs or contacting people •Addressing e-mails in the workplace - Using the correct business English when addressing emails to superiors or colleagues •Top companies to work for - Background information about the different companies and the competing industries •Companies preferences - What companies look for individuals •Basic computer skills needed in the workplace – Mainly focusing on Ms Outlook For more information, kindly contact Preshika Bennideen on or 0117899858. Website:
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South Africa
HIGH SCHOOL GRADE 8 – 12 2016 REGISTRATION IN PROGRESS AT UNITED CITY COLLEGE. (REGISTERED EXAMINATION CENTRE) REGISTRATION FOR 2016 EXAMINATIONS (DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION-JS700400593, COMPTIA, QCTO NATED NO.13/0037, FET 00969PA, GDE No.400593,ICB Accreditation No. 300798,SASSETAAcreditation No. 141199969246, Affiliated to Afric Police) AS A PARENT ARE YOU WORRIED ABOUT YOUR CHILD’S MATRIC RESULTS? Are you worried about your child’s future? If so UNITED CITY COLLEGE is there for you. We offer ONE ON ONE TUITION We offer FACE TO FACE TUITION where you child’s problems will be dealt with on an individual basis. Above all we have specialised teachers that are there for child 24/7 to help your child achieve his/her dream Matric rewrites 2016 registration now open at united city college ABOVE ALL during you’re the period your child will be with us he/she will be able to visit our MATHEMATICS CENTRE, SCIENCE CENTRE and ACCOUNTS CENTRE for Extra Lessons GRADE 8 – 9 (Senior Phase) United City College-High School provides a Careful selection of NINE Compulsory subjects of which Computer Literacy is an Additional Subject. We offer the following subjects: 1. Mathematics (MLMMS) 2. English FAL or HL(EFAL/EHL) 3. Afrikaans/IsiZulu HL or FAL 4. Natural Science(NS) 5. Social Science(SS) 6. Life Orientation(LO) 7. Economics and Management Sciences (EMS) 8. Technology(TECH) 9. Art and culture(AC) 10. Computer Literacy(CL) GRADE 10-11 (FET) Choose FOUR of the following Compulsory Subjects: 1. Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy 2. English (Home Language/ First Additional Language) 3. Afrikaans/ IsiZulu( First Additional Language/ Home Language) 4. Life Orientation Choose at least THREE (3) of the following subjects. Note that After Grade 9 the subject that our student chooses will determine their future Career and hence propels that into the Future they Desire. Commercials 1. Business Studies 2. Accounting 3. Geography 4. Economics 5. CAT Sciences 1. Physical Sciences 2. Life Science 3. Geography 4. CAT Humanities (Grade 10 Only) 1. Geography 2. History 3. Tourism 4. Consumer Studies 5. Computer skills 2016 STUDENT SPECIALS: Only BE A UNITED CITY COLLEGE STUDENT TO QUALIFY Free registration if payment is done before 31 December 2015 Pay 3 Months in Advance and attend the 4th Month Free, OR Pay 4 months in advance and get a FREE TABLET First 100 students will get Free Cell phones 20% Discount on Full Payment of your Tuition Fees, 0R simply Get R1500 off once you pay in full, Free T-shirts, Free Caps Free Driver’s Licence (ONLY applicable to Traffic and Policing Students) For all other courses we offer a Discounted Driver’s Program.i. e 30% Discount on all your Lessons) Free Computer Lessons Free WIFI 24 hours internet FREE TRANSPORT IS PROVIDED TO COLLECT YOU FROM MTN TAX RANK OR BREE TAX RANK IF YOU ARE COMING FROM OUTSIDE JOHANNESSBURG. ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE For more information please contact UNITED CITY COLLEGE on: 081 056 5545; 011 334 2704 OR WhatsApp; +27810565545 OR Visit us at; Number 8 Kruis Street, Opposite Fire Station, and Johannesburg
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South Africa (All cities)
Introduction: In the digital world of stories, Matrubharti stands out for its diverse collection of hindi stories, short stories, motivational stories, children stories, novels ,spiritual stories, horror stories . It's a place where you can find inspiring Hindi stories for children and motivational tales for everyone. Let's explore the magic that Matrubharti brings to readers of all ages. Section 1: Magical Hindi Stories for Kids Discover the enchanting world of Hindi stories designed just for kids. These stories not only entertain but also teach important life lessons. Matrubharti takes pride in preserving the beauty of the Hindi language while creating captivating tales for young minds. Section 2: Motivational Tales for Everyone Matrubharti goes beyond traditional storytelling. It offers a variety of motivational tales suitable for readers of all ages. From short stories to longer novellas, Matrubharti is a treasure trove for those seeking motivation and positivity in their reading. Section 3: Meet Our Storytellers Celebrate the diverse community of storytellers that makes Matrubharti a thriving literary hub. Get to know both established and emerging authors who contribute to the platform, creating a collaborative space for creativity. Section 4: Your Guide to Matrubharti For newcomers and seasoned users alike, this section provides insights into navigating Matrubharti's user-friendly interface. Discover trending stories, engage with fellow readers and writers, and make the most of Matrubharti's seamless reading experience. Conclusion: Matrubharti - Where Stories Come Alive Wrap up by emphasizing Matrubharti's role as a dynamic platform where stories come alive. Whether you're a child exploring Hindi storytelling or an adult seeking motivation, Matrubharti caters to diverse literary tastes. Call to Action: Dive into Matrubharti's Stories Today! Encourage readers to embark on a literary journey by exploring Matrubharti's vast collection of stories. Invite them to discover the magic of Hindi storytelling and the motivation embedded in every tale.
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Port Elizabeth (Eastern Cape)
ACADEMIC EDUCATION IS NOT ENOUGH. IT DOES NOT PREPARE THEM FOR SUCCESS. A child will struggle as an adult without the basic principles of Integrity, Self-confidence, Work Ethics, Professionalism, Love and the likes. These are the principles they need for success… which they should be taught in school but are not. The answer is a certified ONLINE course, “Total Power” Inspiration the most powerful self-empowerment programme on the planet. It is a short and dynamic 9-week programme 1 x module per week that takes no more than about 15 minutes a day. Each module has a Memorandum of Understanding at the end which has to be completed and submitted for scoring. Detailed records are kept on each candidate. The course comes with a SUPPORT AND GUIDANCE service to ensure maximum benefit from the course. The service is worth R3,600.00. It is FREE with the course. Take advantage of our SPECIAL COVID-19 OFFER of a discount of 75% available until this end of this month. Normal Price - R3,600.00 SPECIAL COVID-19 OFFER LESS 75% - YOU SAVE R2,700.00 ONLY R900.00 CASH. CASH PAYMENT gets a FREE GIFT worth R1,260.00 - a Scientific Personality Profile for the one doing the course. It is 99.9% accurate as verified by SAMDC. Email: or WhatsApp your mail address to: 079 477 7656 for full details. An easy payment plan is also available of 3 x payments of R330.00 each (R90.00 extra). Do a 1st payment EFT of R330.00 and Module 1 is sent within 24 hrs. Balance is due before the final module is sent. Certificate of Competence is presented on successful completion of the course. We walk with you every step of the way. For more details simply drop us an Email at: or WhatsApp your email address to 079 477 7656. You know how tough life can be. Empower your child with the self-confidence to succeed in life. Total satisfaction or total refund is our standard service guarantee. TAKE ACTION NOW!! Email us at: or WhatsApp 079 477 7656 AGENTS NEEDEDAGENTS NEEDEDAGENTS NEEDED EC Training Network – Professional Life Skills training for more than 25 years.
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South Africa
MATRIC REWRITES 2016 REGISTRATION IN PROGRESS AT UNITED CITY COLLEGE. (REGISTERED EXAMINATION CENTRE) REGISTRATION FOR 2016 EXAMINATIONS (DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION-JS700400593, COMPTIA, QCTO NATED NO.13/0037, FET 00969PA, GDE No.400593,ICB Accreditation No. 300798,SASSETAAcreditation No. 141199969246, Affiliated to Afric Police) AS A PARENT ARE YOU WORRIED ABOUT YOUR CHILD’S MATRIC RESULTS? Are you worried about your child’s future? If so UNITED CITY COLLEGE is there for you. We offer ONE ON ONE TUITION We offer FACE TO FACE TUITION where you child’s problems will be dealt with on an individual basis. Above all we have specialised teachers that are there for child 24/7 to help your child achieve his/her dream Matric rewrites 2015 registration now open at united city college ABOVE ALL during you’re the period your child will be with us he/she will be able to visit our MATHEMATICS CENTRE, SCIENCE CENTRE and ACCOUNTS CENTRE for Extra Lessons Subjects: 1. Physical Science 2. Mathematics 3. Mathematical Literacy 4. Life Science 5. Agricultural Science 6. Accounting 7. Economics 8. Business Studies 9. Geography 10. History 11. Tourism 12. English First Additional Language 13. English Home Language 14. IsiZulu- Home Language 15. IsiZulu First Additional Language 16. Afrikaans Home Language 17. Afrikaans First Additional Language 18. CAT 19. Information Technology 2016 STUDENT SPECIALS: Only BE A UNITED CITY COLLEGE STUDENT TO QUALIFY Free registration if payment is done before 31 December 2015 Pay 3 Months in Advance and attend the 4th Month Free, OR Pay 4 months in advance and get a FREE TABLET First 100 students will get Free Cell phones 20% Discount on Full Payment of your Tuition Fees, 0R simply Get R1500 off once you pay in full, Free T-shirts, Free Caps Free Driver’s Licence (ONLY applicable to Traffic and Policing Students) For all other courses we offer a Discounted Driver’s Program.i. e 30% Discount on all your Lessons) Free Computer Lessons Free WIFI 24 hours internet FREE TRANSPORT IS PROVIDED TO COLLECT YOU FROM MTN TAX RANK OR BREE TAX RANK IF YOU ARE COMING FROM OUTSIDE JOHANNESSBURG. ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE For more information please contact UNITED CITY COLLEGE on: 081 056 5545; 011 334 2704 OR WhatsApp; +27810565545 OR Visit us at; Number 8 Kruis Street, Opposite Fire Station, and Johannesburg
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Johannesburg (Gauteng)
FINISH MATRIC IN 6 MONTHS MATRIC REWRITES 2016 REGISTRATIONNOW OPEN AT UNITED CITY COLLEGE. (REGISTERED EXAMINATION CENTRE) AS A PARENT ARE YOU WORRIED ABOUT YOUR CHILD’S MATRIC RESULTS? Are you worried about your child’s future? If so UNITED CITY COLLEGE is there for you. We offer ONE ON ONE TUITION We offer FACE TO FACE TUITION where you child’s problems will be dealt with on an individual basis. Above all we have specialised teachers that are there for child 24/7 to help your child achieve his/her dream Matric rewrites 2015 registration now open at united city college ABOVE ALL during you’re the period your child will be with us he/she will be able to visit our MATHEMATICS CENTRE, SCIENCE CENTRE and ACCOUNTS CENTRE for Extra Lessons Subjects: 1. Physical Science 2. Mathematics 3. Mathematical Literacy 4. Life Science 5. Agricultural Science 6. Accounting 7. Economics 8. Business Studies 9. Geography 10. History 11. Tourism 12. English First Additional Language 13. English Home Language 14. IsiZulu- Home Language 15. IsiZulu First Additional Language 16. Afrikaans Home Language 17. Afrikaans First Additional Language 18. CAT 19. Information Technology 2016 STUDENT SPECIALS: Only BE A UNITED CITY COLLEGE STUDENT TO QUALIFY Free registration if payment is done before 28th February 2016 Pay 3 Months in Advance and attend the 4th Month Free, OR Pay 4 months in advance and get a FREE TABLET First 100 students will get Free Cell phones 20% Discount on Full Payment of your Tuition Fees, 0R simply Get R1500 off once you pay in full, Free T-shirts, Free Caps Free Driver’s Licence (ONLY applicable to Traffic and Policing Students) For all other courses we offer a Discounted Driver’s Program.i. e 30% Discount on all your Lessons) Free Computer Lessons Free WIFI 24 hours internet Free transport is provided to collect you from MTNTAX RANK or BREE TAX RANK if you are coming from outside JOHANNESBURG. ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE For more information please contact UNITED CITY COLLEGE on: 081 056 5545; 011 334 2704 OR WhatsApp; +27810565545 OR Visit us at; Number 8 Kruis Street, Opposite Fire Station, and Johannesburg OR WEB: SHOW ME PROOF OF THIS ADVERT THEN YOU GET YOUR FREE REGISTRATION
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