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South Africa
HIGH SCHOOL GRADE 8 – 12 2016 REGISTRATION IN PROGRESS AT UNITED CITY COLLEGE. (REGISTERED EXAMINATION CENTRE) REGISTRATION FOR 2016 EXAMINATIONS (DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION-JS700400593, COMPTIA, QCTO NATED NO.13/0037, FET 00969PA, GDE No.400593,ICB Accreditation No. 300798,SASSETAAcreditation No. 141199969246, Affiliated to Afric Police) AS A PARENT ARE YOU WORRIED ABOUT YOUR CHILD’S MATRIC RESULTS? Are you worried about your child’s future? If so UNITED CITY COLLEGE is there for you. We offer ONE ON ONE TUITION We offer FACE TO FACE TUITION where you child’s problems will be dealt with on an individual basis. Above all we have specialised teachers that are there for child 24/7 to help your child achieve his/her dream Matric rewrites 2016 registration now open at united city college ABOVE ALL during you’re the period your child will be with us he/she will be able to visit our MATHEMATICS CENTRE, SCIENCE CENTRE and ACCOUNTS CENTRE for Extra Lessons GRADE 8 – 9 (Senior Phase) United City College-High School provides a Careful selection of NINE Compulsory subjects of which Computer Literacy is an Additional Subject. We offer the following subjects: 1. Mathematics (MLMMS) 2. English FAL or HL(EFAL/EHL) 3. Afrikaans/IsiZulu HL or FAL 4. Natural Science(NS) 5. Social Science(SS) 6. Life Orientation(LO) 7. Economics and Management Sciences (EMS) 8. Technology(TECH) 9. Art and culture(AC) 10. Computer Literacy(CL) GRADE 10-11 (FET) Choose FOUR of the following Compulsory Subjects: 1. Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy 2. English (Home Language/ First Additional Language) 3. Afrikaans/ IsiZulu( First Additional Language/ Home Language) 4. Life Orientation Choose at least THREE (3) of the following subjects. Note that After Grade 9 the subject that our student chooses will determine their future Career and hence propels that into the Future they Desire. Commercials 1. Business Studies 2. Accounting 3. Geography 4. Economics 5. CAT Sciences 1. Physical Sciences 2. Life Science 3. Geography 4. CAT Humanities (Grade 10 Only) 1. Geography 2. History 3. Tourism 4. Consumer Studies 5. Computer skills 2016 STUDENT SPECIALS: Only BE A UNITED CITY COLLEGE STUDENT TO QUALIFY Free registration if payment is done before 31 December 2015 Pay 3 Months in Advance and attend the 4th Month Free, OR Pay 4 months in advance and get a FREE TABLET First 100 students will get Free Cell phones 20% Discount on Full Payment of your Tuition Fees, 0R simply Get R1500 off once you pay in full, Free T-shirts, Free Caps Free Driver’s Licence (ONLY applicable to Traffic and Policing Students) For all other courses we offer a Discounted Driver’s Program.i. e 30% Discount on all your Lessons) Free Computer Lessons Free WIFI 24 hours internet FREE TRANSPORT IS PROVIDED TO COLLECT YOU FROM MTN TAX RANK OR BREE TAX RANK IF YOU ARE COMING FROM OUTSIDE JOHANNESSBURG. ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE For more information please contact UNITED CITY COLLEGE on: 081 056 5545; 011 334 2704 OR WhatsApp; +27810565545 OR Visit us at; Number 8 Kruis Street, Opposite Fire Station, and Johannesburg
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Johannesburg (Gauteng)
Inspirational speaker and best-selling author, Nikki Bush, is highly regarded among business people, educators and parents alike as she helps them to manage, educate and parent talent for the new world of work. Her work is fueled by her passion for play, connection and relationships. She is fondly referred to as a Creative Parenting Expert in parenting and education circles and is gaining a reputation as a Talent Whisperer in the corporate sphere. She is the co-author of three bestselling books: Future-proof Your Child (Penguin, 2008) co-authored with Dr Graeme Codrington, Easy Answers to Awkward Questions (Metz Press, 2009) co-authored with Ilze Alberts and Tech-Savvy Parenting (Bookstorm, 2014) co-authored with Arthur Goldstuck. She is currently writing Raising Entrepreneurs (Bookstorm) with Allon Raiz and Talent Redefined with Raymond de Villiers.
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