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South Africa (All cities)
The revolutionary SpeedPro Max with a 360° suction nozzle thoroughly picks up dirt with every stroke, forward and back — even along walls and furniture. With this powerful tool, you can clean more in less time on both hard floors and carpets. The PowerCyclone 8 is Philips' most powerful bagless technology and the PowerBlade digital motor creates high airflow, while the triple filtration system means this machine can maintain this strong airflow for longer. Its 25V Li-Ion batteries provide up to 65 minutes of cleaning power and the digital display shows the battery usage and speed for convenience.  Vacuum cleaner with an integrated handheld unit, crevice tool and brush  Features a 360° suction nozzle which captures dust and dirt from all sides Powerful bagless technology ensures consistent, strong airflow (>1000 L/min) Up to 65 minutes of cleaning power with 25V Li-Ion batteries Unique dust bucket design empties without dust clouds Smart digital display indicates speed and battery usage Video Play Video This item comes with the Philips Green Logo — products marked with this logo offer a significant environmental improvement in one or more of the Philips Green Focal Areas — energy efficiency, packaging, hazardous substances, weight, recycling and disposal, and lifetime reliability. Specifications Battery type: Li-Ion Battery voltage: 25.2 V Charging time: 5 hours Runtime: 65 minutes Turbo runtime: 21 minutes Sound power level: 84 dB Airflow: >1000 l/min Dust capacity: 600ml Weight: 2.7kg Accessories included: AC power adaptor, integrated brush, wall-mount docking Standard nozzle: 360° suction nozzle Additional nozzle: Motorised turbo brush Care Instructions Motor filter is washable Warranty Info This product comes with a 2 year international warranty
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South Africa (All cities)
Note: We're able to deliver this item to you currently, during lockdown level 4, based on government guidelines. Check the stock availability message box for more information about when we can get it to you. The revolutionary SpeedPro Max with a 360° suction nozzle thoroughly picks up dirt with every stroke, forward and back — even along walls and furniture. With this powerful tool, you can clean more in less time on both hard floors and carpets. The PowerCyclone 8 is Philips' most powerful bagless technology and the PowerBlade digital motor creates high airflow, while the triple filtration system means this machine can maintain this strong airflow for longer. Its 25V Li-Ion batteries provide up to 65 minutes of cleaning power and the digital display shows the battery usage and speed for convenience.  Vacuum cleaner with an integrated handheld unit, crevice tool and brush  Features a 360° suction nozzle which captures dust and dirt from all sides Powerful bagless technology ensures consistent, strong airflow (>1000 L/min) Up to 65 minutes of cleaning power with 25V Li-Ion batteries Unique dust bucket design empties without dust clouds Smart digital display indicates speed and battery usage Video Play Video This item comes with the Philips Green Logo — products marked with this logo offer a significant environmental improvement in one or more of the Philips Green Focal Areas — energy efficiency, packaging, hazardous substances, weight, recycling and disposal, and lifetime reliability. Specifications Battery type: Li-Ion Battery voltage: 25.2 V Charging time: 5 hours Runtime: 65 minutes Turbo runtime: 21 minutes Sound power level: 84 dB Airflow: >1000 l/min Dust capacity: 600ml Weight: 2.7kg Accessories included: AC power adaptor, integrated brush, wall-mount docking Standard nozzle: 360° suction nozzle Additional nozzle: Motorised turbo brush Care Instructions Motor filter is washable Warranty Info This product comes with a 2 year international warranty
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South Africa (All cities)
Note: We're able to deliver this item to you during the current lockdown level, based on government guidelines. Check the stock availability message box for more information about when we can get it to you. The revolutionary SpeedPro Max with a 360° suction nozzle thoroughly picks up dirt with every stroke, forward and back — even along walls and furniture. With this powerful tool, you can clean more in less time on both hard floors and carpets. The PowerCyclone 8 is Philips' most powerful bagless technology and the PowerBlade digital motor creates high airflow, while the triple filtration system means this machine can maintain this strong airflow for longer. Its 25V Li-Ion batteries provide up to 65 minutes of cleaning power and the digital display shows the battery usage and speed for convenience.  Vacuum cleaner with an integrated handheld unit, crevice tool and brush  Features a 360° suction nozzle which captures dust and dirt from all sides Powerful bagless technology ensures consistent, strong airflow (>1000 L/min) Up to 65 minutes of cleaning power with 25V Li-Ion batteries Unique dust bucket design empties without dust clouds Smart digital display indicates speed and battery usage Video Play Video This item comes with the Philips Green Logo — products marked with this logo offer a significant environmental improvement in one or more of the Philips Green Focal Areas — energy efficiency, packaging, hazardous substances, weight, recycling and disposal, and lifetime reliability. Specifications Battery type: Li-Ion Battery voltage: 25.2 V Charging time: 5 hours Runtime: 65 minutes Turbo runtime: 21 minutes Sound power level: 84 dB Airflow: >1000 l/min Dust capacity: 600ml Weight: 2.7kg Accessories included: AC power adaptor, integrated brush, wall-mount docking Standard nozzle: 360° suction nozzle Additional nozzle: Motorised turbo brush Care Instructions Motor filter is washable Warranty Info This product comes with a 2 year international warranty
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South Africa (All cities)
The revolutionary SpeedPro Max with a 360° suction nozzle thoroughly picks up dirt with every stroke, forward and back — even along walls and furniture. With this powerful tool, you can clean more in less time on both hard floors and carpets. The PowerCyclone 8 is Philips' most powerful bagless technology and the PowerBlade digital motor creates high airflow, while the triple filtration system means this machine can maintain this strong airflow for longer. Its 25V Li-Ion batteries provide up to 65 minutes of cleaning power and the digital display shows the battery usage and speed for convenience.  Vacuum cleaner with an integrated handheld unit, crevice tool and brush  Features a 360° suction nozzle which captures dust and dirt from all sides Powerful bagless technology ensures consistent, strong airflow (>1000 L/min) Up to 65 minutes of cleaning power with 25V Li-Ion batteries Unique dust bucket design empties without dust clouds Smart digital display indicates speed and battery usage Video Play Video This item comes with the Philips Green Logo — products marked with this logo offer a significant environmental improvement in one or more of the Philips Green Focal Areas — energy efficiency, packaging, hazardous substances, weight, recycling and disposal, and lifetime reliability. Specifications Battery type: Li-Ion Battery voltage: 25.2 V Charging time: 5 hours Runtime: 65 minutes Turbo runtime: 21 minutes Sound power level: 84 dB Airflow: >1000 l/min Dust capacity: 600ml Weight: 2.7kg Accessories included: AC power adaptor, integrated brush, wall-mount docking Standard nozzle: 360° suction nozzle Additional nozzle: Motorised turbo brush Care Instructions Motor filter is washable Warranty Info This product comes with a 2 year warranty
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South Africa (All cities)
When the power goes out make sure that you have a reliable backup lantern to help navigate the darkness. The PackLite Max 2-in-1 Phone Charger & Lantern is a solar inflatable lantern and phone charger that packs flat for easy carrying and charging on the go. It's the perfect all-purpose solar device to light up your campsite, family tent, or provide back up power to your devices when you need it most. The lantern provides over 150 lumens of bright LED light on Turbo mode and can run for up to 50 hours on Low mode The Max 2-in-1 phone charger will light up 20 square metres 80,000+ hours of rechargeable battery It recharges via solar power in 14 hours of sunlight or by USB input in 1-2 hours The 5V USB output port will recharge your phone in 2-4 hours depending on your type of phone LuminAID is a socially and environmentally responsible company that has been donating lanterns to people in disaster areas for over a decade. LuminAID products are made from sustainable materials. Specifications Dimensions: 15.25cm L x 15.25cm W x 15.25cm H Weight: 235g Warranty Info This product comes with a 1 year warranty
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Port Elizabeth (Eastern Cape)
Genesis hydrovac turbo 230v-50hz 1400W nom/1600W max Please note that it doesn't have a head/brush infront Good condition Contact me on 0609895777
R 600
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South Africa (All cities)
Finish your cleaning faster with the Philips Speedpro Max Aqua Cordless Stick Vacuum Cleaner. This 3-in-1 cordless vacuum with an integrated mop system and AquaBoost function (for tough dirt) helps you tackle multiple types of dirt at once with a 360° suction nozzle that thoroughly picks up dirt with every stroke — even under low furniture. The PowerCyclone 8 is Philips' most powerful bagless technology and the PowerBlade digital motor creates high airflow, while the triple filtration system means this machine can maintain this strong airflow for longer. Its 25.2V Li-Ion batteries provide up to 75 minutes of cleaning power. The nozzle also features an LED light to show hidden dust and dirt. 3-in-1 vacuum cleaner with a mop function and handheld operation Features a 360° suction nozzle which captures dust and dirt from all sides Powerful bagless technology ensures consistent, strong airflow (>1000 L/min) Features an AquaBoost function for tougher dirt Up to 75 minutes of cleaning power with 25.2V Li-Ion batteries Unique dust bucket design empties without dust clouds Smart digital display indicates speed and battery usage Integrated handheld unit, crevice tool and brush LED nozzle reveals hidden dust and dirt Video Play Video This item comes with the Philips Green Logo — products marked with this logo offer a significant environmental improvement in one or more of the Philips Green Focal Areas — energy efficiency, packaging, hazardous substances, weight, recycling and disposal and lifetime reliability. Specifications Battery type: Li-Ion Battery voltage: 25.2 V Charging time: 5 hours Runtime: 75 minutes Turbo runtime: 25 minutes Sound power level: 84 dB Surface coverage per tank: 60m2 Airflow: 1000 l/min Dust capacity: 600ml Clean water tank capacity: 280ml Weight: 2.7kg Care Instructions Motor filter is washable Warranty Info This product comes with a 2 year international warranty
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South Africa (All cities)
Note: We're able to deliver this item to you currently, during lockdown level 4, based on government guidelines. Check the stock availability message box for more information about when we can get it to you. Finish your cleaning faster with the Philips Speedpro Max Aqua Cordless Stick Vacuum Cleaner. This 3-in-1 cordless vacuum with an integrated mop system and AquaBoost function (for tough dirt) helps you tackle multiple types of dirt at once with a 360° suction nozzle that thoroughly picks up dirt with every stroke — even under low furniture. The PowerCyclone 8 is Philips' most powerful bagless technology and the PowerBlade digital motor creates high airflow, while the triple filtration system means this machine can maintain this strong airflow for longer. Its 25.2V Li-Ion batteries provide up to 75 minutes of cleaning power. The nozzle also features an LED light to show hidden dust and dirt. 3-in-1 vacuum cleaner with a mop function and handheld operation Features a 360° suction nozzle which captures dust and dirt from all sides Powerful bagless technology ensures consistent, strong airflow (>1000 L/min) Features an AquaBoost function for tougher dirt Up to 75 minutes of cleaning power with 25.2V Li-Ion batteries Unique dust bucket design empties without dust clouds Smart digital display indicates speed and battery usage Integrated handheld unit, crevice tool and brush LED nozzle reveals hidden dust and dirt Video Play Video This item comes with the Philips Green Logo — products marked with this logo offer a significant environmental improvement in one or more of the Philips Green Focal Areas — energy efficiency, packaging, hazardous substances, weight, recycling and disposal and lifetime reliability. Specifications Battery type: Li-Ion Battery voltage: 25.2 V Charging time: 5 hours Runtime: 75 minutes Turbo runtime: 25 minutes Sound power level: 84 dB Surface coverage per tank: 60m2 Airflow: 1000 l/min Dust capacity: 600ml Clean water tank capacity: 280ml Weight: 2.7kg Care Instructions Motor filter is washable Warranty Info This product comes with a 2 year international warranty
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South Africa (All cities)
Note: We're able to deliver this item to you during the current lockdown level, based on government guidelines. Check the stock availability message box for more information about when we can get it to you. Finish your cleaning faster with the Philips Speedpro Max Aqua Cordless Stick Vacuum Cleaner. This 3-in-1 cordless vacuum with an integrated mop system and AquaBoost function (for tough dirt) helps you tackle multiple types of dirt at once with a 360° suction nozzle that thoroughly picks up dirt with every stroke — even under low furniture. The PowerCyclone 8 is Philips' most powerful bagless technology and the PowerBlade digital motor creates high airflow, while the triple filtration system means this machine can maintain this strong airflow for longer. Its 25.2V Li-Ion batteries provide up to 75 minutes of cleaning power. The nozzle also features an LED light to show hidden dust and dirt. 3-in-1 vacuum cleaner with a mop function and handheld operation Features a 360° suction nozzle which captures dust and dirt from all sides Powerful bagless technology ensures consistent, strong airflow (>1000 L/min) Features an AquaBoost function for tougher dirt Up to 75 minutes of cleaning power with 25.2V Li-Ion batteries Unique dust bucket design empties without dust clouds Smart digital display indicates speed and battery usage Integrated handheld unit, crevice tool and brush LED nozzle reveals hidden dust and dirt Video Play Video This item comes with the Philips Green Logo — products marked with this logo offer a significant environmental improvement in one or more of the Philips Green Focal Areas — energy efficiency, packaging, hazardous substances, weight, recycling and disposal and lifetime reliability. Specifications Battery type: Li-Ion Battery voltage: 25.2 V Charging time: 5 hours Runtime: 75 minutes Turbo runtime: 25 minutes Sound power level: 84 dB Surface coverage per tank: 60m2 Airflow: 1000 l/min Dust capacity: 600ml Clean water tank capacity: 280ml Weight: 2.7kg Care Instructions Motor filter is washable Warranty Info This product comes with a 2 year international warranty
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South Africa (All cities)
Finish your cleaning faster with the Philips Speedpro Max Aqua Cordless Stick Vacuum Cleaner. This 3-in-1 cordless vacuum with an integrated mop system and AquaBoost function (for tough dirt) helps you tackle multiple types of dirt at once with a 360° suction nozzle that thoroughly picks up dirt with every stroke — even under low furniture. The PowerCyclone 8 is Philips' most powerful bagless technology and the PowerBlade digital motor creates high airflow, while the triple filtration system means this machine can maintain this strong airflow for longer. Its 25.2V Li-Ion batteries provide up to 75 minutes of cleaning power. The nozzle also features an LED light to show hidden dust and dirt. 3-in-1 vacuum cleaner with a mop function and handheld operation Features a 360° suction nozzle which captures dust and dirt from all sides Powerful bagless technology ensures consistent, strong airflow (>1000 L/min) Features an AquaBoost function for tougher dirt Up to 75 minutes of cleaning power with 25.2V Li-Ion batteries Unique dust bucket design empties without dust clouds Smart digital display indicates speed and battery usage Integrated handheld unit, crevice tool and brush LED nozzle reveals hidden dust and dirt Video Play Video This item comes with the Philips Green Logo — products marked with this logo offer a significant environmental improvement in one or more of the Philips Green Focal Areas — energy efficiency, packaging, hazardous substances, weight, recycling and disposal and lifetime reliability. Specifications Battery type: Li-Ion Battery voltage: 25.2 V Charging time: 5 hours Runtime: 75 minutes Turbo runtime: 25 minutes Sound power level: 84 dB Surface coverage per tank: 60m2 Airflow: 1000 l/min Dust capacity: 600ml Clean water tank capacity: 280ml Weight: 2.7kg Care Instructions Motor filter is washable Warranty Info This product comes with a 2 year warranty
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South Africa (All cities)
Description With an increase in core count, Intel 13th Gen processors continue to utilize Intel’s performance hybrid architecture to optimize your gaming, content creation, and productivity. Leverage industry-first bandwidth of up to 16 PCIe 5.0 lanes and DDR5 memory up to 5600 MT/s. Supercharge your CPU performance with a powerful suite of tuning and overclocking tools. Enjoy your favourite experiences in up to 4 simultaneous 4K@60Hz displays or up to 8K@60Hz HDR Video with dynamic noise suppression. Support for the Intel® 700 series chipsets and backward compatibility with the Intel® 600 series chipsets allow you to access the features you need for any task. Whether you are working, streaming, gaming, or creating, the 13th Gen Intel® Core™ desktop processors deliver the next generation of breakthrough performance. The 13th Gen Intel® Core™ desktop processors deliver the next generation of breakthrough core performance. Meanwhile, additional E-cores enable an increase in Intel® Smart Cache (L3) for more efficient processing of larger data sets and better performance. The P-core and E-core L2 cache has also increased compared to the previous generation of Intel® processors, minimizing the amount of time spent swapping data between cache and memory to speed up your workflow. Unleash the power of next-level performance with the 13th Gen Intel® Core™ desktop processor advantage. FEATURES: 24 Cores 32 Threads Max Turbo Frequency of up to 5.60GHz 36MB Intel® Smart Cache Support for DDR4 and DDR5 memory Built for serious gaming Smart solutions for enthusiasts and creators SPECIFICATIONS: Essentials: Product Collection: 13th Generation Intel® Core™ i9 Processors Code Name: Products formerly Raptor Lake Vertical Segment: Desktop Processor Number: i9-13900 CPU Specifications: Total Cores: 24 # of Performance-cores: 8 # of Efficient-cores: 16 Total Threads: 32 Max Turbo Frequency: 5.60 GHz Intel® Thermal Velocity Boost Frequency: 5.60 GHz Intel® Turbo Boost Max Technology 3.0 Frequency: 5.50GHz Performance-core Max Turbo Frequency: 5.20 GHz Efficient-core Max Turbo Frequency: 4.20 GHz Performance-core Base Frequency: 2.00 GHz Efficient-core Base Frequency: 1.50 GHz Cache: 36 MB Intel® Smart Cache Total L2 Cache: 32 MB Processor Base Power: 65 W Maximum Turbo Power: 219 W Memory Specifications: Max Memory Size (dependent on memory type): 128 GB Memory Types: Up to DDR5 5600 MT/s, Up to DDR4 3200 MT/s Max # of Memory Channels: 2 Max Memory Bandwidth: 89.6 GB/s ECC Memory Support: Yes Processor Graphics: Processor Graphics: Intel® UHD Graphics 770 Graphics Base Frequency: 300 MHz Graphics Max Dynamic Frequency: 1.65 GHz Graphics Output: eDP 1.4b, DP 1.4a, HDMI 2.1 Execution Units: 32 Max Resolution (HDMI): 4096 x 2160 @ 60Hz Max Resolution (DP): 7680 x 4320 @ 60Hz Max Resolution (eDP – Integrated Flat Panel): 5120 x 3200 @ 120Hz DirectX* Support: 12 OpenGL* Support: 4.5 OpenCL* Support: 3.0 Multi-Format Codec Engines: 2 Intel® Quick Sync Video: Yes Intel® Clear Video HD Technology: Yes # of Displays Supported: 4 Device ID: 0xA780 Expansion Options: Direct Media Interface (DMI) Revision: 4.0 Max # of DMI Lanes: 8 Scalability: 1S Only PCI Express Revision: 5.0 and 4.0 PCI Express Configurations: Up to 1×16+4, 2×8+4 Max # of PCI Express Lanes: 20 Advanced Features: Intel® Gaussian b'&' Neural Accelerator: 3.0 Intel® Thread Director: Yes Intel® Deep Learning Boost (Intel® DL Boost): Yes Intel® Speed Shift Technology: Yes Intel® Thermal Velocity Boost: Yes Intel® Turbo Boost Max Technology 3.0: Yes Intel® Turbo Boost Technology: 2.0 Intel® Hyper-Threading Technology: Yes Intel® 64: Yes Instruction Set: 64-bit Instruction Set Extensions: Intel® SSE4.1, Intel® SSE4.2, Intel® AVX2 Idle States: Yes Enhanced Intel SpeedStep® Technology: Yes Thermal Monitoring Technologies: Yes Intel® Volume Management Device (VMD): Yes Security b'&' Reliability Intel® Standard Manageability (ISM): Yes Intel® Control-Flow Enforcement Technology: Yes Intel® AES New Instructions: Yes Secure Key: Yes Intel® OS Guard: Yes Intel® Trusted Execution Technology: Yes Execute Disable Bit: Yes Intel® Boot Guard: Yes Mode-based Execute Control (MBEC): Yes Intel® Virtualization Technology (VT-x): Yes Intel® Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d): Yes Intel® VT-x with Extended Page Tables (EPT): Yes WHAT’S IN THE BOX: Intel 13th Gen Core i9-13900 LGA1700 2.00GHz 24-Core CPU x1
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South Africa (All cities)
Unleash the power of cleanliness with the SC3 Cordless Vacuum Cleaner. Versatile and lightweight, it conquers every corner with ease. From carpets to car interiors, its turbo suction and manoeuvrable design make cleaning a breeze. Experience the future of cleaning, wherever you go! SC3 Cordless Vacuum Cleaner, 250W Powerful suction for thorough cleaning, even on thick carpets Multifunctional handheld design for whole-house cleaning 3 cleaning modes: Turbo, Medium, and Eco for versatile cleaning Ideal for car cleaning on the go without electricity Manoeuvrable design reaches difficult spots effortlessly Motorised turbo brush for all floor types LED illumination for dust detection in dark areas Digital display shows mode and battery level Anti-winding hair system for hassle-free maintenance Ultralight at 1.4 kg, comfortable for extended use Quiet operation at only 60 dB for a peaceful clean What's in the box? 1 x SC3 Cordless vacuum cleaner 1 x Tube 1 x Charger 1 x Electric main turbo-brush with lighting 1 x Wall mounted charger 1 x Round brush 1 x Crevice brush Screws + patches for mounting Videos Play Video Aeno Sc1 Cordless Vacuum... Aeno Sc3 Cordless Vacuum... About Aeno A renowned global brand celebrated for its smart home appliances, spanning 26 countries. Crafted by seasoned professionals, their top-tier products marry advanced technology with elegant design. Simplify your routines with their intuitive smartphone app, managing tasks from cleaning schedules to nutritional monitoring effortlessly. With award-winning designs and a commitment to sustainability, Aeno prioritises quality and innovation for every home. Specifications Dimensions: 23cm D x 106cm W x 21.8cm H Weight: 1.4kg Material: ABS417: 150.27g recycle MABS 558: 13.6g not recyclable Anti-fire ABS: 25.5g recycle PP+3%GF: 0.53g recycle Battery: Technology: Lithium Ion Cell quantity: 6 Current capacity: 47.52 WHr Notes: UN Number: 3481 Weight: 400g Performance: 2200 mAh Power: Max. Suction: 110W Suction: 28kPa Main motor: 250W Input voltage: AC 100-240 V Input frequency: 50/60 Hz Rated input current: 0.4 A Power consumption operational: 250W Output voltage: 21.6 V Vacuum cleaner filter: Washable MIF filter Runtime (minute): 45 min Noise level Lc IEC (dB): 65 dB Charging time (hour): 4 hours Compatible accessories: ASCF1 - filter Certifications: CE, RoHS Colour: Gray Power device type: Power adapter Features Power connection: Cordless rechargeable Care Instructions Washable MIF filter The high-performance modular Ion exchange filters (MIF) can be cleaned easily. Just rinse the filter under running water and let it dry Warranty Info This product comes with a 2-year warranty.
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South Africa (All cities)
Discover freedom in cleaning with the SC1 Cordless Vacuum Cleaner. With constant suction power and up to 45 minutes of autonomy, it's your ultimate cleaning companion. From floors to ceilings, its versatile design tackles every corner with ease. Experience effortless cleaning like never before! SC1 Cordless Vacuum Cleaner, 120W Easy container cleaning LED illumination to track dust in dark areas High autonomy up to 45 min runtime on one charge Manoeuvrable for hard-to-reach places Constant suction power even if the dust cup is full Ultralightb'/xc2/xa0'b'/xe2/x80/x94' just 1.5 kg Perfect for car cleaning Motorised turbo brush for effective cleaning of any floor surfaces Casual and turbo operation modes for all types of surfaces Battery level indicator Wall-mount hanger with nozzle holders make it easy to store Easy operation with one-touch control What's in the box? 1 x Aluminum tube 1 x Charger 1 x Electric main turbo-brush with lighting 1 x Wall mounted hanger 1 x Round brush 1 x Crevice brush 2 x Screws + patches for mounting About Aeno A renowned global brand celebrated for its smart home appliances, spanning 26 countries. Crafted by seasoned professionals, their top-tier products marry advanced technology with elegant design. Simplify your routines with their intuitive smartphone app, managing tasks from cleaning schedules to nutritional monitoring effortlessly. With award-winning designs and a commitment to sustainability, Aeno prioritises quality and innovation for every home. Specifications Dimensions: 23cm D x 106cm W x 21.8cm H Weight: Product: 1.54kg Battery: 0.4kg Material: ABS417: 150.27g recycle MABS 558: 13.6g not recyclable Anti-fire ABS: 25.5g recycle PP+3%GF: 0.53g recycle Battery: Battery performance: 2200 mAh Battery notes: UN Number: 3481 Battery technology: Lithium Ion Battery cell quantity: 6 Battery current capacity: 47.52 WHr Power: Device type: Power adapter Max. Suction: 50W Suction: 15 kPa Main motor: 120W Consumption operational: 120W Input voltage: AC 100-240 V Input frequency: 50/60 Hz Output voltage: 21.6 V Rated input current: 0.4 A Vacuum cleaner filter: Washable MIF filter Runtime (minute): 45 min Noise level Lc IEC (dB): 65 dB Charging time (hour): 4 hr Chassis material: ABS Plastic Compatible accessories: ASCF1 - filter Certifications: CE, RoHS Colour: Gray Features Power connection: Cordless rechargeable Care Instructions Washable MIF filterb'/xc2/xa0'b'/xe2/x80/x94' simply rinse the filter under running water and let it dry. Warranty Info This product comes with a 2-year warranty.
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Port Elizabeth (Eastern Cape)
Wall lamp Outdoor Waterproof LED Wall light AC90-260V Aluminum Courtyard Garden Porch Corridor Lights retro wall lamp Type: LED wall lamp Material: Aluminum, glass Quantity: 2pcs Item Color: Black,Gray Power: Max. 9W/24 Soclet Type: E27 (screwed type) Beam Angle: 360 degrees Waterproof: IP65 Input: AC 85-240V Lifespan: More than 50,000 hrs Prices from R180.00 up................... Items Available: 100 1)The Best Prices and Top-Quality ON 1STOP LED PE. 1STOP LED Import offers you best range of LED lights, lamps and bulbs for your home. Our products create perfect light quality for every occasion. Feel yourself at home with LED light The right light is quality light that lasts longer * Energy efficient Longer lifetime and uses up to 90% less energy than traditional sources The Best Energy-efficient Solutions For Any Home Or Office. Types: LED Lighting, Floodlights, Downlights, Ceiling Lights,Industrial Lights, Tube Lights, Panel Lights, Bulbs,Led strip,Led Bar light. 2) * Hikvision turbo hd bullet camera and HD DVR also Available Here. * HiLOOK CAMERA Suerior Performance-to-Price Surveillance Looking for High Performance Video Surveillance?Looking for low prce security? look at HiLOOK. HiLook, HiKvision's offshoot brand, hits the bullseye for the entry-level video surveillance market, providing every cost-dffective,easy-to-use and reliable products and services. Check out hikvision web https://www.hikvision.com/en/Products/HiLook Address 1STOP LED Lights * 301 Cape Rd Newton Park Shop3 Tel:0413630636 * 527 Cape Rd Linton Grange Shop4 Tel:0413630636 Email:1stop.ledlights@gmailcom View Facebook https://www.facebook.com/1stop.led.tempest/ https://www.facebook.com/Hilookhikvisionlintongragne/ Please Not: all advertisement and pictures they differ in prices, please Call for the right price.
R 180
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South Africa (All cities)
The ProMix hand mixer combines 800 watts of motor power with the innovative ProMix technology so you can prepare your favourite healthy and homemade meals in minutes. Philips partnered with Stuttgart University to develop ProMix technology for faster and more consistent blending. The unique, triangular shape of the mixing head delivers optimal food flow and maximum performance with best results every time. The additional accessories make the hand blender a multifunctional device, and to make life easier, you can mix your favourite smoothies directly in the on-the-go tumbler. Hand blender set equipped with a powerful motor and ProMix technology The ProMix triangular shaped mixing head achieves an optimal fluid flow for fine and creamy results Variable speed control and turbo function provide different speed levels Intuitive speed control with finger pressure — press harder for more powerful performance Smoothies can be prepared directly in the on-the-go tumbler with a built-in seal to prevent spills and leakage 500ml on-the-go tumbler is BPA free Anti-splash blade guard with a wave shape The XL shredder accessory allows you to easily prepare delicious salsas and salads, chop fruits or grind large quantities of meat The double mixer attachment is perfect for making delicious homemade batters for fluffy pancakes, your favourite cakes, rich sauces and more   Accessories included: On-the-go tumbler Double mixer attachment XL shredder accessory Specifications Power: 800W Cord length: 1.2m Max blender speed: 11500rpm Care Instructions Removable parts are dishwasher safe Warranty Info This product comes with a 2 year warranty
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South Africa (All cities)
The ProMix hand mixer combines 800 watts of motor power with the innovative ProMix technology so you can prepare your favourite healthy, homemade meals in minutes. Philips partnered with Stuttgart University to develop ProMix technology for faster and more consistent blending. The unique, triangular shape of the mixing head delivers optimal food flow and maximum performance with best results every time. The additional accessories make the hand blender a multifunctional device to simplify your life. Add a healthy spin to your diet with the unique spiraliser accessory and effortlessly transform everyday fruits and veggies into fun, low-carb noodles, spirals and ribbons for salads. Mix your favourite smoothies directly in the on-the-go tumbler and use the whisk attachment for creamy sauces or baking. Hand blender set with a powerful motor and ProMix technology The ProMix triangular-shaped mixing head achieves an optimal fluid flow for fine and creamy results Variable speed control and turbo function provide different speed levels Intuitive speed control with finger pressure - press harder for more performance The wave-shaped anti-splash guard attached to the bottom of the blending bar guarantees minimal mess Use the spiraliser attachment to effortlessly transform vegetables into noodles in 3 different shapes: spaghetti, linguine or ribbon Smoothies can be prepared directly in the 500ml, BPA free on-the-go tumbler with a built-in seal to prevent spills and leakage The XL shredder accessory allows you to easily prepare delicious salsas and salads, chop fruits or grind large quantities of meat Use the whisk accessory to make frothy whipped cream, smooth mayonnaise, perfect pancake batter and more Video Play Video   Accessories included: On-the-go tumbler Spiraliser attachment Whisk accessory XL shredder accessory Specifications Power: 800W Cord length: 1.2m Max blender speed: 11500rpm Care Instructions Removable parts are dishwasher safe Warranty Info This product comes with a 2 year warranty
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South Africa (All cities)
Note: We're able to deliver this item to you currently, during lockdown level 4, based on government guidelines. Check the stock availability message box for more information about when we can get it to you. The ProMix hand mixer combines 800 watts of motor power with the innovative ProMix technology so you can prepare your favourite healthy and homemade meals in minutes. Philips partnered with Stuttgart University to develop ProMix technology for faster and more consistent blending. The unique, triangular shape of the mixing head delivers optimal food flow and maximum performance with best results every time. The additional accessories make the hand blender a multifunctional device, and to make life easier, you can mix your favourite smoothies directly in the on-the-go tumbler. Hand blender set equipped with a powerful motor and ProMix technology The ProMix triangular shaped mixing head achieves an optimal fluid flow for fine and creamy results Variable speed control and turbo function provide different speed levels Intuitive speed control with finger pressure — press harder for more powerful performance Smoothies can be prepared directly in the on-the-go tumbler with a built-in seal to prevent spills and leakage 500ml on-the-go tumbler is BPA free Anti-splash blade guard with a wave shape The XL shredder accessory allows you to easily prepare delicious salsas and salads, chop fruits or grind large quantities of meat The double mixer attachment is perfect for making delicious homemade batters for fluffy pancakes, your favourite cakes, rich sauces and more   Accessories included: On-the-go tumbler Double mixer attachment XL shredder accessory Specifications Power: 800W Cord length: 1.2m Max blender speed: 11500rpm Care Instructions Removable parts are dishwasher safe Warranty Info This product comes with a 2 year warranty
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South Africa (All cities)
Note: We're able to deliver this item to you currently, during lockdown level 4, based on government guidelines. Check the stock availability message box for more information about when we can get it to you. The ProMix hand mixer combines 800 watts of motor power with the innovative ProMix technology so you can prepare your favourite healthy, homemade meals in minutes. Philips partnered with Stuttgart University to develop ProMix technology for faster and more consistent blending. The unique, triangular shape of the mixing head delivers optimal food flow and maximum performance with best results every time. The additional accessories make the hand blender a multifunctional device to simplify your life. Add a healthy spin to your diet with the unique spiraliser accessory and effortlessly transform everyday fruits and veggies into fun, low-carb noodles, spirals and ribbons for salads. Mix your favourite smoothies directly in the on-the-go tumbler and use the whisk attachment for creamy sauces or baking. Hand blender set with a powerful motor and ProMix technology The ProMix triangular-shaped mixing head achieves an optimal fluid flow for fine and creamy results Variable speed control and turbo function provide different speed levels Intuitive speed control with finger pressure - press harder for more performance The wave-shaped anti-splash guard attached to the bottom of the blending bar guarantees minimal mess Use the spiraliser attachment to effortlessly transform vegetables into noodles in 3 different shapes: spaghetti, linguine or ribbon Smoothies can be prepared directly in the 500ml, BPA free on-the-go tumbler with a built-in seal to prevent spills and leakage The XL shredder accessory allows you to easily prepare delicious salsas and salads, chop fruits or grind large quantities of meat Use the whisk accessory to make frothy whipped cream, smooth mayonnaise, perfect pancake batter and more Video Play Video   Accessories included: On-the-go tumbler Spiraliser attachment Whisk accessory XL shredder accessory Specifications Power: 800W Cord length: 1.2m Max blender speed: 11500rpm Care Instructions Removable parts are dishwasher safe Warranty Info This product comes with a 2 year warranty
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South Africa (All cities)
Note: We're able to deliver this item to you during the current lockdown level, based on government guidelines. Check the stock availability message box for more information about when we can get it to you. The ProMix hand mixer combines 800 watts of motor power with the innovative ProMix technology so you can prepare your favourite healthy and homemade meals in minutes. Philips partnered with Stuttgart University to develop ProMix technology for faster and more consistent blending. The unique, triangular shape of the mixing head delivers optimal food flow and maximum performance with best results every time. The additional accessories make the hand blender a multifunctional device, and to make life easier, you can mix your favourite smoothies directly in the on-the-go tumbler. Hand blender set equipped with a powerful motor and ProMix technology The ProMix triangular shaped mixing head achieves an optimal fluid flow for fine and creamy results Variable speed control and turbo function provide different speed levels Intuitive speed control with finger pressure — press harder for more powerful performance Smoothies can be prepared directly in the on-the-go tumbler with a built-in seal to prevent spills and leakage 500ml on-the-go tumbler is BPA free Anti-splash blade guard with a wave shape The XL shredder accessory allows you to easily prepare delicious salsas and salads, chop fruits or grind large quantities of meat The double mixer attachment is perfect for making delicious homemade batters for fluffy pancakes, your favourite cakes, rich sauces and more   Accessories included: On-the-go tumbler Double mixer attachment XL shredder accessory Specifications Power: 800W Cord length: 1.2m Max blender speed: 11500rpm Care Instructions Removable parts are dishwasher safe Warranty Info This product comes with a 2 year warranty
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South Africa (All cities)
Note: We're able to deliver this item to you during the current lockdown level, based on government guidelines. Check the stock availability message box for more information about when we can get it to you. The ProMix hand mixer combines 800 watts of motor power with the innovative ProMix technology so you can prepare your favourite healthy, homemade meals in minutes. Philips partnered with Stuttgart University to develop ProMix technology for faster and more consistent blending. The unique, triangular shape of the mixing head delivers optimal food flow and maximum performance with best results every time. The additional accessories make the hand blender a multifunctional device to simplify your life. Add a healthy spin to your diet with the unique spiraliser accessory and effortlessly transform everyday fruits and veggies into fun, low-carb noodles, spirals and ribbons for salads. Mix your favourite smoothies directly in the on-the-go tumbler and use the whisk attachment for creamy sauces or baking. Hand blender set with a powerful motor and ProMix technology The ProMix triangular-shaped mixing head achieves an optimal fluid flow for fine and creamy results Variable speed control and turbo function provide different speed levels Intuitive speed control with finger pressure - press harder for more performance The wave-shaped anti-splash guard attached to the bottom of the blending bar guarantees minimal mess Use the spiraliser attachment to effortlessly transform vegetables into noodles in 3 different shapes: spaghetti, linguine or ribbon Smoothies can be prepared directly in the 500ml, BPA free on-the-go tumbler with a built-in seal to prevent spills and leakage The XL shredder accessory allows you to easily prepare delicious salsas and salads, chop fruits or grind large quantities of meat Use the whisk accessory to make frothy whipped cream, smooth mayonnaise, perfect pancake batter and more Video Play Video   Accessories included: On-the-go tumbler Spiraliser attachment Whisk accessory XL shredder accessory Specifications Power: 800W Cord length: 1.2m Max blender speed: 11500rpm Care Instructions Removable parts are dishwasher safe Warranty Info This product comes with a 2 year warranty
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South Africa (All cities)
"Power: 300W Double Removable Hooks: Mixing Hooks Whisking Hooks 2,4L Max Capacity Bowl 5 Speeds + Turbo Function Eject Button For Easy Removing "
R 799
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South Africa (All cities)
The ProMix hand mixer combines 800 watts of motor power with the innovative ProMix technology so you can prepare your favourite healthy, homemade meals in minutes. Philips partnered with Stuttgart University to develop ProMix technology for faster and more consistent blending. The unique, triangular shape of the mixing head delivers optimal food flow and maximum performance with best results every time. The additional accessories make the hand blender a multifunctional device to simplify your life. Add a healthy spin to your diet with the unique spiraliser accessory and effortlessly transform everyday fruits and veggies into fun, low-carb noodles, spirals and ribbons for salads. Mix your favourite smoothies directly in the on-the-go tumbler and use the whisk attachment for creamy sauces or baking. Hand blender set with a powerful motor and ProMix technology The ProMix triangular-shaped mixing head achieves an optimal fluid flow for fine and creamy results Variable speed control and turbo function provide different speed levels Intuitive speed control with finger pressure - press harder for more performance The wave-shaped anti-splash guard attached to the bottom of the blending bar guarantees minimal mess Use the spiraliser attachment to effortlessly transform vegetables into noodles in 3 different shapes: spaghetti, linguine or ribbon Smoothies can be prepared directly in the 500ml, BPA free on-the-go tumbler with a built-in seal to prevent spills and leakage The XL shredder accessory allows you to easily prepare delicious salsas and salads, chop fruits or grind large quantities of meat Use the whisk accessory to make frothy whipped cream, smooth mayonnaise, perfect pancake batter and more   Accessories included: On-the-go tumbler Spiraliser attachment Whisk accessory XL shredder accessory   Video Play Video Specifications Power: 800W Cord length: 1.2m Max blender speed: 11500rpm Care Instructions Removable parts are dishwasher safe Warranty Info This product comes with a 2 year warranty
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South Africa (All cities)
The ProMix hand mixer combines 800 watts of motor power with the innovative ProMix technology so you can prepare your favourite healthy, homemade meals in minutes. Philips partnered with Stuttgart University to develop ProMix technology for faster and more consistent blending. The unique, triangular shape of the mixing head delivers optimal food flow and maximum performance with best results every time. The additional accessories make the hand blender a multifunctional device to simplify your life. Add a healthy spin to your diet with the unique spiraliser accessory and effortlessly transform everyday fruits and veggies into fun, low-carb noodles, spirals and ribbons for salads. Mix your favourite smoothies directly in the on-the-go tumbler and use the whisk attachment for creamy sauces or baking. Hand blender set with a powerful motor and ProMix technology The ProMix triangular-shaped mixing head achieves an optimal fluid flow for fine and creamy results Variable speed control and turbo function provide different speed levels Intuitive speed control with finger pressure - press harder for more performance The wave-shaped anti-splash guard attached to the bottom of the blending bar guarantees minimal mess Use the spiraliser attachment to effortlessly transform vegetables into noodles in 3 different shapes: spaghetti, linguine or ribbon Smoothies can be prepared directly in the 500ml, BPA free on-the-go tumbler with a built-in seal to prevent spills and leakage The XL shredder accessory allows you to easily prepare delicious salsas and salads, chop fruits or grind large quantities of meat Use the whisk accessory to make frothy whipped cream, smooth mayonnaise, perfect pancake batter and more   Accessories included: On-the-go tumbler Spiraliser attachment Whisk accessory XL shredder accessory   Video Play Video About Philips Good design is at the heart of what Philips does, using it to shape how people experience cooking and life at home. From coffee makers to cooking appliances, to steamers and vacuum cleaners, Philips is a household appliance name you can trust. Specifications Power: 800W Cord length: 1.2m Max blender speed: 11500rpm Care Instructions Removable parts are dishwasher safe Warranty Info This product comes with a 2 year warranty
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South Africa (All cities)
The ProMix hand mixer combines 800 watts of motor power with the innovative ProMix technology so you can prepare your favourite healthy, homemade meals in minutes. Philips partnered with Stuttgart University to develop ProMix technology for faster and more consistent blending. The unique, triangular shape of the mixing head delivers optimal food flow and maximum performance with best results every time. The additional accessories make the hand blender a multifunctional device to simplify your life. Add a healthy spin to your diet with the unique spiraliser accessory and effortlessly transform everyday fruits and veggies into fun, low-carb noodles, spirals and ribbons for salads. Mix your favourite smoothies directly in the on-the-go tumbler and use the whisk attachment for creamy sauces or baking. Hand blender set with a powerful motor and ProMix technology The ProMix triangular-shaped mixing head achieves an optimal fluid flow for fine and creamy results Variable speed control and turbo function provide different speed levels Intuitive speed control with finger pressure - press harder for more performance The wave-shaped anti-splash guard attached to the bottom of the blending bar guaranteesb'/xc2/xa0'minimal mess Use the spiraliser attachment to effortlessly transform vegetables into noodles in 3 different shapes: spaghetti, linguine or ribbon Smoothies can be prepared directly in the 500ml, BPA free on-the-go tumbler with a built-in seal to prevent spills and leakage The XL shredder accessory allows you to easily prepare delicious salsas and salads, chop fruits or grind large quantities of meat Use the whisk accessory to make frothy whipped cream, smooth mayonnaise, perfect pancake batter and more b'/xc2/xa0' Accessories included: On-the-go tumbler Spiraliser attachment Whisk accessory XL shredder accessory b'/xc2/xa0' Video Play Video About Philips Good design is at the heart of what Philips does, using it to shape how people experience cooking and life at home. From coffee makers to cooking appliances, to steamers and vacuum cleaners, Philips is a household appliance name you can trust. Specifications Power: 800W Cord length: 1.2m Max blender speed: 11500rpm Features Power connection: Corded Care Instructions Removable parts are dishwasher safe Warranty Info This product comes with a 2-year warranty. Please Note: All products purchased before August 2023 carry a 1-year warranty.
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South Africa (All cities)
Kenwood Hand Mixer With Bowl HMP22000WH Introducing the Kenwood Hand Mixer with Bowl HMP22000WH, your versatile kitchen companion designed to make food preparation a breeze. With its powerful performance, multiple attachments, and convenient features, this hand mixer is perfect for all your mixing and whisking needs. Powerful Motor Experience efficient mixing and whisking with the 300W motor. Whether you're blending ingredients for cakes, cookies, or other delicious treats, this hand mixer delivers consistent results every time. Double Removable Hooks Enjoy added versatility with double removable hooks, including mixing hooks and whisking hooks. Easily switch between attachments to accommodate different recipes and achieve the perfect consistency for your dishes. 2.4L Max Capacity Bowl The included 2.4L capacity bowl provides ample space for mixing and whisking ingredients without the mess. Prepare large batches of dough, batter, or cream with ease, making it ideal for baking and cooking projects of all sizes. Variable Speed Control Tailor your mixing experience with 5 adjustable speeds plus a turbo function. Whether you need gentle stirring or high-speed blending, the variable speed control allows you to achieve the desired texture and consistency for your recipes. Eject Button Enjoy hassle-free operation with the convenient eject button, allowing for easy removal of attachments after use. Simply press the eject button to release the hooks, making cleanup quick and effortless. Compact Design The compact and ergonomic design of the Kenwood Hand Mixer with Bowl HMP22000WH makes it easy to store and use in any kitchen space. Whether you're a seasoned chef or a novice cook, this hand mixer is perfect for everyday use. Upgrade your kitchen arsenal with the Kenwood Hand Mixer with Bowl HMP22000WH and enjoy effortless mixing and whisking for all your culinary creations. With its powerful motor, multiple attachments, variable speed control, and convenient features, it's the perfect addition to any home cook's toolkit. Experience the joy of baking and cooking with ease using the Kenwood Hand Mixer with Bowl HMP22000WH.
R 799
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South Africa (All cities)
The ProMix hand mixer combines 800 watts of motor power with the innovative ProMix technology so you can prepare your favourite healthy, homemade meals in minutes. Philips partnered with Stuttgart University to develop ProMix technology for faster and more consistent blending. The unique, triangular shape of the mixing head delivers optimal food flow and maximum performance with best results every time. The additional accessories make the hand blender a multifunctional device to simplify your life. Add a healthy spin to your diet with the unique spiraliser accessory and effortlessly transform everyday fruits and veggies into fun, low-carb noodles, spirals and ribbons for salads. Mix your favourite smoothies directly in the on-the-go tumbler and use the whisk attachment for creamy sauces or baking. Hand blender set with a powerful motor and ProMix technology The ProMix triangular-shaped mixing head achieves an optimal fluid flow for fine and creamy results Variable speed control and turbo function provide different speed levels Intuitive speed control with finger pressure - press harder for more performance The wave-shaped anti-splash guard attached to the bottom of the blending bar guaranteesb'/xc2/xa0'minimal mess Use the spiraliser attachment to effortlessly transform vegetables into noodles in 3 different shapes: spaghetti, linguine or ribbon Smoothies can be prepared directly in the 500ml, BPA free on-the-go tumbler with a built-in seal to prevent spills and leakage The XL shredder accessory allows you to easily prepare delicious salsas and salads, chop fruits or grind large quantities of meat Use the whisk accessory to make frothy whipped cream, smooth mayonnaise, perfect pancake batter and more b'/xc2/xa0' Accessories included: On-the-go tumbler Spiraliser attachment Whisk accessory XL shredder accessory b'/xc2/xa0' Videos Play Video Philips ProMix Spiralising... Philips ProMix Spiralising... About Philips Good design is at the heart of what Philips does, using it to shape how people experience cooking and life at home. From coffee makers to cooking appliances, to steamers and vacuum cleaners, Philips is a household appliance name you can trust. Specifications Power: 800W Cord length: 1.2m Max blender speed: 11500rpm Features Power connection: Corded Care Instructions Removable parts are dishwasher safe Warranty Info This product comes with a 2-year warranty. Please Note: All products purchased before August 2023 carry a 1-year warranty.
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