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South Africa
EasyRoute 380V Lite PVC Clampable Vacuum CNC Router with 4kW Water-Cooled Spindle and Stepper Motors, with Vacuum Pump and Dust Collector Full Package (CNC Router) Product Code: R-2030LK/40, CNC Router, 0722279977 CNC Router Price: R 184 679.00 Sales Price exl. VAT & Shipping Cost, valid at 2016-10-24 kao8kp3c 0722279977 http://SalePrice.co.za/R-2030LK/40# Use Industrial 380V 3-Phase Electricity, 5 Pin 32A Plug Included Linear Guide Rail in Twin Parallels Structure and Two Roller Bearing Sliders on Each Rail Guide X/Y/Z Movement Achieve 0.01mm Resolution on All Axis High Precision Rack and Pinion System with Helical Teeth Driving System on X and Y Axis High-Load, High-Speed Caged Ball Screw Transmission System on Z Axis With Standalone AM.CO.ZA EasyRoute Control System, No Computer Needed, Stable System Suitable for Industrial Usage Maximum 20 Meter Per Minute Moving Speed on X/Y Axis, With Factory Default on 12 Meters/Min Total Four Stepper Motors on All Axis, Two Stepper Motors on Y-Axis Achieve Under 0.5mm Per Meter Accuracy and Repeatability on All Axis Working Area Specially Enlarged for South African Market that Offers 2050mm Width for Perspex Working Area 2050x3050x180mm on X/Y/Z, the Area Spindle Can Reach Rugged Keypad Against Water, Oil, Dust and Collision, Cheap and Easy to Replace If Damaged Maximum 5 Meter Per Minute Moving Speed on Z Axis, With Factory Default on 3 Meters/Min 5.5kW Liquid-Ring Vacuum Pump Provides Reliable, Durable and High Vacuum Performance Clampable Vacuum Table Surface Made By PVC with Aluminium Clamping T-Slots Build In Accept All Kinds of G-Code File by USB Flush Drive, G-Code File Size Up to 256M 0722279977 http://SalePrice.co.za/R-2030LK/40# More About CNC Router:AM's CNC Router and Vinyl Cutter Takes The Lime Light at SignAfrica Expo https://cornerstone.co.za/2015/08/11/signafrica-expo-midrand/# CNC Router Produced DIY Rotating Chair Assembly Video http://discam.co.za/video/155884758# Use CNC Routers, Laser Machines and CNC Plasma to Make Corona Sunsets Festival Happen http://www.welldone.co.za/Make-Corona-Sunsets-Happen# Details in this CNC Router package:(S-ARTCAM/EXP) ArtCAM Express CADCAM Software For CNC Woodworking, Milling, Routing & Engraving (AG-VACUUM/LR) Generic 380V 5.5kW Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump for CNC Automation (R-2030LK/40L) AM.CO.ZA EasyRoute 380V Lite PVC Clampable Vacuum CNC Router with 4kW Water-Cooled Spindle and Stepper Motors (R-SPINDLE-40/100) 4kW Water Cooled Spindle, Φ100mm ER20 Three Phase 380V for CNC Router (T-BASIC/RE) Basic EasyRoute CNC Router Control Usage Training Course (R-DUST/100) Φ100mm Dust Hood with Replaceable Brushes for Water Cool Spindle (R-ER20) ER20 Collet Essential Set, Includes Collet Nut, 6mm/12mm Holders and 3mm/4mm Adapter (AE-MOTOR/450C) 86 Series 450C 1.8° High-Torque Hybrid Stepper Motor X 4 (AE-DRIVER/MS3) 3-Phase Microstepping Motor Driver ( Controller ) for Stepper Motor X 4 (AG-CORD) Rubber Form Sealing Cord for Vacuum Table, Per 10 Metres X 2 (AG-DUST) Generic Industrial Dust Collector 380V 2.2kW with Single Bucket and Two Bags (R-CLAMP/6) A Set of Six CNC Router T-Slot Table Clamping Kits (A-COOLER) Generic AM-3000 Thermolysis Water-Cooled Chiller (R-VFD-75) 7.5kW Inverter for ≤7.5kW Spindle, Three Phase 380V for CNC Router (X-UTILITY/CD) AM.CO.ZA All-in-One Utility Disk with Softwares/Drives for CNC Machineries on a DVD (R-HOLDER/100) Φ100mm Solid Chromoly Steel Spindle Holder for Water Cool Spindle 0722279977 http://SalePrice.co.za/R-2030LK/40# More CNC Router Products From Us:(R-ER11) ER11 Collet Essential Set, Includes Collet Nut, 6mm Holder, 4mm Holder and 3mm Adapter (R-HOLDER/125) Φ125mm Solid Chromoly Steel Spindle Holder for Water Cool Spindle (R-SPINDLE-22/2/80) 2.2kW Water Cooled Spindle, Φ80mm ER20 Single Phase 220V for CNC Router
R 184.679
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Springs (Gauteng)
EasyRoute 380V Standard PVC Clampable Vacuum CNC Router with 3kW Water-Cooled Spindle and Servo Motors, with Vacuum Pump and Dust Collector Full Package (CNC Router) Product SKU: R-2030SK/30, CNC Router, 0822222359 CNC Router Price: R 256 649.00 Price exl. VAT and Shipping Cost, quoted at 2016-11-14 kao8kp3c 0822222359 http://SalePrice.co.za/R-2030SK/30# Linear Guide Rail in Twin Parallels Structure and Two Roller Bearing Sliders on Each Rail Guide X/Y/Z Movement Achieve 0.001mm Resolution on All Axis Servo Motors Give Your Much Better Accuracy, Much Faster Speed and Much More Torch. Total 4 Servo Motors Used, Two on Y-Axis Working Area 2050x3050x300mm on X/Y/Z, the Area Spindle Can Reach Accept All Kinds of G-Code File by USB Flush Drive, G-Code File Size Up to 256M Achieve Under 0.05mm Per Meter Accuracy and Repeatability on All Axis Maximum 80 Meter Per Minute Moving Speed on X/Y Axis, With Factory Default on 25 Meters/Min With Standalone AM.CO.ZA EasyRoute Control System, No Computer Needed, Stable System Suitable for Industrial Usage High Precision Rack and Pinion System with Helical Teeth Driving System on X and Y Axis 5.5kW Liquid-Ring Vacuum Pump Provides Reliable, Durable and High Vacuum Performance Maximum 5 Meter Per Minute Moving Speed on Z Axis, With Factory Default on 3 Meters/Min Clampable Vacuum Table Surface Made By PVC with Aluminium Clamping T-Slots Build In Rugged Keypad Against Water, Oil, Dust and Collision, Cheap and Easy to Replace If Damaged Z-Axis Setter/Presetter Included, Automatic Measure Tool Length and Establish 0 Reference Point With Rotary Attachment Supporting Interface and can Switch between Rotary Rotating and X-Axis Linear Movement High-Load, High-Speed Caged Ball Screw Transmission System on Z Axis Use Industrial 380V 3-Phase Electricity, 5 Pin 32A Plug Included Working Area Specially Enlarged for South African Market that Offers 2050mm Width for Perspex 0822222359 http://SalePrice.co.za/R-2030SK/30# More About CNC Router:Advanced Machinery at Sign Africa Expo in Midrand. http://www.prevision.co.za/am-at-sign-africa-expo/# Use CNC Routers, Laser Machines and CNC Plasma to Make Corona Sunsets Festival Happen http://www.welldone.co.za/Make-Corona-Sunsets-Happen# EasyRoute CNC Router used for Manufacturing Machine's Spare Parts http://www.prevision.co.za/egli-machine-cnc-router/# Details in this CNC Router purchase:(A-COOLER) Generic AM-3000 Thermolysis Water-Cooled Chiller (X-UTILITY/CD) AM.CO.ZA All-in-One Utility Disk with Softwares/Drives for CNC Machineries on a DVD (R-SPINDLE-30/100) 3kW Water Cooled Spindle, Φ100mm ER20 Three Phase 380V for CNC Router (R-PRESETTER) Normally Open Wired 0.001mm Accuracy High-Precision Z-Axis Zero Tool Length Setter/Presetter for CNC Machines (R-HOLDER/100) Φ100mm Solid Chromoly Steel Spindle Holder for Water Cool Spindle (R-2030SK/30L) AM.CO.ZA EasyRoute 380V Standard PVC Clampable Vacuum CNC Router with 3kW Water-Cooled Spindle and Servo Motors (R-DUST/100) Φ100mm Dust Hood with Replaceable Brushes for Water Cool Spindle (AG-DUST/100) Φ100mm Clear Soft Flexible Dust Collection Hose with Reinforce Wire, Per 1 Metre X 10 (R-CLAMP/6) A Set of Six CNC Router T-Slot Table Clamping Kits (AE-MOTOR/15) 1.5kW Medium Capacity Brushless Servo Motor, 1500 RPM, AC 3-Phase X 4 (R-VFD-75) 7.5kW Inverter for ≤7.5kW Spindle, Three Phase 380V for CNC Router (T-BASIC/RE) Basic EasyRoute CNC Router Control Usage Training Course (AG-CORD) Rubber Form Sealing Cord for Vacuum Table, Per 10 Metres X 2 (R-ER20) ER20 Collet Essential Set, Includes Collet Nut, 6mm/12mm Holders and 3mm/4mm Adapter (S-ARTCAM/EXP) ArtCAM Express CADCAM Software For CNC Woodworking, Milling, Routing & Engraving (AE-DRIVER/15) 1.5kW 3-Phase Servo Motor Driver ( Encoder, Servo Motor Controller ) X 4 (AG-VACUUM/45) Φ45mm Clear Polyurethane Flexible Vacuum Hose with Reinforce Steel Wire, Per 1 Metre X 5 (AG-DUST2) Generic Industrial Dust Collector 380V 3kW with Two Buckets and Four Bags (AG-VACUUM/LR) Generic 380V 5.5kW Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump for CNC Automation 0822222359 http://SalePrice.co.za/R-2030SK/30# More CNC Router Spares Stock By Us:(AG-DUST/L) Generic Domestic Dust Collector 220V 2.2kW with Single Bucket and Two Bags (AG-CORD) Rubber Form Sealing Cord for Vacuum Table, Per 10 Metres (R-VFD-15) 1.5kW Inverter for ≤1.5kW Spindle, Single Phase 220V for CNC Router
R 256.649
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Boksburg (Gauteng)
EasyRoute 220V Lite Aluminium T-Slot Clamping CNC Router with 3kW Water-Cooled Spindle and Stepper Motors, with Dust Collector Full Package (CNC Router) Code: R-2030L2C/30, CNC Router, 0722279977 CNC Router Price: R 155 279.00 Price exclude VAT and Shipping, valid at 2016-11-14 kao8kp3c 0722279977 http://SalePrice.co.za/R-2030L2C/30# Maximum 5 Meter Per Minute Moving Speed on Z Axis, With Factory Default on 3 Meters/Min Aluminium T-Slots Table Surface for Workpiece Clamping, 6 Clamps Included for Free Working Area 2050x3050x180mm on X/Y/Z, the Area Spindle Can Reach Achieve 0.01mm Resolution on All Axis Accept All Kinds of G-Code File by USB Flush Drive, G-Code File Size Up to 256M With Standalone AM.CO.ZA EasyRoute Control System, No Computer Needed, Stable System Suitable for Industrial Usage Linear Guide Rail in Twin Parallels Structure and Two Roller Bearing Sliders on Each Rail Guide X/Y/Z Movement Working Area Specially Enlarged for South African Market that Offers 2050mm Width for Perspex Total Four Stepper Motors on All Axis, Two Stepper Motors on Y-Axis High Precision Rack and Pinion System with Helical Teeth Driving System on X and Y Axis Achieve Under 0.5mm Per Meter Accuracy and Repeatability on All Axis Use Household 220V Single-Phase Electricity, 16A SA Plug with Surge-Protection Included Rugged Keypad Against Water, Oil, Dust and Collision, Cheap and Easy to Replace If Damaged High-Load, High-Speed Caged Ball Screw Transmission System on Z Axis Maximum 20 Meter Per Minute Moving Speed on X/Y Axis, With Factory Default on 12 Meters/Min 0722279977 http://SalePrice.co.za/R-2030L2C/30# More About CNC Router:Use CNC Routers, Laser Machines and CNC Plasma to Make Corona Sunsets Festival Happen http://www.welldone.co.za/Make-Corona-Sunsets-Happen# Stage and Set Manufacturing by AM's New Workshop - Absolute Manufactuing http://www.prevision.co.za/stage-and-set-manufacturing/# Advanced Machinery's CNC Router Working Perfectly for Contro Cupboards http://www.prevision.co.za/am-router-perfect-for-controcupboards/# Product You Will Receive in this CNC Router purchase:(R-SPINDLE-30/2/100) 3kW Water Cooled Spindle, Φ100mm ER20 Single Phase 220V for CNC Router (AE-DRIVER/MS2) Single-Phase Microstepping Motor Driver ( Controller ) for Stepper Motor X 4 (R-2030L2C/30L) AM.CO.ZA EasyRoute 220V Lite Aluminium T-Slot Clamping CNC Router with 3kW Water-Cooled Spindle and Stepper Motors (AG-DUST/L) Generic Domestic Dust Collector 220V 2.2kW with Single Bucket and Two Bags (R-ER20) ER20 Collet Essential Set, Includes Collet Nut, 6mm/12mm Holders and 3mm/4mm Adapter (R-CLAMP/6) A Set of Six CNC Router T-Slot Table Clamping Kits (R-HOLDER/100) Φ100mm Solid Chromoly Steel Spindle Holder for Water Cool Spindle (T-BASIC/RE) Basic EasyRoute CNC Router Control Usage Training Course (X-UTILITY/CD) AM.CO.ZA All-in-One Utility Disk with Softwares/Drives for CNC Machineries on a DVD (AG-DUST/100) Φ100mm Clear Soft Flexible Dust Collection Hose with Reinforce Wire, Per 1 Metre X 10 (AE-MOTOR/450A) 86 Series 450A 1.8° High-Torque Hybrid Stepper Motor X 4 (R-DUST/100) Φ100mm Dust Hood with Replaceable Brushes for Water Cool Spindle (R-VFD-30) 3kW Inverter for ≤3kW Spindle, Single Phase 220V for CNC Router (S-ARTCAM/EXP) ArtCAM Express CADCAM Software For CNC Woodworking, Milling, Routing & Engraving (AG-WATER) Generic Submersible Water Pump for CNC Machine Cooling 0722279977 http://SalePrice.co.za/R-2030L2C/30# More CNC Router Products From Us:(AG-DUST7) Generic Industrial Dust Collector 380V 7.5kW with Two Buckets and Four Bags (R-SPINDLE-30/2/100) 3kW Water Cooled Spindle, Φ100mm ER20 Single Phase 220V for CNC Router (R-ER20) ER20 Collet Essential Set, Includes Collet Nut, 6mm/12mm Holders and 3mm/4mm Adapter
R 155.279
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Emnambithi (KwaZulu Natal)
EasyRoute 380V Standard Bakelite Clampable Vacuum CNC Router with Pneumatic ATC of Two 5kW Water-Cooled Spindles Double Heads with 5+4 Drilling Head and Stepper Motors (CNC Router) SKU: R-1325V2D/50L, CNC Router, 0822222359 CNC Router Product Price: R 310 979.00 Sales Price exclude VAT and Transport Code, quoted at 2016-11-17 kao8kp3c 0822222359 http://SalePrice.co.za/R-1325V2D/50L# With Standalone AM.CO.ZA EasyRoute Control System, No Computer Needed, Stable System Suitable for Industrial Usage High Precision Rack and Pinion System with Helical Teeth Driving System on X and Y Axis Accept All Kinds of G-Code File by USB Flush Drive, G-Code File Size Up to 256M With Rotary Attachment Supporting Interface and can Switch between Rotary Rotating and X-Axis Linear Movement Integrated Drilling Head with Total 9 Non-Programmable Drills for Easy and Fast Drilling Application Working Area 1300x2500x300mm on X/Y/Z, the Area Spindle Can Reach Clampable Vacuum Table Surface Made By Bakelite, Very Durable and High Wear-Resistant with Several Aluminium Clamping T-Slots Build In Linear Guide Rail in Twin Parallels Structure and Two Roller Bearing Sliders on Each Rail Guide X/Y/Z Movement Use Industrial 380V 3-Phase Electricity, 5 Pin 32A Plug Included Rugged Keypad Against Water, Oil, Dust and Collision, Cheap and Easy to Replace If Damaged Maximum 5 Meter Per Minute Moving Speed on Z Axis, With Factory Default on 3 Meters/Min Total Four Stepper Motors on All Axis, Two Stepper Motors on Y-Axis Maximum 20 Meter Per Minute Moving Speed on X/Y Axis, With Factory Default on 12 Meters/Min High-Load, High-Speed Caged Ball Screw Transmission System on Z Axis Achieve 0.01mm Resolution on All Axis Double Spindle Heads Driven by Compressed Air for Pneumatic Automatic Tool Change of 2 Tools Right Hand Spindle Allows to Manually Adjust from Vertical to Horizontal or Any Angle in Between for Side Slotting/Drilling Achieve Under 0.5mm Per Meter Accuracy and Repeatability on All Axis 0822222359 http://SalePrice.co.za/R-1325V2D/50L# More About CNC Router:Use CNC Routers, Laser Machines and CNC Plasma to Make Corona Sunsets Festival Happen http://www.welldone.co.za/Make-Corona-Sunsets-Happen# Advanced Machinery Hosts ArtCAM Training in Jet Park, Boksburg http://www.prevision.co.za/am-hosts-artcam-training/# Advanced Machinery Applies for CNC Router Tender at the University of Johannesburg http://www.prevision.co.za/am-applies-for-uj-tender/# Product You Will Receive in this CNC Router purchase:(R-1325V/50L) AM.CO.ZA EasyRoute 380V Standard Bakelite Clampable Vacuum CNC Router with 5kW Water-Cooled Spindle and Stepper Motors (R-HOLDER/100) Φ100mm Solid Chromoly Steel Spindle Holder for Water Cool Spindle (R-VFD-75) 7.5kW Inverter for ≤7.5kW Spindle, Three Phase 380V for CNC Router (S-ARTCAM/EXP) ArtCAM Express CADCAM Software For CNC Woodworking, Milling, Routing & Engraving (R-CLAMP/6) A Set of Six CNC Router T-Slot Table Clamping Kits (R-ER20) ER20 Collet Essential Set, Includes Collet Nut, 6mm/12mm Holders and 3mm/4mm Adapter (R-HEAD/DRILL) Install 5+4 Drilling Head for EasyRoute CNC Router (R-DUST/100) Φ100mm Dust Hood with Replaceable Brushes for Water Cool Spindle (AE-DRIVER/MS3) 3-Phase Microstepping Motor Driver ( Controller ) for Stepper Motor X 4 (T-BASIC/RE) Basic EasyRoute CNC Router Control Usage Training Course (X-UTILITY/CD) AM.CO.ZA All-in-One Utility Disk with Softwares/Drives for CNC Machineries on a DVD (R-HEAD/13/300) One Additional Router Head Structure Installed for EasyRoute 1300mm Standard Gantry (AE-MOTOR/450C) 86 Series 450C 1.8° High-Torque Hybrid Stepper Motor X 4 (AG-CORD) Rubber Form Sealing Cord for Vacuum Table, Per 10 Metres (R-SPINDLE-50/100) 5kW Water Cooled Spindle, Φ100mm ER20 Three Phase 380V for CNC Router X 2 (A-COOLER) Generic AM-3000 Thermolysis Water-Cooled Chiller 0822222359 http://SalePrice.co.za/R-1325V2D/50L# Other CNC Router Products Sell By Us:(R-SPINDLE-15/2/80) 1.5kW Water Cooled Spindle, Φ80mm ER11 Single Phase 220V for CNC Router (AG-DUST5) Generic Industrial Dust Collector 380V 5.5kW with Two Buckets and Four Bags (R-SPINDLE-65/125) 6.5kW Φ125mm High-Torque Water Cooled Spindle ER25 for CNC Router
R 310.979
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Barkly West (Northern Cape)
EasyRoute 380V Standard PVC Clampable Vacuum CNC Router with 7.5kW High-Torque Low RPM Water-Cooled Spindle with 5+4 Drilling Head and Servo Motors, with 5.5kW Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump (CNC Router) SKU: R-1325SKD/75V, CNC Router, 0722279977 CNC Router Price: R 363 289.00 Price exl. VAT & Delivery Cost, valid at 2016-11-30 kao8kp3c 0722279977 http://SalePrice.co.za/R-1325SKD/75V# Achieve Under 0.05mm Per Meter Accuracy and Repeatability on All Axis Use Industrial 380V 3-Phase Electricity, 5 Pin 32A Plug Included Achieve 0.001mm Resolution on All Axis Clampable Vacuum Table Surface Made By PVC with Aluminium Clamping T-Slots Build In Servo Motors Give Your Much Better Accuracy, Much Faster Speed and Much More Torch. Total 4 Servo Motors Used, Two on Y-Axis With Rotary Attachment Supporting Interface and can Switch between Rotary Rotating and X-Axis Linear Movement Integrated Drilling Head with Total 9 Non-Programmable Drills for Easy and Fast Drilling Application Maximum 5 Meter Per Minute Moving Speed on Z Axis, With Factory Default on 3 Meters/Min 5.5kW Liquid-Ring Vacuum Pump Provides Reliable, Durable and High Vacuum Performance Rugged Keypad Against Water, Oil, Dust and Collision, Cheap and Easy to Replace If Damaged Maximum 80 Meter Per Minute Moving Speed on X/Y Axis, With Factory Default on 25 Meters/Min High Precision Rack and Pinion System with Helical Teeth Driving System on X and Y Axis With Standalone AM.CO.ZA EasyRoute Control System, No Computer Needed, Stable System Suitable for Industrial Usage Z-Axis Setter/Presetter Included, Automatic Measure Tool Length and Establish 0 Reference Point Accept All Kinds of G-Code File by USB Flush Drive, G-Code File Size Up to 256M High-Load, High-Speed Caged Ball Screw Transmission System on Z Axis Linear Guide Rail in Twin Parallels Structure and Two Roller Bearing Sliders on Each Rail Guide X/Y/Z Movement Working Area 1300x2500x300mm on X/Y/Z, the Area Spindle Can Reach 0722279977 http://SalePrice.co.za/R-1325SKD/75V# More About CNC Router:Corian Application Interview for Advanced Machinery's CNC Router http://univision.co.za/video/132869721# Use CNC Routers, Laser Machines and CNC Plasma to Make Corona Sunsets Festival Happen http://www.welldone.co.za/Make-Corona-Sunsets-Happen# Stage and Set Manufacturing by AM's New Workshop - Absolute Manufactuing http://www.prevision.co.za/stage-and-set-manufacturing/# Product You Will Receive in this CNC Router purchase:(AG-VACUUM/LR) Generic 380V 5.5kW Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump for CNC Automation (S-ARTCAM/EXP) ArtCAM Express CADCAM Software For CNC Woodworking, Milling, Routing & Engraving (R-SPINDLE-75/125) 7.5kW Φ125mm High-Torque Low RPM Water Cooled Spindle for CNC Router (R-ER25) ER25 Collet Essential Set, Includes Collet Nut, 6mm/12mm/16mm Holders and 3mm/4mm Adapter (AG-CORD) Rubber Form Sealing Cord for Vacuum Table, Per 10 Metres (R-HEAD/DRILL) Install 5+4 Drilling Head for EasyRoute CNC Router (R-PRESETTER) Normally Open Wired 0.001mm Accuracy High-Precision Z-Axis Zero Tool Length Setter/Presetter for CNC Machines (T-BASIC/RE) Basic EasyRoute CNC Router Control Usage Training Course (R-VFD-75) 7.5kW Inverter for ≤7.5kW Spindle, Three Phase 380V for CNC Router (AE-DRIVER/15) 1.5kW 3-Phase Servo Motor Driver ( Encoder, Servo Motor Controller ) X 4 (A-CHILLER/1400) Generic AM-5200 1400W Water Chiller with Air Compressor (R-HOLDER/125) Φ125mm Solid Chromoly Steel Spindle Holder for Water Cool Spindle (R-CLAMP/6) A Set of Six CNC Router T-Slot Table Clamping Kits (R-1325SK/75L) AM.CO.ZA EasyRoute 380V Standard PVC Clampable Vacuum CNC Router with 7.5kW High-Torque Low RPM Water-Cooled Spindle and Servo Motors (R-DUST/100) Φ100mm Dust Hood with Replaceable Brushes for Water Cool Spindle (X-UTILITY/CD) AM.CO.ZA All-in-One Utility Disk with Softwares/Drives for CNC Machineries on a DVD (AE-MOTOR/15) 1.5kW Medium Capacity Brushless Servo Motor, 1500 RPM, AC 3-Phase X 4 (AG-VACUUM/45) Φ45mm Clear Polyurethane Flexible Vacuum Hose with Reinforce Steel Wire, Per 1 Metre X 4 0722279977 http://SalePrice.co.za/R-1325SKD/75V# Other CNC Router Products From Us:(R-VFD-75) 7.5kW Inverter for ≤7.5kW Spindle, Three Phase 380V for CNC Router (R-SPINDLE-75/125) 7.5kW Φ125mm High-Torque Low RPM Water Cooled Spindle for CNC Router (AG-DUST5) Generic Industrial Dust Collector 380V 5.5kW with Two Buckets and Four Bags
R 363.289
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Allanridge (Free State)
GPS Tracker OCT900-R, A new GPS tracker with full functions you want. With remotes, it can offer full protection to your car.It upgrade you car original alarm to GPS/GSM car alarm. And you can get alarm when door,trunk opened or engine started illegally; Auto lock the car door when the car moves, it is helpful to reduce careless driving (forgot to lock car door).By remotes, you can arm/disarm,lock/unlock car door, stop/start your car. meanwhile, it is able to control car light on/off and blinking. OCT900-R is a powerful device for fleet management, and make your routine work be smoother. Live tracking with multiple tracking systems, and manage all the cars in control room. When you are off duty, tracking APPs can help you to track. Vehicle details setting make you know which car exactly when anything happen; Working time scheduling feature also make driver to work as the schedule, or else, fleet owner will know it. It can reduce doing private job by company car. When the car need to do maintenance, you get reminding from the device, no need to remember the date. What is more, RFID and MMS technology are available in OCT900-R Features GPS/GPRS live tracking Living location report LBS Tracking Track by time/ distance interval Google map link inquiry Engine cut remotely SOS emergency alert Geo-fence alert Movement alert Over speed alert External power cut alert Door open alert Engine on alert Shaking alert GPS antenna abnormal alert Trunk open alert Connect with car original alert Arm/Disarm by remote, SMS Car door lock/unlock by remotes, SMS Auto lock car door when car starts Vehicle info setting and inquiry Vehicle maintenance reminding Speed limitation Fuel monitoring (option) Working time setting Mileage calculation & setting Miss call reminding for alarm Engine detecting and report Car door status detecting Trunk status detecting SIM balance inquiry Firmware update OTA Data storing and exporting (option, SD card) Voice monitoring,3 listening No.s (option,MIC) 2 ways communication (Option, speaker) 3 Admin No.s setting for management Driver Identify (option) Car control by RFID (Option) Dual photograph mode ( MMS & online, option) Take photo by time interval (option) Take photo when alarm active (option)
R 300
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Rustenburg (North West)
Make Hotel Soap at 25 cents - 50 cents each! Hotel soap bars are in high demand all year round. Annually, hotel guests consume tons of soaps, shower shampoos, gels, etc. Hotels are reducing plastic waste. THE DEMAND FOR HOTEL SOAP BARS and SHAMPOO BARS IS SET TO INCREASE! Join the market and become the owner of OUR ALL NEW SMALL SOAP PLANT. S.A. First. The Small Soap Plant includes 3 Pieces of Machinery and Startup raw materials: 1. Soap Mixer. 2. Soap Extruder. 3. Manual Soap Press. 4. Training Make 50kg per hour. Price Small Soap Plant: ONLY R 168 000. MANUFACTURING COST OF 15g - 30g  HOTEL SOAP: 25 - 50 cents each. Sell the 15 - 30g Hotel Soap Bar at R0.80 - R1.50 each. Profit: 200% plus. Advantages of Purchasing The Small Soap Plant: Very Low Price. (The nearest imported is R1m - R1.5m plus). Locally manufactured. Very profitable business: 200%. Easy to use, safe, 3phase 1-2 employees. Small space needed. Quality supplies. Soap Noodles feedstock. Training. Support. Versatile and expansive: you can make Laundry bars, household Bath soaps, natural organic soaps USING THE SAME MACHINE. Get in touch to get started. FIRST COME. FIRST SERVED LIMITED ORDERS PER MONTH. LEAD TIME: 4 - 8 Weeks. PROSPERITY AND ABUNDANCE begins with an idea. Next is ACTION! IT'S YOUR MOVE. Technical support, training and supplies WATCH YOUR BUSINESS GROW!
R 168.000
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South Africa
make one call and get solution for your whole life problem with in 3days love hearts desir & family probelms specialist is great astrologer & gold medalist . he solve any type of astrological & love related problems. problems are solved by reading palm, snap & kundali. many problems are solved by " astrology is specify your life & combined your family group feature because it is very important in your life. you are better get notification when your friends. astrology gives mind in your power because astrology is blessing of bhrigu dev" . if you are interested you can call me . get solution within 100% guarantee. so just call me on my cell phone and i will solve all your problems. are you having problems in you life ? >>>>husband / wife in illicit relations >>>> get u r love back >>>>mother- in -law / daughter-in-law illicit problems >>>>hipnotism & black magic >>>>get success in job & parmo >>>> lottery number >>>>fame, health & career >>>>foreign traveling >>>>know your love star make one call and get solution of all your problems in 72 hours with 100% guarantee. just contact to:92-3219543443 Pakistan aamil sultan Shah Fast Solution
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South Africa
make one call and get solution for your whole life problem with in 3days love hearts desir & family probelms specialist is great astrologer & gold medalist . he solve any type of astrological & love related problems. problems are solved by reading palm, snap & kundali. many problems are solved by " astrology is specify your life & combined your family group feature because it is very important in your life. you are better get notification when your friends. astrology gives mind in your power because astrology is blessing of bhrigu dev" . if you are interested you can call me . get solution within 100% guarantee. so just call me on my cell phone and i will solve all your problems. are you having problems in you life ? >>>>husband / wife in illicit relations >>>> get u r love back >>>>mother- in -law / daughter-in-law illicit problems >>>>hipnotism & black magic >>>>get success in job & parmo >>>> lottery number >>>>fame, health & career >>>>foreign traveling know your love star make one call and get solution of all your problems in 2 hours with 100% guarantee. just contact to:92-3219543443 pakistan aamil sultan shah Fast Solution
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East London (Eastern Cape)
Make one call and get solution for your whole life problem with in 3days love heart’s desire & family problems specialist is great astrologer & gold medallist. He solves any type of astrological & love related problems. Problems are solved by reading palm, snap & kundali. Many problems are solved by “astrology is specifying your life & combined your family group feature because it is very important in your life. Astrology gives mind in your power because astrology is blessing of bhrigu dev" . if you are interested you can call me . get solution within 100% guarantee. Just call me on my cell phone and i will solve all your problems. A you having problems in your life ? >>>>husband / wife in illicit relations >>>> get u r love back >>>>mother- in -law / daughter-in-law illicit problems >>>>hipnotism & black magic >>>>get success in job & promotion >>>> lottery number >>>>fame, health & career >>>>foreign traveling know your love star make one call and get solution of all your problems in 2 hours with 100% guarantee. just contact us now. For More Information Check Websit: http://www.drhassan-wendy.info Call Prof. Hassan Now +27 71 686 3532 available on whatsap and BBM. Pin 2931D318
R 600
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South Africa
make one call and get solution for your whole life problem with in 1days love hearts desir & family probelms specialist is great astrologer & gold medalist . he solve any type of astrological & love related problems. problems are solved by reading palm, snap & kundali. many problems are solved by " astrology is specify your life & combined your family group feature because it is very important in your life. you are better get notification when your friends. astrology gives mind in your power because astrology is blessing of bhrigu dev" . if you are interested you can call me . get solution within 100% guarantee. so just call me on my cell phone and i will solve all your problems. are you having problems in you life ? >>>>husband / wife in illicit relations >>Family Sx>> get u r love back >>>>mother- in -law / daughter-in-law illicit problems >>>>hipnotism & black magic >>>>get success in job & parmo >>>> lottery number >>>>fame, health & career >>>>foreign traveling >>>>know your love star make one call and get solution of all your problems in 2 hours with 100% guarantee. just contact to:92-3219543443 Pakistan aamil sultan shah
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South Africa
make one call and get solution for your whole life problem with in 1days love hearts desir & family probelms specialist is great astrologer & gold medalist . he solve any type of astrological & love related problems. problems are solved by reading palm, snap & kundali. many problems are solved by "astrology is specify your life & combined your family group feature because it is very important in your life. you are better get notification when your friends. astrology gives mind in your power because astrology is blessing of bhrigu dev". if you are interested you can call me . get solution within 100% guarantee. so just call me on my cell phone and i will solve all your problems. are you having problems in you life ? husband / wife in illicit relations Family Sx get u r love back mother- in -law / daughter-in-law illicit problems hipnotism & black magic get success in job & parmo lottery number fame, health & career foreign traveling know your love star make one call and get solution of all your problems in 2 hours with 100% guarantee. just contact to:92-3219543443 pakistan aamil sultan shah
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Cape Town (Western Cape)
Make Space for Your Next Big Project with WHJ Projects! Ready to break ground on a new build or renovation? WHJ Projects (Pty) Ltd has been Cape Town’s demolition leader since 1994, serving both the city and the West Coast with expert precision. Whether it’s residential homes or large industrial sites, we ensure every demolition is carried out with the highest standards of care and safety. Why Choose WHJ? Proven Expertise: 30 years of experience ensuring demolition is smooth and stress-free. Full-Service Solutions: From residential and commercial demolitions to tree removals, we’ve got you covered. Eco-Conscious Methods: Dedicated to environmentally responsible practices. Client-Focused: Your needs come first, with top-quality service every time. Limited-Time Offer: Book by 30 September 2024 and enjoy 10% off your first service! Let’s get started! Contact us today for a free, no-obligation quote. - 082-554-0105 | - www.whjprojects.co.za WHJ Projects – Preparing the Ground for Your Future! Find us on social media: httpswww.tiktok.com/@whjprojects?_t=8pFyOOqQ06Y&_r=1 httpswww.instagram.com/whjprojects? igsh=bGdsbTQ4NnduemU5 httpswww.facebook.com/share/v/kYWhqHvf9W9iCZMN/? mibextid=oFDknk DemolitionExperts #CapeTown #WestCoast #Sustainability #WHJProjects #BuildYourFuture #EcoFriendlyLiving #ConstructionReady RenovationReady #DemolitionPros #CapeTownBuilders #SustainableConstruction WHJProjects langebaan
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Rustenburg (North West)
WWW.BUTCHERYEQUIPMENTSALE.CO.ZA SUPPLIES ONLY THE FINEST QUALITY SAUSAGE MAKING MACHINES TO THE BUTCHERY & MEAT PROCESSING INDUSTRY @ WHOLESALE PRICES DIRECT TO THE PUBLIC !!! CALL / WHATSAPP US NOW ON 082 666 6619 TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT !!! WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING SAUSAGE FILLERS IN STOCK & READY FOR PURCHASE WITH SAME DAY DELIVERY: – SAUSAGE FILLER FOR SALE: – 1.MANUAL SAUSAGE FILLER (BOWL VOLUME: 3 LITRES) @ R 2 399.00 (WITH X 4 STAINLESS STEEL NOZZLES) 2. MANUAL SAUSAGE FILLER (BOWL VOLUME: 5 LITRES) @ R 2 899.00 (WITH X 4 STAINLESS STEEL NOZZLES) 3. MANUAL SAUSAGE FILLER (BOWL VOLUME: 7 LITRES) @ R 3 499.00 (WITH X 4 STAINLESS STEEL NOZZLES) 4. MANUAL SAUSAGE FILLER (BOWL VOLUME: 10 LITRES) @ R 4 499.00 (WITH X 4 STAINLESS STEEL NOZZLES) 5. MANUAL SAUSAGE FILLER (BOWL VOLUME: 15 LITRES) @ R 5 499.00 (WITH X 4 STAINLESS STEEL NOZZLES) 6. ELECTRIC SAUSAGE MAKER (BOWL VOLUME: 10 LITRES) @ R 14 999.00 (WITH X 4 STAINLESS STEEL NOZZLES) 7. ELECTRIC SAUSAGE MAKER (BOWL VOLUME: 15 LITRES) @ R 19 999.00 (WITH X 4 STAINLESS STEEL NOZZLES) 8. HYDRAULIC SAUSAGE FILLER (PRODUCTIVITY: 400 KG PER HOUR) / (BOWL VOLUME: 26 LITRES) @ R 37 499.00 ALL OF OUR BUTCHERY EQUIPMENT IS SOLD BRAND NEW & CARRY A WARRANTY PERIOD OF 6/12 MONTHS. CALL / WHATSAPP US ON 082 666 6619 OR MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TO VISIT OUR SHOWROOM AT: – 05 BONANZA STREET SELBY JOHANNESBURG GAUTENG OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE ON www.butcheryequipmentsale.co.za WE PROMISE TO BEAT ANY ADVERTISED PRICE OR WRITTEN QUOTATION ON SIMILAR QUALITY PRODUCTS. sausage maker, sausage making machine, sausage filler, sausage casing, how to make sausage, sausage filler for sale, sausage stuffing, wors making machine, beef sausage recipes, boerewors making machine for sale, sausage machine, wors machine for sale, sausage maker price, boerewors making machine, mincer and sausage maker, industrial sausage making machine, sausage maker for sale, sausage stopper, wors machine, sausage machine for sale, electric sausage filler, vertical sausage filler, sausage suffer, sausage stuffer price, industrial sausage filler, sausage filling machine, sausage making equipment Items Available: 5
R 2.399
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Rustenburg (North West)
R 8.500
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Temba (Gauteng)
R 8.500
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Springs (Gauteng)
Mechanical Bull 6x6m R 1750 for 3 Hours R 2250 for 5 Hours R 2650 for 6 Hours Petrol charges will be charged after 50 km from Springs . Inflatable Rocket 8 seated 7x7 R 2250 for 3 Hours R 2950 for 5 Hours R 3000 for 6 Hours Petrol charges will be charged after 50 km from Springs Shooting Tunnel 3x10m R 1250 for 3 Hours R 1700 for 5 Hours R 2250 for 6 Hours Petrol charges will be charged after 50 km from Springs Double Mini Slide 6m high 5x25 m R 1500 for 5 Hours R 2000 for 6 Hours Petrol charges will be charged after 50 km from Springs MEGA FUN BULL RIDES MAKE US PART OF YOUR NEXT EVENT BIG OR SMALL Mega Fun Bull Rides takes any age. Team building Bachelors Parties The 4 Seasons / Schools Pub / Bull Challenges Bike Rallies And much, much more…… All mechanical rides will be delivered and set up by Mega Fun Bull Rides and will include an operator for the duration of the event. Delivery and set up charges will depend on the distance of the function. Our prices for mechanical equipment provides for a function up to 6 consecutive hours. Should your event continue for more than 6 hours, an additional charge will be added. For more information and free Quotes for Renting the mechanical bull for your event Please do not hesitate to contact Bianca on 0630153934 Sarel on 072 681 1292. MECHANICAL BULL INFLATABLE ROCKET SHOOTING TUNNEL 6M BIG WATER SLID WATER ROLLER WITH POOL AND MATCH MATCH. MORE
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Bloemfontein (Free State)
I'm a stay at home mother with two little ones. I make lovely foods for catering. Weddings Funerals 21sts ect. From salty platters to the sweet things in life. All of my things are home made. I can make everyt type of food for your platter from sugar to spicy. Big platters R850 serves 16 people Meduim platters R 550 12 people Small platters R 450 8 people. I do everything from my kitchen at home. Bake fresh vetkoek and mince R 20 pp Chicken curry and rice R 25.00 pp Home made soup R15.00 pp with fresh baked bread.
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Tembisa (Gauteng)
JOIN ILLUMINATI CLUBS Global Wide and GET RICH +27 656 528 630 / +27 719 98 741 https://joinilluminaticult.co.za/https://web.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083748761274&_rdc=1&_rdr in USA, UK, Australia, Austria, Poland, California, New York, Florida, Chicago, Austin, San Diego, Los Angeles, Boston, Phoenix, Texas, San Francisco, Nash Ville, Seattle, San Jose, Denver, San Antonio, Washington, Raleigh, Portland, Indianapolis, Houston, Atlanta, Las Vegas, Columbus, Sacramento, Philadelphia, Oklahoma City, Dallas, Charlotte, Fort Worth, New Orleans, Colorado Springs, Jacksonville, Detroit, Milwaukee, Kansas City, Omaha, Memphis, Baltimore, Tulsa, Virginia Beach, Tucson, Fresno, Honolulu, Mesa, El Paso, Miami, Arlington, Louisville, Albuquerque, Madison, Wichita, Minneapolis, Salt Lake City, Utah, London, City of London, Bristol, Liverpool, Manchester, Fulham, Leicester, York, Edinburgh, Nottingham, Leeds, Glasgow, Cardiff, Oxford, Derby, Southampton, Brighton, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Cambridge, Newcastle, Kingston upon Hull, Stoke-on-Trent, Sheffield, Belfast, Coventry, Durham, Bath, Canterbury, Norwich, Milton Keynes, Chester, Exeter, Bradford, South Africa, Swaziland, Botswana, Malawi, Uganda, Mozambique. Send Email: joinilluminatic https://www.adsfare.com/user/ads https://greatkingdomofilluminati.blogspot.com https://join-a-great-fraternity.business.site/ https://g.page/r/CeoQ3XBV6o4JEBA https://www.facebook.com/Great-Kingdom-Of-Wealth-27839387284-For-Power-and-Wealth-101666078472504604/ https://web.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083748761274&_rdc=1&_rdr HERE ARE THE BASICS OF HOW TO BECOME A NEW ILLUMINATI MEMBER. 1.1 You must be over the age of 18 to make your own decision. 2.2 You must be able to pay a fee for your file reference number compilation. 3.3 You must have a strong belief of Success. 4.4 You must be able to keep secrets to yourself. 5.5 You must be able to wear a black shirt/vest/skirt/dress E.T.C not less than 3 times a week. 6.6 You must believe that money is power. 7.7 You must be aware that your name sounds in the list of celebrities and super-rich. 8.8 You must have goals and desires of your dreams in life. 9.9 You must be ready to visit the sea water at midnight once a year. 10.10 You must have a belief in the change/modern world of doing things. 11.11 You must be able to read/respect/understand the prayers of the Illuminati. 12.12 You have to be able to make a sacrifice for your info, NOTE: (no human sacrifices) 13.13 You must have an aim for joining the society. FOR MORE DETAILS CONTACT: whatsapp call: +27656 528 630. +277 1991 8741 Send Email: joinilluminatikingdom6666@gmail.com https://www.adsfare.com/priest-elvis https://joinilluminaticult.co.za/ https://joinilluminaticult.co.za/ https://g.page/r/CeoQ3XBV6o4JEBA https://www.facebook.com/Great-Kingdom-Of-Wealth-2765 6528 630 / +277 1991 8741-For-Power-and-Wealth-101078466672504604/https://joinilluminaticult.co.za/ JOIN OUR OCCULT IN ANY PART OF THE WORLD FOR SUPERNATURAL POWERS, MONEY MAKING RITUALS AND ENDLESS WEALTH, FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL+27766119137 I want to join occult in Mpumalanga’ I want to join real occult in SOUTH AFRICA AND Ghana’ I want to join occult in Africa to be rich’ I want to join an occult for money and power’ I want to join an occult for wealth and protection’ I want to join good occult fraternity in mpumalanga’ I want to join great AQEERAH Brotherhood occult club temple of in SOUTH AFRICA to be rich’ want to join AQEERAH Brotherhood club brotherhood occult in USA/Africa’ want to join secret society occult in uganda’ want to be rich and famous want to make money want to win election want to acquire a position want to be wealthy and powerful in life ARE YOU SURE YOU HAVE TRULY MAKEUP YOUR MIND TO BECOME AN OCCULTISM MEMBER TO GAIN AND ACHIEVE ALL THAT YOU HAVE EVER DREAM FOR? JOIN THE ALMIGHTY GREAT BROTHERHOOD OCCULT KINGDOM OF RICHES AND PROSPERITY TODAY AND CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOR GOOD AND ALSO TO MAKE ANYONE AROUND YOU HAPPY AND PROUD HAVING YOU AROUND THEM Orldrado Brotherhood Occult club , TAKE THIS STEP TODAY AND MAKE LIFE VERY EASY FOR LIVING CONTACT THE TEMPLE NOW WITH THE CONTACT NUMBER
R 1.000
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3 photos

Nelspruit (Mpumalanga)
WWW.BAKERYEQUIPMENT.CO.ZA IS THE LARGEST SOUTH AFRICAN SUPPLIER OF ELECTRIC / GAS INDUSTRIAL BAKING OVENS @ WHOLESALE PRICES DIRECT TO THE PUBLIC !!! CALL / WHATSAPP US NOW ON 082-666-6619 TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT !!! WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING OVENS FOR SALE IN STOCK & READY FOR PURCHASE WITH SAME DAY DELIVERY: – ELECTRIC OVENS: – *** 1 DECK 2 TRAY ELECTRIC BAKING OVEN @ R 6 999.00 *** 1 DECK 3 TRAY ELECTRIC BAKING OVEN @ R 082-666-6619 *** 2 DECK 4 TRAY ELECTRIC BAKING OVEN @ R 082-666-6619 *** 3 DECK 6 TRAY ELECTRIC BAKING OVEN @ R 082-666-6619 *** 3 DECK 9 TRAY ELECTRIC BAKING OVEN @ R 082-666-6619 GAS OVENS: – *** 1 DECK 2 TRAY GAS BAKING OVEN @ R 082-666-6619 *** 2 DECK 4 TRAY GAS BAKING OVEN @ R 082-666-6619 ALL OF OUR BAKERY EQUIPMENT IS SOLD BRAND NEW & CARRY A 12 MONTH WARRANTY. CALL / WHATSAPP US ON +082-666-6619 TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TO VISIT OUR SHOWROOM AT: – SUNROSE ONLINE JOHANNESBURG 05 BONANZA STREET SELBY JOHANNESBURG GAUTENG OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE ON www.bakeryequipment.co.za WE PROMISE TO BEAT ANY ADVERTISED PRICE OR WRITTEN QUOTATION ON SIMILAR QUALITY PRODUCTS. VISIT OUR SHOW ROOM FOR MANY MORE IN STORE SPECIALS. bakery equipment, oven, gas oven, oven for baking, ovens for sale, double oven, ovens, bakery oven for sale, bakery machine, oven price, electric oven, industrial bakery oven prices, freestanding oven, baking oven price, baking stove, industrial baking oven, baking bread in oven, bread oven, deck oven, bread oven for sale, gas oven for baking, baking stove for sale, best oven for baking, commercial oven, buy oven, commercial bakery oven, bread oven price, commercial bread oven, best oven for baking, bread oven, stainless steel oven, bakery oven for sale, cake oven price, industrial bread oven, electric cake oven, cake baking oven price, bakery machine, electric oven for baking cakes, bread baking ovens commercial, cake baking oven, pizza oven, electric oven Items Available: 5
R 6.999
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Nelspruit (Mpumalanga)
WWW.BAKERYEQUIPMENT.CO.ZA IS THE LARGEST SOUTH AFRICAN SUPPLIER OF ELECTRIC / GAS INDUSTRIAL BAKING OVENS @ WHOLESALE PRICES DIRECT TO THE PUBLIC !!! CALL / WHATSAPP US NOW ON 082 666 6619 TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT !!! WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING OVENS FOR SALE IN STOCK & READY FOR PURCHASE WITH SAME DAY DELIVERY: – ELECTRIC OVENS: – *** 1 DECK 2 TRAY ELECTRIC BAKING OVEN @ R 6 999.00 *** 1 DECK 3 TRAY ELECTRIC BAKING OVEN @ R 10 999.00 *** 2 DECK 4 TRAY ELECTRIC BAKING OVEN @ R 13 999.00 *** 3 DECK 6 TRAY ELECTRIC BAKING OVEN @ R 25 999.00 *** 3 DECK 9 TRAY ELECTRIC BAKING OVEN @ R 39 999.00 GAS OVENS: – *** 1 DECK 2 TRAY GAS BAKING OVEN @ R 12 999.00 *** 2 DECK 4 TRAY GAS BAKING OVEN @ R 27 999.00 ALL OF OUR BAKERY EQUIPMENT IS SOLD BRAND NEW & CARRY A 12 MONTH WARRANTY. CALL / WHATSAPP US ON +27 82 666 6619 TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TO VISIT OUR SHOWROOM AT: – SUNROSE ONLINE JOHANNESBURG 05 BONANZA STREET SELBY JOHANNESBURG GAUTENG OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE ON www.bakeryequipment.co.za WE PROMISE TO BEAT ANY ADVERTISED PRICE OR WRITTEN QUOTATION ON SIMILAR QUALITY PRODUCTS. VISIT OUR SHOW ROOM FOR MANY MORE IN STORE SPECIALS. bakery equipment, oven, gas oven, oven for baking, ovens for sale, double oven, ovens, bakery oven for sale, bakery machine, oven price, electric oven, industrial bakery oven prices, freestanding oven, baking oven price, baking stove, industrial baking oven, baking bread in oven, bread oven, deck oven, bread oven for sale, gas oven for baking, baking stove for sale, best oven for baking, commercial oven, buy oven, commercial bakery oven, bread oven price, commercial bread oven, best oven for baking, bread oven, stainless steel oven, bakery oven for sale, cake oven price, industrial bread oven, electric cake oven, cake baking oven price, bakery machine, electric oven for baking cakes, bread baking ovens commercial, cake baking oven, pizza oven, electric oven Items Available: 5
R 6.999
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Rustenburg (North West)
WWW.BAKERYEQUIPMENT.CO.ZA IS THE LARGEST SOUTH AFRICAN SUPPLIER OF ELECTRIC / GAS INDUSTRIAL BAKING OVENS @ WHOLESALE PRICES DIRECT TO THE PUBLIC !!! WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING OVENS FOR SALE IN STOCK & READY FOR PURCHASE WITH SAME DAY DELIVERY: – ELECTRIC OVENS: – *** 1 DECK 2 TRAY ELECTRIC BAKING OVEN @ R 9 999.00 *** 1 DECK 3 TRAY ELECTRIC BAKING OVEN @ R 15 999.00 *** 2 DECK 4 TRAY ELECTRIC BAKING OVEN @ R 20 800.00 *** 3 DECK 6 TRAY ELECTRIC BAKING OVEN @ R 34 999.00 *** 3 DECK 9 TRAY ELECTRIC BAKING OVEN @ R 45 000.00 GAS OVENS: – *** 1 DECK 2 TRAY GAS BAKING OVEN @ R 15 999.00 *** 2 DECK 4 TRAY GAS BAKING OVEN @ R 34 999.00 ALL OF OUR BAKERY EQUIPMENT IS SOLD BRAND NEW & CARRY A 12 MONTH WARRANTY. CALL / WHATSAPP US ON +27 82 666 6619 TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TO VISIT OUR SHOWROOM AT: – 05 BONANZA STREET SELBY JOHANNESBURG GAUTENG OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE ON www.bakeryequipment.co.za WE PROMISE TO BEAT ANY ADVERTISED PRICE OR WRITTEN QUOTATION ON SIMILAR QUALITY PRODUCTS. VISIT OUR SHOW ROOM FOR MANY MORE IN STORE SPECIALS. bakery equipment, oven, gas oven, oven for baking, ovens for sale, double oven, ovens, bakery oven for sale, bakery machine, oven price, electric oven, industrial bakery oven prices, freestanding oven, baking oven price, baking stove, industrial baking oven, baking bread in oven, bread oven, deck oven, bread oven for sale, gas oven for baking, baking stove for sale, best oven for baking, commercial oven, buy oven, commercial bakery oven, bread oven price, commercial bread oven, best oven for baking, bread oven, stainless steel oven, bakery oven for sale, cake oven price, industrial bread oven, electric cake oven, cake baking oven price, bakery machine, electric oven for baking cakes, bread baking ovens commercial, cake baking oven, pizza oven, electric oven Items Available: 1
R 9.999
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Rustenburg (North West)
WWW.FRIDGESALE.CO.ZA SUPPLIES ONLY THE FINEST QUALITY ICE CREAM MACHINES @ WHOLESALE PRICES DIRECT TO THE PUBLIC !!! CALL CALL / WHATSAPP US NOW ON 082 666 6619 TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT THIS SIZZLING HOT SUMMER !!! WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING ICE CREAM MAKERS IN STOCK & READY FOR PURCHASE WITH SAME DAY DELIVERY: – ICE CREAM MACHINE FOR SALE (COUNTER TOP): – 1. SINGLE FLAVOUR COUNTER TOP ICE CREAM MACHINE @ R 19 999.00 2. THREE FLAVOURS (2+MIX) COUNTER TOP ICE CREAM MACHINE @ R 25 999.00 3. GELATO ICE CREAM MACHINE (COMMERCIAL GELATO MAKER) @ R 29 999.00 ICE CREAM MAKER (FLOOR STANDING): – 4. THREE FLAVOURS (2+MIX) FLOOR STANDING ICE CREAM MACHINE @ R 32 999.00 (GOLD + TOUCHSCREEN) 5. THREE FLAVOUR (2+MIX) FLOOR STANDING ICE CREAM MACHINE @ R 27 999.00 (COLOURFUL) ICE CREAM ROLL MACHINE: – 6. ICE CREAM ROLL MACHINE (1 PLATE) @ R 34 999.00 7. ICE CREAM ROLL MACHINE (2 PLATE) @ R 46 999.00 ALL OF OUR REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT IS SOLD BRAND NEW & CARRY A 12 MONTH WARRANTY. CALL / WHATSAPP US ON (+27) 082 666 6619 TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TO VISIT OUR SHOWROOM AT: – 05 BONANZA STREET SELBY JOHANNESBURG GAUTENG OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE ON www.fridgesale.co.za WE PROMISE TO BEAT ANY ADVERTISED PRICE OR WRITTEN QUOTATION ON SIMILAR QUALITY PRODUCTS. ice cream machine, ice cream maker, ice cream machine for sale, ice cream recipe, ice cream machine price, soft serve machine, ice cream maker machine, krups ice cream maker, soft serve ice cream machine for sale, ice cream machine price list, soft serve ice cream machine, how much is ice cream machine, second hand ice cream machine, small ice cream machine price, taylor ice cream machine, soft serve machine for sale, soft ice machine, icecream maker, small ice cream machine for sale, ice cream maker recipes, ice cream churner, ice cream machine recipes, ice cream machine at game store, cuisinart ice cream maker, frozen yogurt machine, used ice cream machine, cheap ice cream machine, ice cream business, ice cream maker machine price, ice cream maker for sale, industrial ice cream machine, commercial ice cream machine, ice cream maker price, best ice cream maker, where to buy ice cream machine, small ice cream machine, industrial ice cream maker, soft serve ice cream recipe, cheap ice cream machine for sale, mobile ice cream machine, commercial ice cream maker, soft ice cream machine, where can i buy ice cream machine, soft serve ice cream maker, ice cream maker machine for sale, gelato ice cream machine, how much does an ice cream machine cost, mini ice cream machine, ice cream shop equipment, fried ice cream, ice cream roll machine, second hand ice cream machine, fried ice cream machine, fried ice cream rolls, flat top ice cream maker, ice cream machine supplier Items Available: 1
R 19.999
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Nelspruit (Mpumalanga)
WWW.FRIDGESALE.CO.ZA SUPPLIES ONLY THE FINEST QUALITY DISPLAY FREEZERS TO THE FROZEN GOODS SECTOR @ WHOLESALE PRICES DIRECT TO THE PUBLIC !!! CALL / WHATSAPP US NOW ON 082-666-6619 TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT !!! WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING COMMERCIAL FREEZERS IN STOCK & READY FOR PURCHASE WITH SAME DAY DELIVERY: – GLASS TOP DISPLAY FREEZERS FOR SALE: – 1. 1.5 METRE ISLAND GLASS TOP FREEZER ON WHEELS @ R 8 499.00 WITH FREE BASKETS 2. 2.13 METRE ISLAND GLASS TOP FREEZER ON WHEELS (WITH L.E.D LIGHTS) @ R 082-666-6619 3. 2.5 METRE SLIDE TOP FREEZER ON WHEELS WITH BLUE FRAME AND L.E.D LIGHTS @ R 082-666-6619 ICE CREAM FREEZERS: – *** 1.5 METRE ICE CREAM FREEZER ON WHEELS (WITH L.E.D LIGHTS & LOCKABLE KEY) @ R 082-666-6619 *** *** 2 METRE ICE CREAM FREEZER ON WHEELS (WITH L.E.D LIGHTS & LOCKABLE KEY) @ R 082-666-6619 *** ALL OF OUR REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT IS SOLD BRAND NEW & CARRY A 12 MONTH WARRANTY. CALL / WHATSAPP US ON 082-666-6619 TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TO VISIT OUR SHOWROOM AT: – SUNROSE ONLINE JHB 05 BONANZA STREET SELBY JOHANNESBURG GAUTENG OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE ON www.fridgesale.co.za WE PROMISE TO BEAT ANY ADVERTISED PRICE OR WRITTEN QUOTATION ON SIMILAR QUALITY PRODUCTS. display freezer, glass top freezer, ice cream freezer, display freezers for sale, display freezers for sale in south africa, island freezer, industrial freezer, ice freezer, meat freezer, stand up deep freezer, big freezer for sale, butchery freezers for sale, commercial freezer for sale, upright display freezer, industrial upright freezer, commercial freezer, cheap freezers, stand alone freezer, cheap fridge freezer, freezer sizes, upright display freezer for sale, glass top freezers for sale, buy chest freezer, industrial freezer for sale, buy freezer, ice cream freezer for sale, island freezer for sale, mobile freezer, upright freezer, freezers for sale, chest freezer, deep freezer, freezer, deep freezer for sale, chest freezer sale, freezers for sale, upright freezer, deep freezer price, glass top chest freezer, display chest freezer, chest freezer sale, commercial freezer, commercial chest freezer, ice cream display freezer, large chest freezer, commercial chest freezer glass top, commercial freezer for sale, commercial upright freezer, slide top freezer, ice cream display freezer for sale, glass top display freezer Items Available: 10
R 8.499
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Secunda (Mpumalanga)
Caterquip Brickfield carries a wide range of Butchery, Bakery, Catering and refrigeration products. www.caterq.co.za REFERENCE / BRING IN THIS ADD TO QUALIFY FOR THIS UNBEATABLE PRICE! Have a look at our prices on our Industrial Bakery Equipment below: 5lt Cake Mixer – R4999 10lt Cake Mixer – R8499 15lt Cake Mixer – R9499 20lt Cake Mixer – R10499 30lt Cake Mixer – R12999 Single Door Proofer (12 tray) - R 7499 Double Door Proofer (24 tray) - R 11499 Red Countertop Warmer HW-2P - R1999 HW-660 Food Display Warmer (Black Countertop - 2 way serving) 660mm length – R3500 HW-900 Food Display Warmer (Black Countertop - 2 way serving) 900mm length – R4500 HW-1200 Food Display Warmer (Black Countertop - 2 way serving) 1200mm length - R5499 4 slice pop up toaster -R1599 6 slice pop up toaster - R 1800 9 slice flatbed toaster - R 3499 31 slice bread slicer – R11999 2 deck 4 trays Double Electric Oven - R15999 1 deck 3 tray baking oven - R 9999 1 deck 2 tray Electric Baking Oven – R7499 4 tray small convection oven R9999 REFERENCE / BRING IN THIS ADD TO QUALIFY FOR THIS UNBEATABLE PRICE! We deliver nationwide at the cheapest rates. Call Ebrahim to inquire now! 066 538 3966 www.caterq.co.za or simply drop us an email and we shall contact you. sales@caterq.co.za We will beat any advertised price/ written quotation. We stock new units only. All items carry a warranty. bakery equipment, bakery equipment prices, industrial baking oven, bread baking equipment, proofing basket, proofed, proofing meaning, proving dough, bread proofing basket, proofer, bread proofer, proofer oven, prover bakery, proofing bread, bakery equipment suppliers, proof bakery, proofing oven, design proofer, bread rising machine, proofing bread dough, dough prover, proving box, proofing chamber, bread riser, bread fermentation machine, proof boxes for baking price, baking proofer ovens, proof baking term, prover bakery equipment, what is proofing, proven dough, how to build a bread proofing box, how to make a proofing box, what is a proofer oven, what is a proofing cabinet, how to prove bread, proofing temperature, commercial proofing cabinet, proofing box, proofing oven, dough proofing box, bread prover, bread proofing basket, proofing cabinet, bread machine, bread proofing bowl, bread maker, proofing drawer, pizza dough proofing box, bread proofer for sale Items Available: 10
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Komatipoort (Mpumalanga)
Caterquip Brickfield carries a wide range of Butchery, Bakery, Catering and refrigeration products. www.caterq.co.za REFERENCE / BRING IN THIS ADD TO QUALIFY FOR THIS UNBEATABLE PRICE! Have a look at our prices on our Industrial Bakery Equipment below: 5lt Cake Mixer – R7800 10lt Cake Mixer – R11050 15lt Cake Mixer – R12350 20lt Cake Mixer – R13650 30lt Cake Mixer – R16999 Single Door Proofer (12 tray) - R 9750 Double Door Proofer (24 tray) - R 14950 Red Countertop Warmer HW-2P – R2600 HW-660 Food Display Warmer (Black Countertop - 2 way serving) 660mm length – R4550 HW-900 Food Display Warmer (Black Countertop - 2 way serving) 900mm length – R5850 HW-1200 Food Display Warmer (Black Countertop - 2 way serving) 1200mm length – R7150 4 slice pop up toaster –R2000 6 slice pop up toaster - R 2350 9 slice flatbed toaster - R 4500 31 slice bread slicer – R15600 2 deck 4 trays Double Electric Oven – R20800 1 deck 3 tray baking oven - R 13000 1 deck 2 tray Electric Baking Oven – R9750 4 tray small convection oven R13000 REFERENCE / BRING IN THIS ADD TO QUALIFY FOR THIS UNBEATABLE PRICE! We deliver nationwide at the cheapest rates. Call Ebrahim to inquire now! 066 538 3966 www.caterq.co.za or simply drop us an email and we shall contact you. sales@caterq.co.za We will beat any advertised price/ written quotation. We stock new units only. All items carry a warranty. bakery equipment, bakery equipment prices, industrial baking oven, bread baking equipment, proofing basket, proofed, proofing meaning, proving dough, bread proofing basket, proofer, bread proofer, proofer oven, prover bakery, proofing bread, bakery equipment suppliers, proof bakery, proofing oven, design proofer, bread rising machine, proofing bread dough, dough prover, proving box, proofing chamber, bread riser, bread fermentation machine, proof boxes for baking price, baking proofer ovens, proof baking term, prover bakery equipment, what is proofing, proven dough, how to build a bread proofing box, how to make a proofing box, what is a proofer oven, what is a proofing cabinet, how to prove bread, proofing temperature, commercial proofing cabinet, proofing box, proofing oven, dough proofing box, bread prover, bread proofing basket, proofing cabinet, bread machine, bread proofing bowl, bread maker, proofing drawer, pizza dough proofing box, bread proofer for sale Items Available: 100
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Secunda (Mpumalanga)
Caterquip Brickfield carries a wide range of Butchery, Bakery, Catering and refrigeration products. www.caterq.co.za REFERENCE / BRING IN THIS ADD TO QUALIFY FOR THIS UNBEATABLE PRICE! Have a look at our prices on our Industrial Bakery Equipment below: 5lt Cake Mixer – R7800 10lt Cake Mixer – R11050 15lt Cake Mixer – R12350 20lt Cake Mixer – R13650 30lt Cake Mixer – R16999 Single Door Proofer (12 tray) - R 9750 Double Door Proofer (24 tray) - R 14950 Red Countertop Warmer HW-2P – R2600 HW-660 Food Display Warmer (Black Countertop - 2 way serving) 660mm length – R4550 HW-900 Food Display Warmer (Black Countertop - 2 way serving) 900mm length – R5850 HW-1200 Food Display Warmer (Black Countertop - 2 way serving) 1200mm length – R7150 4 slice pop up toaster –R2000 6 slice pop up toaster - R 2350 9 slice flatbed toaster - R 4500 31 slice bread slicer – R15600 2 deck 4 trays Double Electric Oven – R20800 1 deck 3 tray baking oven - R 13000 1 deck 2 tray Electric Baking Oven – R9750 4 tray small convection oven R13000 REFERENCE / BRING IN THIS ADD TO QUALIFY FOR THIS UNBEATABLE PRICE! We deliver nationwide at the cheapest rates. CALL EBRAHIM TO INQUIRE NOW! 066 538 3966 www.caterq.co.za or simply drop us an email and we shall contact you. sales@caterq.co.za We will beat any advertised price/ written quotation. We stock new units only. All items carry a warranty. bakery equipment, bakery equipment prices, industrial baking oven, bread baking equipment, proofing basket, proofed, proofing meaning, proving dough, bread proofing basket, proofer, bread proofer, proofer oven, prover bakery, proofing bread, bakery equipment suppliers, proof bakery, proofing oven, design proofer, bread rising machine, proofing bread dough, dough prover, proving box, proofing chamber, bread riser, bread fermentation machine, proof boxes for baking price, baking proofer ovens, proof baking term, prover bakery equipment, what is proofing, proven dough, how to build a bread proofing box, how to make a proofing box, what is a proofer oven, what is a proofing cabinet, how to prove bread, proofing temperature, commercial proofing cabinet, proofing box, proofing oven, dough proofing box, bread prover, bread proofing basket, proofing cabinet, bread machine, bread proofing bowl, bread maker, proofing drawer, pizza dough proofing box, bread proofer for sale Items Available: 10
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Rustenburg (North West)
MERCURIAL FUNERAL AND MORTUARY EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES ONLY THE FINEST QUALITY MORTUARY FRIDGES TO THE FUNERAL & HOSPITAL INDUSTRY @ WHOLESALE PRICES DIRECT TO THE PUBLIC !!! CALL / WHATSAPP US NOW ON (+27) 064 505 1016 TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT !!! WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING SIZES OF MORTUARY COLD ROOMS IN STOCK & WE ARE ABLE TO INSTALL COUNTRY WIDE: - 1.8M L X 1.8M W X 2.4M H WALK-IN MORTUARY COLD ROOM @ R 34 999.00 2.4M L X 2.4M W X 2.4M H WALK-IN MORTUARY COLD ROOM @ R 39 999.00 3.0M L X 3.0M W X 2.4M H WALK-IN MORTUARY COLD ROOM @ R 47 999.00 WE ALSO OFFER CUSTOM SIZE MORTUARY COLD ROOMS WHICH ARE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. MORTUARY SHELVING: - 3 LEVEL MORTUARY SHELF WITH FIXED BODY TRAYS @ R 6 499.00 4 LEVEL MORTUARY SHELF WITH FIXED BODY TRAYS @ R 7 499.00 ALL OF OUR REFRIGERATION EQUIPMENT IS SOLD BRAND NEW & CARRY A 12 MONTH WARRANTY. CALL / WHATSAPP US ON 064 505 1016 TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TO VISIT OUR SHOWROOM AT: MERCURIAL FUNERAL AND MORTUARY EQUIPMENT 05 BONANZA STREET SELBY JOHANNESBURG GAUTENG SOUTH AFRICA WE PROMISE TO BEAT ANY ADVERTISED PRICE OR WRITTEN QUOTATION ON SIMILAR QUALITY PRODUCTS. mortuary fridge, mortuary cold room, mortuary cold room for sale, used mortuary cold rooms for sale, corpse fridge, funeral home fridge, mortuary refrigerator, mortuary refrigerator price, mortuary refrigerator suppliers, mortuary fridge for sale, mortuary body fridges, morgue fridges, mortuary refrigerator manufacturers, mortuary fridges prices, funeral parlour fridges, mortuary fridges, morgue fridge, mortuary cabinet, morgue refrigerator, mortuary fridge for sale, mortuary cabinet price, mortuary fridges prices, mortuary cabinet manufacturer, hospital fridge, cold room for mortuary Items Available: 11
R 34.999
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Pietersburg (Limpopo)
WWW.KITCHENEQUIPMENT.CO.ZA SUPPLIES ONLY THE FINEST FRIED CHICKEN MACHINES TO THE FOOD & RESTAURANT INDUSTRY AT WHOLESALE PRICES DIRECT TO THE PUBLIC !!! WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING ELECTRIC / GAS PRESSURE FRYERS IN STOCK & READY FOR PURCHASE WITH SAME DAY DELIVERY: – ELECTRIC PRESSURE FRYERS: – 1. ELECTRIC PRESSURE FRYER (CAPACITY: 12L) @ R 082-666-6619 (COUNTER TOP VERSION) 2. ELECTRIC PRESSURE FRYER (CAPACITY: 20L) @ R 082-666-6619 (COUNTER TOP VERSION) 3. ELECTRIC PRESSURE FRYER ON WHEELS (CAPACITY: 25L) @ R 082-666-6619 (FLOOR STANDING VERSION) GAS COMMERCIAL PRESSURE COOKER: – 4. GAS PRESSURE COOKER ON WHEELS (CAPACITY: 25L) @ R 082-666-6619 (FLOOR STANDING VERSION) ALL OF OUR KITCHEN EQUIPMENT IS SOLD BRAND NEW & CARRY A WARRANTY PERIOD OF 6/12 MONTHS. CALL / WHATSAPP US ON 082-666-6619 OR MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TO VISIT OUR SHOWROOM AT: – SUNROSE ONLINE JHB 05 BONANZA STREET SELBY JOHANNESBURG GAUTENG OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE ON www.kitchenequipment.co.za WE PROMISE TO BEAT ANY ADVERTISED PRICE OR WRITTEN QUOTATION ON SIMILAR QUALITY PRODUCTS. pressure cooker, electric pressure cooker, best pressure cooker, stainless steel pressure cooker, pressure cooker reviews, best electric pressure cooker, pressure cookers for sale, commercial pressure cooker, buy pressure cooker, pressure deep fryer, henny penny fryer, pressure fried chicken, turkey fryer, henny penny pressure fryer, deep fryer pressure cooker for sale, chicken pressure fryer for sale Items Available: 2
R 17.999
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Nelspruit (Mpumalanga)
WWW.BAKERYEQUIPMENT.CO.ZA IS THE LARGEST SOUTH AFRICAN SUPPLIER OF ROTISSERIE CHICKEN MACHINES @ WHOLESALE PRICES DIRECT TO THE PUBLIC !!! WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING CHICKEN ROASTER MACHINE IN STOCK & READY FOR PURCHASE WITH SAME DAY DELIVERY: – CHICKEN ROTISSERIE MACHINE: – 1. 4 BASKET ELECTRIC ROTISSERIE CHICKEN MACHINE @ R 11 999.00 (8-10 BIRD) – COUNTER TOP 2. 4 BASKET GAS ROTISSERIE CHICKEN MACHINE @ R 14 999.00 (12-14 BIRD) – ON WHEELS 3. 3 ROD GAS ROTISSERIE CHICKEN MACHINE @ R 24 999.00 (15 BIRD) – COUNTER TOP 4. 6 ROD GAS ROTISSERIE CHICKEN MACHINE @ R 44 999.00 (30 BIRD) – ON WHEELS ALL OF OUR CHICKEN ROASTING MACHINES ARE SOLD BRAND NEW & CARRY A 12 MONTH WARRANTY. CALL / WHATSAPP US ON 082 666 6619 TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TO VISIT OUR SHOWROOM AT: – SUNROSE ONLINE JHB 05 BONANZA STREET SELBY JOHANNESBURG GAUTENG OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE ON www.bakeryequipment.co.za WE PROMISE TO BEAT ANY ADVERTISED PRICE OR WRITTEN QUOTATION ON SIMILAR QUALITY PRODUCTS. VISIT OUR SHOW ROOM FOR MANY MORE IN STORE SPECIALS. rotisserie, rotisserie chicken, chicken roaster machine, rotisserie chicken machine, rotisserie chicken in oven, chicken rotisserie oven, rotisserie oven, rotisserie chicken in oven, rotisserie machine, rotisserie cooker, commercial rotisserie oven, best rotisserie oven, rotisserie for sale, rotisserie chicken cooker, commercial rotisserie, rotisserie oven for sale, chicken rotisserie for sale, oven with rotisserie, electric rotisserie, commercial chicken rotisserie, rotisserie chicken machine commercial, kitchen rotisserie, rotisserie grill, commercial rotisserie machine, bbq rotisserie, rotisserie chicken oven for sale, countertop rotisserie Items Available: 2
R 11.999
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