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Durban (KwaZulu Natal)
R 1.000
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Pretoria (Gauteng)
Accredited recommended installer best in TVs. DSTV n OVHD We install anytime, anywhere, everyday local n cbd Arcadia, Sunnyside call 0622151230. TV mounting, extra view, Explora switch, smart LNB R400, multi switch, twin lnb... Expert in everything about satellite in one, Pretoria East, equestria, pretoria north, west, quagga, lotus garden, Danville. hotel n guesthouse
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Krugersdorp (Gauteng)
+27640409447'';.., Johannesburg!~_%! SSD CHEMICAL +̲2̲7̲813334083 SOLUTIONS & ACTIVATION POWDER FOR CLEANING BLACK NOTES Johannesburg!~_%! SSD CHEMICAL +27640409447'';.., SOLUTIONS & ACTIVATION POWDER FOR CLEANING BLACK NOTES we can travel to do your work anywhere To buy genuine SSD solution chemical for cleaning black money,We also sale chemicals like SSD automatic solution form cleaning black dollars currencies, black rands currencies(zar). I hereby use this media to inform you, that our company can clean out black deface currency, (stained money) bank notes, we have all kinds of chemicals used for cleaning of black money or stained money in currencies such as U. S dollar, euro, Pound, KES, and all local currencies, even if your defaced note is 25 years old.Please note: we only deals on high quality S. S. D. Chemicals solution for cleaning black moneywe are manufacturer and seller of all sort of chemicals like super automatic ssd solution Z. W. V. 8 model activation powder and reactivation powder, anti air powder, mercury powder, automated money developer machines congeal chemical melting equipments, temperature controllers and automatic cleaning machine.• do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers Greater Johannesburg Photo: Keep up with SSD CHEMICAL SOLUTION +27640409447'';..,. We Supply The Best SSD CHEMICAL SOLUTION FOR CLEANING BLACK MONEY AND ACTIVATION POWDER FOR DEFACE CURRENCY. We have SSD automatic chemical solution for cleaning black money and any color of defaced currency Available in our laboratories worldwide. Our S.S.D Automatic solution is also used in the cleaning of stained bank notes with anti breeze quality, bills like USD, euro, pounds and other local currencies. We are direct manufacturer +27640409447'';..,
R 21.211
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Barkly East (Eastern Cape)
AUTOMATIC SSD CHEMICAL SOLUTION AND ACTIVATING POWDER FOR SALE +27833928661 in SOUTH AFRICA, GHANA,Namibia,Botswana, Mozambique,Zambia,Swaziland,Madagascar,Zimbabwe,Lesotho,Uganda,Limpo­po Bellv­ille Benon­i Bloem­fonte­in Boksb­urg Cape Town Cen­turio­n Durba­n East Londo­n Empan­geni Georg­e Germi­ston Ibhay­i­rg Katle­hong Kempt­on Park Kha­yelit­sa Pol­okwan­e Port Eliza­beth Potch­efstr­oom Preto­ria Randb­urg Roode­poort Ruste­nburg Seb­okeng Sosha­nguve Sowet­o Sprin­gbok Stell­enbos­ch Tembi­sa Thoho­yando­u Umlaz­i Uping­ton Vande­rbijl­park Ver­eenig­ing Welko­m Witba­nk Easte­rn Cape Free State Gaute­ng KwaZu­lu-Na­tal Mpuma­langa Zambi­a, Zimba­bawe To purch­ase Best SSD Solut­ion Clean Black Notes Dolla­rs WE ALSO? SALE CHEMI­CALS LIKE SSD AUTOA­MATIC SOL­UTION­ FORM CLEAN­ING BLACK DOLLA­RS CURRE­NCIES­. I hereb­y use this media to infor­m you, that our compa­ny can clean out black­ def­ace curre­ncy, (stai­ned money­) bank notes­, We have all kinds of chemi­cals used for clean­ing of black money or stain­ed money in curre­ncies such as U.S Dolla­r, Euro, Pound­, and all local curre­ncies­, even if your defac­ed note is 25 years old, WE SALE CHEMI­CALS LIKE TOURM­ALINE­, S.S.D­. Chemi­cal / Solut­ion , CASTR­O X OX­IDE, A4. AND MANY Like ACTIV­ATION POWDE­R & SSD SOLUT­ION FOR CLEAN­ING BLACK MONEY Chemi­cal and Allie­d produ­ct incor­porat­ed is a major­ man­ufact­urer of indus­trial and pharm­aceut­ical produ­cts with key speci­aliza­tion in the produ­ction of S.S.D Autom­atic solut­ion used in the clean­ing of black money , defac­ed money and stain­ed bank notes with anti bree­ze quali­ty. OTHER­S FOR DAMAG­ED NOTES­, BILLS LIKE USD,E­URO, POUND­S, T­RANSF­ERRIN­G COLOR­S FROM USE NOTE TO NEW WHITE BILLS­,AND BLACK NOTES ,WE WORK ON COMMI­SSION WE ALSO OFFER MACHI­NES TO DO THE BIG CLEAN­INGS, AND WE D­O DELIV­ERY OF PRODU­CTS TO BUYER­S DESTI­NATIO­NS AFTER A CONSU­LTATI­ON FEE. DEPE­NDING ON DIFFE­RENT CASES­. FOR MORE INFOR­MATIO­N PLEAS­E DO CONTA­CT US IN O­UR DIFFE­RENT OFFIC­ES.SP­AIN, INDIA­, CHINA­, THAIL­AND, CAMBO­DIA. ENGLA­ND, SWEDE­N, MALAY­SIA.D­UBAI, DR BAT PODOL­SKI KLOSE Are you looki­ng for:-­ SSD Chemi­cal Solut­ion Chemi­cal Solut­ion for Clean­ing Black Money­ SSD Chemi­cal Compa­ny SSD Chemi­cal Solut­ion for Clean­ing Black Money­ SSD Prese­rving Compa­ny SSD Chemi­cal Solut­ion for Clean­ing Black­ Mon­ey Activ­ation Powde­r S.S.D­. Chemi­cal Solut­ion for Clean­ing Black­ US Dolla­rs Activ­e Powde­r Activ­ation Powde­r for Clean­ing Black Notes­ Bla­ck Money Clean­ing Clean Black Money Best SSD Solut­ion Clean Black Notes Clean­ing Black Notes Clean­ing Black Money­ PLE­ASE NOTE: WE ONLY DEALS ON HIGH QUALI­TY S.S.D­. CHEMI­CALS SOLUT­ION FOR CLEAN­ING BLACK MONEY We are manuf­actur­er and selle­r of all sort of chemi­cals like SUPER­ AUT­OMATI­C SSD SOLUT­ION Z.W.V­.8 MODEL ACTIV­ATION POWDE­R AND REACT­IVATI­ON P­OWDER­, ANTI AIR POWDE­R, MERCU­RY POWDE­R , AUTOM­ATED MONEY DEVEL­OPER MACHI­NES CONGE­AL CHEMI­CAL MELTI­NG EQUIP­MENTS­, TEMPE­RATUR­E CONTR­OLLER­S AND AUTOM­ATIC CLEA­NING MACHI­NE. Deliv­ery is by one of a follo­wing, UPS,D­HL, EMS. EMAIL: kennroger7@gmail.com https: // ssdchemical call +27833928661
R 3.000
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Alberton (Gauteng)
(Pink And White 100% Hot) Best Hager Werken -#+27737164392-# Embalming Compound Powder For Sale''' Botswana,Swaziland, Vaal South Africa Namibia Lesotho Johannesburg Pretoria (pink and white 100% hot) Best Hager Werken -#+27737164392-# Embalming Compound powder for sale''' Botswana,Swaziland, vaal south africa Namibia lesotho johannesburg pretoria Bellville Benoni Bloemfontein Boksburg Cape Town Centurion Durban East London +27737164392 GERMANY HERGER WERKEN EMBALMING POWDER ... in Namibia+27737164392 Germany pink and white Hager Werken ... in Ladysmith +27737164392 sanitation, presentation and preservation (or restoration). Types of embalming powder is dependent on the purity and colour. +27737164392 Embalming powder in ZIMBABWE BOTSWANA MOZAMBIQUE SOUTH AFRICA call / whatsapp ௵@((+27737164392)௵ all provinces Hager werken embalming powder USES and PRICES. preserving human remains by treating them (in its modern form with chemicals)+27737164392 to forestall decomposition. The intention is to keep them suitable for public display at a funeral, for religious reasons, or for medical and scientific purposes such as their use as anatomical specimens.[1] The three goals of embalming are sanitation, presentation and preservation (or restoration). Embalming has a very long and cross-cultural history, with many cultures giving the embalming processes a greater religious meaning. specific uses are: sanitation, presentation and preservation (or restoration). Types of embalming powder is dependent on the purity and colour. Purity:98% ,100% Hot Compound Origin:Germany Brand: Hager Werken PURITY ON COLOUR. pink 98% white 100% CALL Quality merchants at +27737164392 Radioactive and compound At preferably affordable prices. hager werken embalming powder price R9000 and above depending on the refine. (discounts on quantities) Starting from one kilogram upwards. Looking for serious buyers!. Types of embalming powder is dependent on the purity and colour. Purity:98% ,100% Hot Compound Origin:Germany Brand: Hager Werken PURITY ON COLOUR. pink 98% white 100% CALL Quality merchants at +27737164392 Radioactive and compound At preferably affordable prices. hager werken embalming powder price R9000 and above depending on the refine. (discounts on quantities) Starting from one kilogram upwards. Looking for serious buyers! https://968606158477842378.weebly.com/ HAGER WERKEN EMBALMING POWDER ((+27737164392) FOR SALE IN ZIMBABWE Hager Werken Embalming Powder +27737164392 Pink in sandton city RIVONIA FOURWAYS - Johannesburg, Gauteng (Sandton) SOUTH AFRICA, ZIMBABWE,MOZAMBIQUE,BOTSWANA,ANGOLA,NAMIBIA... GET IN TOUCH WITH HAGER WERKEN EMBALMING POWDER TODAY CALL+27737164392 SAME DAY BUSINESS.Embalming powder in all provinces. Hager werken embalming powder call/whatsapp +27737164392 .Used for preserving human remains by treating them (in its modern form with chemicals) to forestall decomposition. The intention is to keep them suitable for public display at a funeral, for religious reasons, or for medical and scientific purposes such as their use as anatomical specimens.[1] The three goals of embalming are sanitisation, presentation and preservation (or restoration). Embalming has a very long and cross-cultural history, with many cultures giving the embalming processes a greater religious meaning. specific uses are: sanitisation, presentation and preservation (or restoration). Types of embalming powder is dependant on the purity and color. PURITY ON COLOR. pink 98%. white 100% ,hot compound 100%. call Quality merchants at +27737164392 .Radioactive and compound At preferably affordable prices. hager werken embalming powder price with discounts depending on the quantity and refine,Starting from one kilogram upwards. Origin: germany , Brand: Hager Werken. Looking for serious buyers only!!. Please contact customer service distributor direct in south africa. E-MAIL:boomrboom392@gmail.com or CALL/WHATSAPP +27737164392 HAGER WERKEN EMBALMING POWDER +27737164392 PINK IN SANDTON CITY RIVONIA FOURWAYS Service Description ≾௵((($$$)))~HELL AIM (DR ZIBA) TOP SUPPLIERS OF ORIGINAL GERMANY MADE PURE HAGER WERKEN AND EMBALMING POWDER WORLD WIDE, WE DISTRIBUTE AND SUPLY THESE COMPOUND IN BOTH POWDER FORM AND FLUIDS WE'RE LOOKING FOR POTENTIAL CLIENTS TO ESTABLISH COMMENCIAL RELATIONSHIP AND BUSINESS PARTERNERSHIP ALL OVER THE WORLD .WE HAVE GOT THE TOP BEST QUALITIES COMPOUND {POWDERS AND FLUIDS, PURURITY ON COLOR. SOUTH AFRICA +27737164392@@@@@@ BOTSWANA if you not currently a hager werken dealer HOOk UP a deal now the trend at which we do the business is so enticing. LET ME KNOW HOW I CAN HELP YOU CONTACT DR COLE DIRECT +27737164392 We leading suppliers of Germany made embalming compound to clients in South Africa and other African states.GERMANY MADE!!! EFFICIENCY HAGER WERKEN AND EMBALMING POWDER FOR SALE WORLD-WIDE******CALL OR WHTSAPP DR SUPPLER DR COLE BASED IN JOHANNESBURG SANDTON +277371643928659 IN SA JHB PTA KZN UK USA Johannesburg Area, South Africa "Chemicals" H A G E R-W E R K E N AND E M B A L M I N G POWDER embalming compound powder 98% HOT or 100% spooned embalming compound powder HOT/WHITE,PINK, 0.07 URANIUM **************The types of embalming powder depends on the purity and color. Purity:98% ,100% Hot Compound Origin:Germany Brand:Hager Werken PURITY ON COLOR. pink 98% white 100% Distributor Dentist / Dental Technician Hager & Werken products are sold through the dental trade worldwide. Please contact your local dental dealer. End consumer Please contact your pharmacist or dentist DR ZIBA ON : +27737164392 EMAIL boomrboom392@gmail.com Curent Hizone Brands, Ltd., HIZONE BRANDS LTD Education: American University of Antigua College of Medicine HAGER WERKEN EMBALMING POWDER ≾௵+27737164392 / COMPOUND/FLUID ( PINK AND WHITE) FOR SALE types of embalming powder is dependent on the purity and color. Purity: 98%, 100% Hot Compound Origin: Germany Brand: Hager Werken PURITY ON COLOUR. Pink: 98% White: 100% Hager werken products are sold through the Dental trade worldwide Please contact your pharmacist or dentist. Dealers if you are not currently a Hager werken Customer please contact our Customer Service Distributor direct in south Africa: +27737164392 contact: +27737164392 Email: boomrboom392@gmail.com We transport them worldwide by DHL or by post office speed delivery Capetown, Durban, Soweto, Sandton, Midrand, Pretoria ,Benoni, Tembisa,Vereeniging, Isando, Boksburg,Melrose, Rosebank, Hydepark Honey Dew, krugersdorp, Brakpan ,Vanderbijlpark Verwoerdburg,Springs,Germiston, Fourways, Alexandra, Hammanskraal, Mamelodi, Menlyn,Midrand, Westonaria,Nigel, Randfontein,Mabopane,Heidelberg, Ekangala, Bronkhorstspruit, Cullinan, Baviaanspoort, Bon Accord, Boipatong, Boekenhoutfontein, Blyvooruitzicht, Blyvooruitsig, Blignautrus, Blackheath, Bhongweni Lokasie, Bhongwem, Bekkersdal, Bedworth Park, Bedfordview, Beckedan Tzaneen, Giyani, Musina, Phalaborwa, Margate, Mount Frere, Pongola Matatiele, Umtata, Bhisho, Humansdorp, Idutywa, Komga Durban,Buccleuch,Chartwell,Rivonia,Morning Side,Douglasdale, Gallo Manor, Hurlingham,Illovo, Inanda-Sandton,Kelvin,Lonehill,Bryanston,Sandhurst,Sandown,Sunninghill,Wendy Wood Free State, Botshabelo, Brandfort, Parktown, Protea Glen,State Aliwal North, Allanridge, Alma, Bethlehem, Bloemfontein, Bohlokong, Boshof, Bothaville,Bronville, Clarens, Clocolan, Coalbrook, Cornelia, Dealesville, Deneysville, Edenburg, Fauresmith, Ferreira, Ficksburg, Fouriesburg, Frankfort, Harrismith, Heilbron, Hennenman,Jacobsdal, Jagersfontein,Koffiefontein,Koppies, Kroonstad, Kutlwanong, Ladybrand, Manyatseng, Maokeng,Meloding, Namahadi, Odendaalsrus,Oranjeville, Orkney, Parys, Paul Roux, Petrusburg, DR ZIBA ON : +27737164392 EMAIL boomrboom392@gmail.com Lady Frere Lansdowne Lebowakgomo Lichtenburg Louis Trichardt Lydenburg Mabopane Malmesbury Margate Messina Middelburg Middelburg Midrand Mmabatho Modimolle Mokopane Mondlo Mossel Bay Mpophomeni Mpumalanga Mthatha Nelspruit Newcastle Nigel Nkowakowa Noorder-Paarl Orkney Oudtshoorn Pampierstad Parys Phalaborwa Phuthaditjhaba Pietermaritzburg Piet Retief Plettenberg Bay Polokwane Port Alfred Port Elizabeth Port Shepstone Potchefstroom Pretoria Queensdale Queenstown Randfontein Reitz Retreat Richards Bay Richmond Rondebosch Roodepoort Rustenburg Saldanha Sasolburg Schweizer-Reneke Scottburgh Secunda Senekal Siyabuswa Somerset East Soweto Springs Standerton Stanger Stellenbosch Stilfontein Stutterheim Tembisa Thaba Nchu Theunissen Thohoyandou Tzaneen Uitenhage Ulundi Umkomaas Upington Vanderbijlpark Vereeniging Viljoenskroon Virginia Volksrust Vryburg Vryheid Warmbaths Warrenton Welkom
R 10.000
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South Africa (All cities)
WashNPress are professionals in the Dry Cleaning & Laundry Service in Kharghar. At Wash n Press, we’re more than just dry cleaners; we’re the embodiment of professionalism in the world of laundry services. Situated in Kharghar, we’re dedicated to staying ahead with cutting-edge technologies and cleaning techniques. Our commitment to excellence extends beyond mere cleanliness; we strictly follow all local and national regulations, ensuring environmental safety and integrity in every wash. We’re on a mission to revolutionize your perception of laundry.
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Johannesburg (Gauteng)
Rentals start from R700,00 per day upwards to exclusive vehicles Variety of cars too choose from Group A - Group N Unlimited millage / Local and Provincial WhatsApp: 0655219258 Website: jblcarrental.com Facebook: JBL Car Rentals
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