Hp heavy weight
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Johannesburg (Gauteng)
TruCUT Standard Range 2050x3050mm Flatbed Type with Heavy Weight Fixed Table Laser Cutting and Engraving Machine with 180W CO2 Laser Tube Complete Package (Laser Machine) Product SKU: LC-2030/S180, Laser Machine, 0822222359 Laser Machine Price: R 236 579.00 Sales Price exl. VAT & Deliver, valid at 2016-9-22 kao8kp3c 0822222359 http://SalePrice.co.za/LC-2030/S180# Minimal Can Engrave Readable 1mm Height English Letter Achieve ± 0.01 mm Resolution With Standard Aluminium Slats as Working Surface, Honeycomb Table optional Support Direct USB Connection from PC or Use Flush Drive Include TruCUT Software with Multi-Layer Process, Simulation, Time Estimation and Many Other Functions, Learn More http://am.co.za/laser/trucut Latest TruCUT DSP for Multitasking (Cut/Engrave etc in One Job) with 128M Large Memory 18 meter/min (300 mm/s) Rapid Positioning Linear Speed Use Household 220V Electricity, Include Ellies Surges and Lightning Safe Plug Gear & Timing Belt Transmission System Cutting Table Lowered for Thick and Heavy Material like Stone/Marble with Weight Static Load Up To 200 kg/m2 Double Power Supplies and Double Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), Radio-Frequency Interference (RFI) Filters 180Watt CO2 Laser System with Cooling Unit Included Easy to Use Control Panel with Direct Internal Saved File Select Button Up To 18 meter/min (300 mm/s) Engraving Speed Up to 18 meter/min (300 mm/s) Cutting Speed Stepper Motors Driving System Double Focus Lens Position (63.5mm Default, 101.6mm Optional) Laser Lens Holder With RJ45 Network Port for Cutting Job Transfer through Network Air Pump, Extraction Fan and Exhaust Hoses Included Include Laser Tube Cooling System Warning Light Indicator and Laser Power Cutoff Working Area (Cutting/Engraving Area) Size 2050x3050mm Less Than 0.1 mm Repeat Positioning Accuracy 0822222359 http://SalePrice.co.za/LC-2030/S180# More About Laser Machine:Laser Machine and Decoration Arts Made by Madiba Bay Events Company with CNC Laser Machine http://www.welldone.co.za/Madiba-Bay-Events-Laser-Decor# Make a Supa Stand by 6mm Supawood with 90W CO2 Laser Cutting Machine http://www.univision.co.za/video/103424222# Advanced Machinery Visits Kenneth and Hannelie from KHS Craft Works http://www.prevision.co.za/khs-craft-works-laser-machine/# Products included in this Laser Machine purchase:(A-CHILLER/1400) Generic AM-5200 1400W Water Chiller with Air Compressor (AG-FAN) Generic 550W Extraction Fan X 2 (LC-TUBE/180) TruCUT Standard Series Sealed 180W CO2 Glass Laser Tube (LC-2030) AM.CO.ZA TruCUT Standard Range 2050x3050mm Flatbed Type Laser Cutting and Engraving Machine Barebone Unit (AG-AIR) Generic Air Pump (T-BASIC/LC) Basic TruCUT Laser Machine Training Course and TruCUT Software Usage (X-UTILITY/CD) AM.CO.ZA All-in-One Utility Disk with Softwares/Drives for CNC Machineries on a DVD (LC-POWER/180) 180W CO2 Laser Power Supply Unit for 160W/180W CO2 Glass Laser Tube with Adjustable Current (LC-STONE/2030) Lower and Strengthen Flatbed Laser 2050x3050mm Size Table with Heavy Weight Holding Capacity 0822222359 http://SalePrice.co.za/LC-2030/S180# More Laser Machine Components Stock By Us:(LC-POWER/90) 90W CO2 Laser Power Supply Unit for 80W/90W CO2 Glass Laser Tube with Adjustable Current (LC-TUBE/60) TruCUT Standard Series Sealed 60W CO2 Glass Laser Tube (LC-POWER/150) 150W CO2 Laser Power Supply Unit for 120W/130W/150W CO2 Glass Laser Tube with Adjustable Current
R 236.579
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Johannesburg (Gauteng)
TruCUT Standard Range 2050x3050mm Flatbed Type with Heavy Weight Fixed Table Laser Cutting and Engraving Machine with 120W CO2 Laser Tube Complete Package (Laser Machine) Product SKU: LC-2030/S120, Laser Machine, 0722279977 Laser Machine Price: R 285 809.00 Sales Price exl. VAT and Shipping, valid at 2020-11-20kao8kp3c We cannot edit price on this advertising once posted (at 2020-11-20). Please call us for up to date price because price adjusted by forex rate often. 0722279977 http://SalePrice.co.za/LC-2030/S120# With RJ45 Network Port for Cutting Job Transfer through Network 18 meter/min (300 mm/s) Rapid Positioning Linear Speed Latest TruCUT DSP for Multitasking (Cut/Engrave etc in One Job) with 128M Large Memory Air Pump, Extraction Fan and Exhaust Hoses Included With Standard Aluminium Slats as Working Surface, Honeycomb Table optional Use Household 220V Electricity, Compatible with UPS and Generator Include TruCUT Software with Multi-Layer Process, Simulation, Time Estimation and Many Other Functions, Learn More https://am.co.za/laser/trucut Working Area (Cutting/Engraving Area) Size 2050x3050mm Cutting Table Lowered for Thick and Heavy Material like Stone/Marble with Weight Static Load Up To 200 kg/m2 Program Controlled Compressed Air, Blow When Needed Easy to Use Control Panel with Direct Internal Saved File Select Button 120Watt CO2 Laser System with Cooling Unit Included Double Power Supplies and Double Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), Radio-Frequency Interference (RFI) Filters Achieve ± 0.01 mm Resolution Minimal Can Engrave Readable 1mm Height English Letter Stepper Motors Driving System Gear & Timing Belt Transmission System Support Direct USB Connection from PC or Use Flush Drive Up To 18 meter/min (300 mm/s) Engraving Speed Double Focus Lens Position (63.5mm Default, 101.6mm Optional) Laser Lens Holder Include Laser Tube Cooling System Warning Light Indicator and Laser Power Cutoff Less Than 0.1 mm Repeat Positioning Accuracy Up to 18 meter/min (300 mm/s) Cutting Speed 0722279977 http://SalePrice.co.za/LC-2030/S120# More About Laser Machine:TruCUT CO2 Laser Cutting and Engraving Machine Main Features and Introduction Video https://updating.co.za/trucut-laser-features-video# Furniture and Crafts Manufacturing by Paper Explosion with Cabinet Laser Machine http://www.welldone.co.za/Furniture-and-Crafts# Stage and Set Manufacturing by AM's New Workshop - Absolute Manufactuing http://www.prevision.co.za/stage-and-set-manufacturing/# Products included in this Laser Machine package:(LC-2030) AM.CO.ZA TruCUT Standard Range 2050x3050mm Flatbed Type Laser Cutting and Engraving Machine Barebone Unit (A-CHILLER/CABLE) 3 PIN GX12 Female Plugs Water Cooling/Chilling Unit Signal Data Cable, about 1.5 Meters (LC-CABLE/HV2) High Voltage Wire Connector and High Voltage Cable about 5 Metre Length for CO2 Laser Power Supply, Suitable for Flatbed Laser (LC-POWER/150) 150W CO2 Laser Power Supply Unit Suggest for 120W/130W/150W CO2 Glass Laser Tube with Adjustable Current (T-BASIC/LC) Basic TruCUT Laser Machine Training Course and TruCUT Software Usage (AG-AIR) Generic 220V Air Pump ~80W Pressure 0.035Mpa Flow-rate 70L/min for CNC Machines (X-UTILITY) Utility, Softwares/Drives for CNC Machineries Freely Downloadable from CNCU.CO.ZA (NO-STOP/1) AM.CO.ZA NO-STOP High Speed Lubrication Oil 1L Bottle for Mechanical Parts like Linear Guide Rails and Runner Blocks (T-LASER/ALIGNMENT) Laser Alignment Learning and Practice Course at Suitable Training Facility or at Client Place with Suitable Equipment (A-CHILLER/1400) Generic AM-5200 1400W Refrigeration Water Chiller with Air Compressor (LC-TUBE/120) TruCUT Standard Series Sealed 120W CO2 Glass Laser Tube (LC-STONE/2030) Lower and Strengthen Flatbed Laser 2050x3050mm Size Table with Heavy Weight Holding Capacity (AG-TAPE/HV) 3M 10 Kilovolt High-Voltage Insulation Tape, Ethylene Propylene Rubber (EPR) with Liner, Waterproof Insulation Tape (AG-FAN) Generic 220V 550W Extraction Fan with 150mm Inlet/Outlet Diameter X 2 0722279977 http://SalePrice.co.za/LC-2030/S120# Other Laser Machine Spare Parts Stock By Us:(L-LENS-ZNSE/19/635) Φ19mm ZnSe (Zinc Selenide) Lens FL 63.5mm with Two Sides Anti-Reflection (AR/AR) Coating for CO2 Laser Beam (LC-TUBE/120) TruCUT Standard Series Sealed 120W CO2 Glass Laser Tube (L-LENS-ZNSE/18/1016) Φ18mm ZnSe (Zinc Selenide) Lens FL 101.6mm with Two Sides Anti-Reflection (AR/AR) Coating for CO2 Laser Beam
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Kokstad (KwaZulu Natal)
TruCUT Standard Range 2050x4000mm Flatbed Type with Heavy Weight Fixed Table Laser Cutting and Engraving Machine with 160W CO2 Laser Tube Complete Package (Laser Cutter) Product Code: LC-2040/S160, Laser Cutter, 0722279977 Laser Cutter Price: R 354 909.00 Sales Price exclude VAT & Transport, quoted at 2020-11-24kao8kp3c We cannot change price on this advertising once posted (at 2020-11-24). Please call us for up to date price since price adjusted by Rand rates often. 0722279977 http://SalePrice.co.za/LC-2040/S160# Program Controlled Compressed Air, Blow When Needed Working Area (Cutting/Engraving Area) Size 2050x4000mm Air Pump, Extraction Fan and Exhaust Hoses Included With Standard Aluminium Slats as Working Surface, Honeycomb Table optional Cutting Table Lowered for Thick and Heavy Material like Stone/Marble with Weight Static Load Up To 200 kg/m2 Double Focus Lens Position (63.5mm Default, 101.6mm Optional) Laser Lens Holder Minimal Can Engrave Readable 1mm Height English Letter 160Watt CO2 Laser System with Cooling Unit Included Easy to Use Control Panel with Direct Internal Saved File Select Button Stepper Motors Driving System 18 meter/min (300 mm/s) Rapid Positioning Linear Speed Include TruCUT Software with Multi-Layer Process, Simulation, Time Estimation and Many Other Functions, Learn More https://am.co.za/laser/trucut Support Direct USB Connection from PC or Use Flush Drive Gear & Timing Belt Transmission System Double Power Supplies and Double Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), Radio-Frequency Interference (RFI) Filters Include Laser Tube Cooling System Warning Light Indicator and Laser Power Cutoff Latest TruCUT DSP for Multitasking (Cut/Engrave etc in One Job) with 128M Large Memory Up to 18 meter/min (300 mm/s) Cutting Speed With RJ45 Network Port for Cutting Job Transfer through Network Up To 18 meter/min (300 mm/s) Engraving Speed Less Than 0.1 mm Repeat Positioning Accuracy Use Household 220V Electricity, Compatible with UPS and Generator Achieve ± 0.01 mm Resolution 0722279977 http://SalePrice.co.za/LC-2040/S160# More About Laser Cutter:TruCUT CO2 Laser Cutting Machine 2016 Model Photo Gallery http://www.welldone.co.za/TruCUT-CO-Laser-Cutting# Advanced Machinery Triggers More Interest at The FESPA Africa 2016 Expo https://cornerstone.co.za/advanced-machinery-fespa-africa-2016# CO2 CNC Laser Cutting and Engraving Machine Cuts 6mm Supawood Video https://updating.co.za/laser-6mm-supawood# Details in this Laser Cutter purchase:(AG-AIR) Generic 220V Air Pump ~80W Pressure 0.035Mpa Flow-rate 70L/min for CNC Machines (LC-2040) AM.CO.ZA TruCUT Standard Range 2050x4000mm Flatbed Type Laser Cutting and Engraving Machine Barebone Unit (A-CHILLER/1400) Generic AM-5200 1400W Refrigeration Water Chiller with Air Compressor (AG-FAN) Generic 220V 550W Extraction Fan with 150mm Inlet/Outlet Diameter X 2 (LC-CABLE/HV2) High Voltage Wire Connector and High Voltage Cable about 5 Metre Length for CO2 Laser Power Supply, Suitable for Flatbed Laser (A-CHILLER/CABLE) 3 PIN GX12 Female Plugs Water Cooling/Chilling Unit Signal Data Cable, about 1.5 Meters (T-BASIC/LC) Basic TruCUT Laser Machine Training Course and TruCUT Software Usage (LC-STONE/2040) Lower and Strengthen Flatbed Laser 2050x4000mm Size Table with Heavy Weight Holding Capacity (LC-POWER/180) 180W CO2 Laser Power Supply Unit Suggest for 160W/180W CO2 Glass Laser Tube with Adjustable Current (X-UTILITY) Utility, Softwares/Drives for CNC Machineries Freely Downloadable from CNCU.CO.ZA (AG-TAPE/HV) 3M 10 Kilovolt High-Voltage Insulation Tape, Ethylene Propylene Rubber (EPR) with Liner, Waterproof Insulation Tape (NO-STOP/1) AM.CO.ZA NO-STOP High Speed Lubrication Oil 1L Bottle for Mechanical Parts like Linear Guide Rails and Runner Blocks (LC-TUBE/160) TruCUT Standard Series Sealed 160W CO2 Glass Laser Tube (T-LASER/ALIGNMENT) Laser Alignment Learning and Practice Course at Suitable Training Facility or at Client Place with Suitable Equipment 0722279977 http://SalePrice.co.za/LC-2040/S160# Other Laser Cutter Spares From Us:(L-LENS-ZNSE/19/381) Φ19mm ZnSe (Zinc Selenide) Lens FL 38.1mm with Two Sides Anti-Reflection (AR/AR) Coating for CO2 Laser Beam (LC-TUBE/P130) TruCUT Premium Series Sealed Rated 130W with Burst 160W+ CO2 Glass Laser Tube with Galvanized Catalyst (L-MIRROR/MO/20) Φ20mm Molybdenum Plated Laser Reflecting Mirror for CO2 Laser Beam
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Alberton (Gauteng)
TruCUT Performance Range 1300x2500mm Flatbed Type with Heavy Weight Motorised Table Laser Cutting and Engraving Machine with 160W CO2 Laser Tube Complete Package (Laser Machine) SKU: LC2-1325/S160, Laser Machine, 0822222359 Laser Machine Product Price: R 267 989.00 Price exclude VAT & Transport, valid at 2020-11-30kao8kp3c We cannot edit price on this advertising once published (at 2020-11-30). Please call us for recent price since price affected by USD rates often. 0822222359 http://SalePrice.co.za/LC2-1325/S160# Motorised Cutting Table for Thick and Heavy Material like Stone/Marble with Weight Static Load Up To 100 kg/m2 160Watt CO2 Laser System with Cooling Unit Included Double Focus Lens Position (63.5mm Default, 101.6mm Optional) Laser Lens Holder Up to 27 meter/min (450 mm/s) Engraving Speed Easy to Use Control Panel with Direct Internal Saved File Select Button Air Pump, Extraction Fan and Exhaust Hoses Included High Speed Servo Motors Driving System With RJ45 Network Port for Cutting Job Transfer through Network Latest TruCUT DSP for Multitasking (Cut/Engrave etc in One Job) with 128M Large Memory Include Laser Tube Cooling System Warning Light Indicator and Laser Power Cutoff Professional model driven by Servo Motors and Rack and Pinion Gear for High Precision and Performance Minimal Can Engrave Readable 1mm Height English Letter With Standard Aluminium Slats as Working Surface, Honeycomb Table optional Support Direct USB Connection from PC or Use Flush Drive Program Controlled Compressed Air, Blow When Needed Use Household 220V Electricity, Compatible with UPS and Generator Double Power Supplies and Double Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), Radio-Frequency Interference (RFI) Filters High Precision Rack and Pinion Gear Transmission System Up to 36 meter/min (600 mm/s) Cutting Speed Include TruCUT Software with Multi-Layer Process, Simulation, Time Estimation and Many Other Functions, Learn More https://am.co.za/laser/trucut Less Than 0.05 mm Repeat Positioning Accuracy Working Area (Cutting/Engraving Area) Size 1300x2500mm Achieve ± 0.001 mm Resolution 36 meter/min (600 mm/s) Rapid Positioning Linear Speed 0822222359 http://SalePrice.co.za/LC2-1325/S160# More About Laser Machine:Laser Alignment is Always a Pain, Now We have a Training Course and Gear https://updating.co.za/laser-alignment-training-course-and-gear# New TruCut Lite Vertical CO2 Laser Engraving Machine from Advanced Machinery https://cornerstone.co.za/trucut-lite-vertical# ContiTech Brands Conveyor Belts with AM's TruCUT CO2 CNC Laser Machine. http://www.prevision.co.za/contitech-logo-conveyor-belt-laser-machine/# Product You Will Receive in this Laser Machine package:(LC-TUBE/160) TruCUT Standard Series Sealed 160W CO2 Glass Laser Tube (AG-AIR) Generic 220V Air Pump ~80W Pressure 0.035Mpa Flow-rate 70L/min for CNC Machines (T-BASIC/LC) Basic TruCUT Laser Machine Training Course and TruCUT Software Usage (LC-EXTEND/F40) TruCUT Flatbed Laser Cutter Laser Tube Extension Case of 40mm Length (X-UTILITY) Utility, Softwares/Drives for CNC Machineries Freely Downloadable from CNCU.CO.ZA (A-CHILLER/1400) Generic AM-5200 1400W Refrigeration Water Chiller with Air Compressor (LC-PRO/FLAT/1325) Use Servo Motors and High Precision Rack and Pinion Gear Driving for Flatbed Laser 1300x2500mm Size (AG-TAPE/HV) 3M 10 Kilovolt High-Voltage Insulation Tape, Ethylene Propylene Rubber (EPR) with Liner, Waterproof Insulation Tape (LC-POWER/180) 180W CO2 Laser Power Supply Unit Suggest for 160W/180W CO2 Glass Laser Tube with Adjustable Current (NO-STOP/1) AM.CO.ZA NO-STOP High Speed Lubrication Oil 1L Bottle for Mechanical Parts like Linear Guide Rails and Runner Blocks (LC-1325) AM.CO.ZA TruCUT Standard Range 1300x2500mm Flatbed Type Laser Cutting and Engraving Machine Barebone Unit (LC-CABLE/HV2) High Voltage Wire Connector and High Voltage Cable about 5 Metre Length for CO2 Laser Power Supply, Suitable for Flatbed Laser (A-CHILLER/CABLE) 3 PIN GX12 Female Plugs Water Cooling/Chilling Unit Signal Data Cable, about 1.5 Meters (LC-STONE/1325) Convert Flatbed Laser 1300x2500mm Size Table to Motorized Table with Heavy Weight Holding Capacity (AG-FAN) Generic 220V 550W Extraction Fan with 150mm Inlet/Outlet Diameter X 2 (T-LASER/ALIGNMENT) Laser Alignment Learning and Practice Course at Suitable Training Facility or at Client Place with Suitable Equipment 0822222359 http://SalePrice.co.za/LC2-1325/S160# More Laser Machine Components Sold By Us:(LC-TUBE/150) TruCUT Standard Series Sealed 150W CO2 Glass Laser Tube (L-LENS-ZNSE/25/1016) Φ25mm ZnSe (Zinc Selenide) Lens FL 101.6mm with Two Sides Anti-Reflection (AR/AR) Coating for CO2 Laser Beam (L-LENS-ZNSE/12/381) Φ12mm ZnSe (Zinc Selenide) Lens FL 38.1mm with Two Sides Anti-Reflection (AR/AR) Coating for CO2 Laser Beam
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South Africa (All cities)
Buy Ladies classic Heavy Weight Polo Design - 4XL / White for R179.99
R 179
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South Africa (All cities)
Buy Ladies classic Heavy Weight Polo Design - 3XL / Navy for R179.99
R 179
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South Africa (All cities)
HP 653 Black Original Ink Advantage Cartridge Print crisp text and vivid colour with Original HP Ink cartridges designed to deliver quality prints for your home, school, and small business. With ultra low-priced cartridges, get Original HP ink for an affordable price. Print the high-quality documents and photos you need for a great value. With ultra low-priced cartridges, get Original HP ink for an affordable price plus consistent reliable results from cartridges designed with the HP printer. Rely on Original HP ink cartridges to deliver printing performance. Help ensure the crisp, vivid prints for home, school, and work with cartridges built and tested with your HP printer and designed for ease of use. Original HP cartridges that fit how you live, work, and print. Count on consistent, top-quality results and easy reordering that you expect from HP at home or on the go. b'/xc2/xa0' Designed to work the first time, every time Be assured that Original HP Cartridges will consistently deliver quality results and premium performance. b'/xc2/xa0' Quality prints you can take pride in Experience premium print quality with Original HP Cartridges designed for vibrant colour, crisp text, and rich blacks for big impact. b'/xc2/xa0' The environmental choice Print with confidence – Original HP Cartridges designed with the planet in mind for easy recycling and less waste. b'/xc2/xa0' Better together. Better results. Original HP Cartridges are the only cartridges precisely developed with HP printers for reliable quality, results, and consistent performance. b'/xc2/xa0' Get the most from your ink Count on value with Ink Advantage cartridges, priced affordably and delivering Original HP quality. b'/xc2/xa0' Crisp, sharp text Make a good impression with Original HP ink cartridges – designed to deliver crisp, sharp text. b'/xc2/xa0' Specifications Color(s) of printing supplies: Black Ink drop: 17.9 pl Ink types: Pigment-based Page yield (black and white): 360 pages(Tested on HP DeskJet Plus Ink Advantage 6000 All-in-One Printer series. Approximate average based on ISO/IEC 24711 or HP testing methodology and continuous printing. Actual yield varies considerably based on content of printed pages and other factors. For details see http://www.hp.com/go/learnaboutsupplies.) Print cartridge volume delivered: 6 ml Operating temperature range: 5 to 35°C Storage temperature range: 40 to 80°C Non-Operating Humidity Range: 8 to 90% RH Minimum dimensions (W x D x H): 113 x 37 x 115 mm Weight: 0.04 kg UPC number: 193905429486 Package dimensions (W x D x H): 113 x 37 x 115 mm Package weight: 0.05 kg Smaller master carton barcode: (BHK) 10193905429506, (BHL) 10193905429490 Case or master carton quantity: 60 Case or master carton dimensions (W x D x H): 588 x 198 x 172 mm Case weight (case or master carton): 3.48 kg Quantity per pallet: 2880 Pallet dimensions (W x D x H): 1200 x 800 x 1176 mm Pallet weight: 187.14 kg Country of origin: Made in Malaysia b'/xc2/xa0'
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South Africa (All cities)
HP ProBook 455 15.6 inch G10 Notebook PC (B39QVAT) The HP ProBook 455 15-inch Laptop provides growing businesses with a durable PC featuring built-in collaboration and connectivity tools with multi-layered endpoint security-delivering commercial-grade performance. Operating system: Windows 11 Pro Processor Brand: AMD Ryzen 57530U Memory size: 16 GB DDR4 Features: Optimized for hybrid work Look your best wherever you work with enhanced camera features and lighting adjustments. Tested for durability Passed 19 MIL-STD tests for durability and easily serviceable- helping make the most of your IT investment. Performance for growing business Keep up with demanding tasks with the latest AMD CPU, long battery life, and upgradeable memory and storage. Specifications: Laptop Product Code B39QVAT Operating system Windows 11 Pro Processor family AMD Ryzen 5 processor Processor AMD Ryzen 5 7530U (up to 4.5 GHz max boost clock, 16 MB L3 cache, 6 cores, 12 threads) Graphics Integrated AMD Radeon Graphics Memory 16 GB DDR4-3200 MT/s (1 x 16 GB) Memory Slots 2 SODIMM Internal Storage 512 GB PCIe NVMe SSD Display 15.6″ diagonal, FHD (1920 x 1080), IPS, narrow bezel, anti-glare, 250 nits, 45% NTSC Display 39.6 cm (15.6″) diagonal, FHD (1920 x 1080), IPS, narrow bezel, anti-glare, 250 nits, 45% NTSC Touchscreen No Color gamut 45% NTSC Brightness 250 nits Dimensions (W x D x H) 35.94 x 23.39 x 1.99 cm Weight Starting at 1.74 kg (Weight will vary by configuration. Does not include power adapter.) Software included HP Connection Optimizer, HP Hotkey Support, HP Support Assistant, HP Power Manager, myHP, HP Privacy Settings, HP Notifications, HP QuickDrop, HP PC Hardware Diagnostics Windows, HP Services Scan, HP Smart Support (download) Management features HP Client Management Script Library (download), HP Driver Packs (download), HP Client Catalog (download), HP Manageability Integration Kit Gen4 (download), HP Image Assistant Gen5 (download), HP Cloud Recovery Battery type HP Long Life 3-cell, 51 Wh Li-ion Battery life (Battery is internal and not replaceable by customer. Serviceable by warranty.) Wireless Qualcomm FastConnect 6900 Wi-Fi 6E (2×2) and Bluetooth 5.3 wireless card Product color Pike silver aluminum Keyboard HP Premium Keyboard – spill resistant, optional backlit keyboard with drain and DuraKeys Camera 720p HD camera Audio Dual stereo speakers, dual array microphones Pointing device Clickpad with multi-touch gesture support Ports 1 USB Type-C 10Gbps signaling rate (USB Power Delivery, DisplayPort 1.4), 3 USB Type-A 5Gbps signaling rate, 1 AC power, 1 HDMI 2.1, 1 stereo headphone/microphone combo jack, 1 RJ-45 Power 65 W USB Type-C adapter Security management Absolute persistence module, HP DriveLock and Automatic DriveLock, HP Secure Erase, HP Sure Click, HP Sure Sense, BIOS Update via Network, HP Sure Admin, HP BIOSphere Gen6, HP Client Security Manager Gen7, TPM 2.0 embedded security chip (Common Criteria EAL4+ and FIPS 140-2 Level 2 Certified), HP Sure Start Gen7, HP Wake on WLAN, HP Tamper Lock, HP Sure Run Gen5, Secured-Core PC Enable Fingerprint reader Fingerprint sensor Ecolabels TCO Certified
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South Africa (All cities)
HP ProBook 450 15.6 inch G10 Notebook PC (AD1D0ET) The HP ProBook 450 15-inch laptop provides growing businesses with a durable PC featuring built-in collaboration and connectivity tools with multi-layered endpoint security- meeting commercial-grade expectations. Operating system: Windows 11 Pro Processor Brand: Intel Core i5 1334U 13th Generation Memory size: 16 GB DDR4 Features: Optimized for hybrid work Look your best wherever you work with enhanced camera features and lighting adjustments. Tested for durability Passed 19 MIL-STD tests for durability and easily serviceable-helping make the most of your IT investment. Performance for growing business Keep up with demanding tasks with the latest Intel CPU, long battery life, and upgradeable memory and storage. Windows 11 Work anywhere without compromising on performance or security with Windows 11 powered by HP’s collaboration and connectivity technology. 13th Gen Intel multi-core processor Get the perfect combination of power, snappy performance, and value with a 13th gen Intel Core processor to handle multiple work tasks smoothly and reliably with multiple processing cores. Fast and efficient wireless LAN The portability of your PC and the reliability of a fast connection determines where you can work. Get a fast and reliable connection in dense wireless environments with gigabit-speed Wi-Fi 6. HP Sure Sense Malware is evolving rapidly beyond traditional antivirus capabilities. Protect your PC against never-before-seen attacks with HP Sure Sense, which combines behavioral analysis with advanced AI techniques to provide exceptional protection. Specifications: Laptop Product Code AD1D0ET Operating system Windows 11 Pro Processor family 13th Generation Intel Core i5 processor Processor Intel Core i5-1334U (up to 4.6 GHz with Intel Turbo Boost Technology, 12 MB L3 cache, 10 cores, 12 threads) Graphics Integrated Intel Iris Xᶱ Graphics Memory 16 GB DDR4-3200 MT/s (1 x 16 GB) Memory Slots 2 SODIMM Internal Storage 512 GB PCIe NVMe SSD Display 15.6″ diagonal, FHD (1920 x 1080), IPS, narrow bezel, anti-glare, 250 nits, 45% NTSC Display 39.6 cm (15.6″) diagonal, FHD (1920 x 1080), IPS, narrow bezel, anti-glare, 250 nits, 45% NTSC Touchscreen No Color gamut 45% NTSC Brightness 250 nits Minimum dimensions (W x D x H) 35.94 x 23.39 x 1.99 cm Weight Starting at 1.79 kg (Weight will vary by configuration. Does not include power adapter.) Software included HP Connection Optimizer, HP Hotkey Support, HP Support Assistant, HP Power Manager, myHP, HP Privacy Settings, HP Notifications, HP QuickDrop, HP PC Hardware Diagnostics Windows, HP Services Scan, HP Smart Support (download) Management features HP Client Management Script Library (download), HP Driver Packs (download), HP Client Catalog (download), HP Manageability Integration Kit Gen4 (download), HP Image Assistant Gen5 (download), HP Cloud Recovery Battery type HP Long Life 3-cell, 51 Wh Li-ion Battery life (Battery is internal and not replaceable by customer. Serviceable by warranty.) Wireless Intel Wi-Fi 6E AX211 (2×2) and Bluetooth 5.3 wireless card (supporting gigabit data rate) Product color Pike silver aluminum Keyboard HP Premium Keyboard – spill resistant keyboard with numeric keypad Camera 720p HD camera Audio Dual stereo speakers, dual array microphones Pointing device Clickpad with multi-touch gesture support, taps enabled as default Ports 10Gbps signaling rate (USB Power Delivery, DisplayPort 2.1) Power 65 W USB Type-C adapter Security management Absolute persistence module, HP DriveLock and Automatic DriveLock, HP Secure Erase, HP Sure Click, HP Sure Sense, BIOS Update via Network, HP Sure Admin, HP BIOSphere Gen6, HP Client Security Manager Gen7, TPM 2.0 embedded security chip (Common Criteria EAL4+ and FIPS 140-2 Level 2 Certified), HP Sure Start Gen7, HP Wake on WLAN, HP Tamper Lock, HP Sure Run Gen5, Secured-Core PC Enable Fingerprint reader Fingerprint sensor Sustainable impact specifications Low Halogen, Bulk packaging available, Molded paper pulp cushion inside box is 100% sustainably sourced and recyclable, Outside box and corrugated cushions are 100% sustainably sourced and recyclable, 10% post-consumer recycled plastic
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South Africa (All cities)
HP ProBook 440 14 inch G10 Notebook PC (9G2H3ET) The HP ProBook 440 14-inch laptop provides growing businesses with a durable PC featuring built-in collaboration and connectivity tools with multi-layered endpoint security-meeting commercial-grade expectations. Operating system: Windows 11 Pro Processor Brand: Intel Core i5 1335U 13thGeneration Memory size: 16 GB DDR4 Features: Optimized for hybrid work Look your best wherever you work with enhanced camera features and lighting adjustments. Tested for durability Passed 19 MIL-STD tests for durability and easily serviceable- helping make the most of your IT investment. Performance for growing business Keep up with demanding tasks with the latest Intel CPU, long battery life, and upgradeable memory and storage. Specifications: Laptop Product Code 9G2H3ET Operating system Windows 11 Pro Processor family 13th Generation Intel Core i5 processor Processor Intel Core i5-1335U (up to 4.6 GHz with Intel Turbo Boost Technology, 12 MB L3 cache, 10 cores, 12 threads) Graphics Integrated Intel Iris Xe Graphics Memory 16 GB DDR4-3200 MHz RAM (1 x 16 GB) Memory Slots 2 SODIMM Internal Storage 512 GB PCIe NVMe SSD Display 14″ diagonal, FHD (1920 x 1080), IPS, narrow bezel, anti-glare, 250 nits, 45% NTSC Display 35.6 cm (14″) diagonal, FHD (1920 x 1080), IPS, narrow bezel, anti-glare, 250 nits, 45% NTSC Touchscreen No Color gamut 45% NTSC Brightness 250 nits Minimum dimensions (W x D x H) 32.19 x 21.39 x 1.99 cm Weight Starting at 1.38 kg (Weight will vary by configuration. Does not include power adapter.) Software included HP Connection Optimizer, HP Hotkey Support, HP Support Assistant, HP Power Manager, myHP, HP Privacy Settings, HP Notifications, HP QuickDrop, HP PC Hardware Diagnostics Windows, HP Services Scan, HP Smart Support (download) Management features HP Client Management Script Library (download), HP Driver Packs (download), HP Client Catalog (download), HP Manageability Integration Kit Gen4 (download), HP Image Assistant Gen5 (download), HP Cloud Recovery Battery type HP Long Life 3-cell, 51 Wh Li-ion Battery life (Battery is internal and not replaceable by customer. Serviceable by warranty.) Wireless Intel Wi-Fi 6E AX211 (2×2) and Bluetooth 5.3 wireless card (supporting gigabit data rate) Product color Pike silver aluminum Keyboard Spill-resistant keyboard Camera 720p HD camera Audio Dual stereo speakers, dual array microphones Pointing device Clickpad with multi-touch gesture support Ports 2 USB Type-A 5Gbps signaling rate (1 charging, 1 power), 1 AC power, 1 HDMI 2.1, 1 stereo headphone/microphone combo jack, 1 RJ-45, 2 USB Type-C 10Gbps signaling rate (USB Power Delivery, DisplayPort 2.1) Power 65 W USB Type-C adapter Security management Absolute persistence module, HP DriveLock and Automatic DriveLock, HP Secure Erase, HP Sure Click, HP Sure Sense, BIOS Update via Network, HP Sure Admin, HP BIOSphere Gen6, HP Client Security Manager Gen7, TPM 2.0 embedded security chip (Common Criteria EAL4+ and FIPS 140-2 Level 2 Certified), HP Sure Start Gen7, HP Wake on WLAN, HP Tamper Lock, HP Sure Run Gen5, Secured-Core PC Enable Fingerprint reader Fingerprint sensor Sustainable impact specifications Low Halogen, Bulk packaging available, Molded paper pulp cushion inside box is 100% sustainably sourced and recyclable, Outside box and corrugated cushions are 100% sustainably sourced and recyclable, 10% post-consumer recycled plastic, Ocean-bound plastic in speaker enclosure(s)
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South Africa (All cities)
HP 250 G9 12th gen Notebook i5-1235U 4.4Ghz 16GB 512GB 15.6 FULL HD Iris Xe BT Overview: HP 250 15.6 inch G9 Notebook PC The budget-friendly, business-ready HP 250 G9 Laptop provides essential power and productivity features in a thin and light design with a large 15.6-inch diagonal display. Features: Nice and light The HP 250 Laptop keeps up with mobile workstyles with a thin and light design and big screen-to-body-ratio. Built for work and ready for fun Complete projects with a powerful Intel processor, fast memory, and storage. Be seen and heard with clarity Effectively collaborate with an HD camera and AI-based noise reduction with dual-array mics. Specifications: Laptop Product Code 6S7U8EA-3 Operating system Windows 11 Pro Processor family 12th Generation Intel Core i7 processor Processor Intel Core i5 Adler Lake Ten (10) Core i5-1235U Turbo Boost up to 4.4Ghz 12MB L3 Cache Processor (2 Perfomance Cores b'&' 8 Efficient Cores) Graphics Integrated Intel Iris Xe Graphics Memory 16 GB DDR4-3200 MHz RAM (2 x 8 GB) Memory Slots 2 SODIMM Internal Storage 512 GB PCIe NVMe SSD Display 15.6″ diagonal, FHD (1920 x 1080), IPS, narrow bezel, anti-glare, 250 nits, 45% NTSC Display 39.6 cm (15.6″) diagonal, FHD (1920 x 1080), IPS, narrow bezel, anti-glare, 250 nits, 45% NTSC Touchscreen No Color gamut 45% NTSC Brightness 250 nits Minimum dimensions (W x D x H) 35.8 x 24.2 x 1.99 cm Weight Starting at 1.74 kg (Weight will vary by configuration. Does not include power adapter.) Software included HP Connection Optimizer, HP PC Hardware Diagnostics UEFI, HP Support Assistant, HP Audio Switch, myHP, HP Privacy Settings, HP QuickDrop, HP Smart Health, HP Smart, HP PC Hardware Diagnostics Windows Management features Touchpoint Customizer for Consumer Battery type HP Long Life 3-cell, 41 Wh Li-ion Battery life (Battery is internal and not replaceable by customer. Serviceable by warranty.) Wireless Realtek RTL8852BE Wi-Fi 6 (2×2) and Bluetooth 5.2 combo Keyboard Full-size, backlit keyboard with numeric keypad Camera 720p HD camera Audio Dual stereo speakers, dual array microphones Pointing device Clickpad with multi-touch gesture support, taps enabled as default Ports 2 SuperSpeed USB Type-A 5Gbps signaling rate, 1 SuperSpeed USB Type-C 5Gbps signaling rate, 1 RJ-45, 1 headphone/microphone combo, 1 HDMI 1.4b, 1 AC power Power HP Smart 45 W External AC power adapter Security management TPM 2.0, Express VPN (30 days free trial), McAfee Security (30 days free trial), LastPass password Sustainable impact specifications 2% post-consumer recycled plastic, Low Halogen, Outside box and corrugated cushions are 100% sustainably sourced and recyclable, Recycled Plastic cushions b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xc2/xa0' b'/xc2/xa0'
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South Africa (All cities)
HP 250 G9 12th gen Notebook Celeron Dual N4500 1.1Ghz 8GB 256GB 15.6 FULL HD Overview: HP 250 15.6 inch G9 Notebook PC The budget-friendly, business-ready HP 250 G9 Laptop provides essential power and productivity features in a thin and light design with a large 15.6-inch diagonal display. Features: Nice and light The HP 250 Laptop keeps up with mobile workstyles with a thin and light design and big screen-to-body-ratio. Built for work and ready for fun Complete projects with a powerful Intel processor, fast memory, and storage. Be seen and heard with clarity Effectively collaborate with an HD camera and AI-based noise reduction with dual-array mics. Specifications: Laptop Product Code 7M9W3ES Operating system Windows 11 Home Processor Intel Celeron Dual Core N4500 1.10Ghz with Turbo Boost up to 2.80Ghz 4MB L3 Cache Processor Graphics Integrated Memory 8 GB DDR4-2933 MHz RAM (1 x 8 GB) Memory Slots 2 SODIMM Internal Storage 256 GB PCIe NVMe SSD Display 15.6″ diagonal, Full HD (1920 x 1080) 250nits display Touchscreen No Color gamut 45% NTSC Minimum dimensions (W x D x H) 35.8 x 24.2 x 1.99 cm Weight Starting at 1.74 kg (Weight will vary by configuration. Does not include power adapter.) Software included HP Connection Optimizer, HP PC Hardware Diagnostics UEFI, HP Support Assistant, HP Audio Switch, myHP, HP Privacy Settings, HP QuickDrop, HP Smart Health, HP Smart, HP PC Hardware Diagnostics Windows Management features Touchpoint Customizer for Consumer Battery type HP Long Life 3-cell, 41 Wh Li-ion Battery life (Battery is internal and not replaceable by customer. Serviceable by warranty.) Wireless Realtek RTL8852BE Wi-Fi 6 (2×2) and Bluetooth 5.2 combo Keyboard Full-size, keyboard with numeric keypad Camera 720p HD camera Audio Dual stereo speakers, dual array microphones Pointing device Clickpad with multi-touch gesture support, taps enabled as default Ports 2 SuperSpeed USB Type-A 5Gbps signaling rate, 1 SuperSpeed USB Type-C 5Gbps signaling rate, 1 RJ-45, 1 headphone/microphone combo, 1 HDMI 1.4b, 1 AC power Power HP Smart 45 W External AC power adapter Security management TPM 2.0, Express VPN (30 days free trial), McAfee Security (30 days free trial), LastPass password Sustainable impact specifications 2% post-consumer recycled plastic, Low Halogen, Outside box and corrugated cushions are 100% sustainably sourced and recyclable, Recycled Plastic cushions
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South Africa (All cities)
HP 250 15.6 inch G9 Notebook PC (6S7V0EA-2) The budget-friendly, business-ready HP 250 G9 Laptop provides essential power and productivity features in a thin and light design with a large 15.6-inch diagonal display. Features: Nice and light The HP 250 Laptop keeps up with mobile workstyles with a thin and light design and bigscreen-to-body-ratio. Built for work and ready for fun Complete projects with a powerful Intelprocessor, fast memory, and storage. Be seen and heard with clarity Effectively collaborate with an HD camera and AI-based noise reduction with dual-array mics. Specifications: Laptop Product Code 6S7V0EA-2 Operating system Windows 11 Pro Processor family 12th Generation Intel Core i3 processor Processor Intel Core i3-1215U (up to 4.4 GHz with Intel Turbo Boost Technology, 10 MB L3 cache, 6 cores, 8 threads) Graphics Integrated Intel UHD Graphics Memory 16 GB DDR4-3200 MHz RAM (2 x 8 GB) Memory Slots 2 SODIMM Internal Storage 256 GB PCIe NVMe SSD Display 15.6″ diagonal, FHD (1920 x 1080), SVA, narrow bezel, anti-glare, 250 nits, 45% NTSC Display 39.6 cm (15.6″) diagonal, FHD (1920 x 1080), SVA, narrow bezel, anti-glare, 250 nits, 45% NTSC Touchscreen No Color gamut 45% NTSC Brightness 250 nits Minimum dimensions (W x D x H) 35.8 x 24.2 x 1.99 cm Weight Starting at 1.74 kg (Weight will vary by configuration. Does not include power adapter.) Software included HP Connection Optimizer, HP PC Hardware Diagnostics UEFI, HP Support Assistant, HP Audio Switch, myHP, HP Privacy Settings, HP QuickDrop, HP Smart Health, HP Smart, HP PC Hardware Diagnostics Windows Management features Touchpoint Customizer for Consumer Battery type HP Long Life 3-cell, 41 Wh Li-ion Battery life (Battery is internal and not replaceable by customer. Serviceable by warranty.) Wireless Realtek RTL8822CE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac (2×2) Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 5 wireless card Keyboard Full-size keyboard with numeric keypad Camera 720p HD camera Audio Dual stereo speakers, dual array microphones Pointing device Touchpad with multi-touch gesture support, taps enabled as default Ports 1 USB Type-C 5Gbps signaling rate, 2 USB Type-A 5Gbps signaling rate, 1 AC power, 1 HDMI 1.4b, 1 stereo headphone/microphone combo jack Power HP Smart 45 W External AC power adapter Security management TPM 2.0, Express VPN (30 days free trial), McAfee Security (30 days free trial), LastPass password Sustainable impact specifications 2% post-consumer recycled plastic, Low Halogen, Outside box and corrugated cushions are 100% sustainably sourced and recyclable, Recycled Plastic cushions
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South Africa (All cities)
HP 250 15.6 inch G9 Notebook PC (6S7V0EA) The budget-friendly, business-ready HP 250 G9 Laptop provides essential power and productivity features in a thin and light design with a large 15.6-inch diagonal display. Features: Nice and light The HP 250 Laptop keeps up with mobile workstyles with a thin and light design and bigscreen-to-body-ratio. Built for work and ready for fun Complete projects with a powerful Intelprocessor, fast memory, and storage. Be seen and heard with clarity Effectively collaborate with an HD camera and AI-based noise reduction with dual-array mics. Specifications: Laptop Product Code 6S7V0EA Operating system Windows 11 Pro Processor family 12th Generation Intel Core i3 processor Processor Intel Core i3-1215U (up to 4.4 GHz with Intel Turbo Boost Technology, 10 MB L3 cache, 6 cores, 8 threads) Graphics Integrated Intel UHD Graphics Memory 8 GB DDR4-3200 MHz RAM (1 x 8 GB) Memory Slots 2 SODIMM Internal Storage 256 GB PCIe NVMe SSD Display 15.6″ diagonal, FHD (1920 x 1080), SVA, narrow bezel, anti-glare, 250 nits, 45% NTSC Display 39.6 cm (15.6″) diagonal, FHD (1920 x 1080), SVA, narrow bezel, anti-glare, 250 nits, 45% NTSC Touchscreen No Color gamut 45% NTSC Brightness 250 nits Minimum dimensions (W x D x H) 35.8 x 24.2 x 1.99 cm Weight Starting at 1.74 kg (Weight will vary by configuration. Does not include power adapter.) Software included HP Connection Optimizer, HP PC Hardware Diagnostics UEFI, HP Support Assistant, HP Audio Switch, myHP, HP Privacy Settings, HP QuickDrop, HP Smart Health, HP Smart, HP PC Hardware Diagnostics Windows Management features Touchpoint Customizer for Consumer Battery type HP Long Life 3-cell, 41 Wh Li-ion Battery life (Battery is internal and not replaceable by customer. Serviceable by warranty.) Wireless Realtek RTL8822CE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac (2×2) Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 5 wireless card Keyboard Full-size keyboard with numeric keypad Camera 720p HD camera Audio Dual stereo speakers, dual array microphones Pointing device Touchpad with multi-touch gesture support, taps enabled as default Ports 1 USB Type-C 5Gbps signaling rate, 2 USB Type-A 5Gbps signaling rate, 1 AC power, 1 HDMI 1.4b, 1 stereo headphone/microphone combo jack Power HP Smart 45 W External AC power adapter Security management TPM 2.0, Express VPN (30 days free trial), McAfee Security (30 days free trial), LastPass password Sustainable impact specifications 2% post-consumer recycled plastic, Low Halogen, Outside box and corrugated cushions are 100% sustainably sourced and recyclable, Recycled Plastic cushions
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South Africa (All cities)
HP EliteBook 840 14 inch G11 Notebook PC (9G107ET) Equip your high-producing teams with the AI-enhanced PC that delivers the power, security, and collaboration tools they need for working in the office or in a hybrid setting. Operating system: Windows 11 Pro Processor Brand: Intel Core Ultra 7155U Memory size: 32 GB DDR5 Features: Long lasting productivity Empower your hybrid workforce with elevated conferencing capabilities and AI-driven performance. 5MP IR Camera Connect with people in a more personal way with conferencing features built into the HP EliteBook 840. Protected by HP Wolf Security HP Wolf Pro Security Edition PCs interlace HP Sure Click Pro with HP Sure Sense Pro providing more in-depth coverage than the standard versions through a 1-year or 3-year user license with HPSupport. This creates a powerful, single solution that doesn’t require an IT-managed PC environment. Windows 11 Work anywhere without compromising on performance or security with Windows 11 powered by HP’s collaboration and connectivity technology. Powerful Intel processor Help speed up demanding business applications with the latest generation Intel Core processor. Security is your top priority The HP Wolf Pro Security Edition provides preconfigured enterprise-level PC protection for small and medium sized businesses. Fast and efficient wireless LAN The portability of your PC and the reliability of a fast connection determines where you can work. Get a fast and reliable connection in dense wireless environments with gigabit data rate Wi-Fi 6E. Specifications: Laptop Product Code 9G107ET Operating system Windows 11 Pro Processor family Intel Core Ultra 7 processor Processor Intel Core Ultra 7 155U (up to 4.8 GHz with Intel Turbo Boost Technology, 12 MB L3 cache, 12 cores, 14 threads) Graphics Integrated Intel Graphics Memory 32 GB DDR5-5600 MHz RAM (1 x 32 GB) Memory Slots 2 SODIMM Internal Storage 1 TB PCIe Gen4 NVMe TLC M.2 SSD Display 14″ diagonal, WUXGA (1920 x 1200), IPS, anti-glare, Low Blue Light, 800 nits, 100% sRGB, HP Sure View integrated privacy screen Display 35.6 cm (14″) diagonal, WUXGA (1920 x 1200), IPS, anti-glare, Low Blue Light, 800 nits, 100% sRGB, HP Sure View integrated privacy screen Touchscreen No Color gamut 100% sRGB Brightness 800 nits Minimum dimensions (W x D x H) 31.56 x 22.43 x 1.16 cm (front), 31.56 x 22.43 x 1.61 cm (rear) (Front height measurement is near the front edge where the chassis bottom cover taper begins. Back height measurement is near the back edge where the chassis bottom cover taper ends.) Weight Starting at 1.41 kg (Weight will vary by configuration. Does not include power adapter.) Security Software Licenses HP Wolf Pro Security Edition (1 year) Battery type HP Long Life 3-cell, 56 Wh Li-ion polymer Battery life (Battery is internal and not replaceable by customer. Serviceable by warranty. Fast charging 50% in 30 minutes.) Wireless Intel Wi-Fi 6E AX211 (2×2) and Bluetooth 5.3 wireless card Mobile broadband HP 4000 4G LTE Advanced Pro Keyboard HP Premium Keyboard – spill resistant, optional backlit keyboard with drain and DuraKeys Camera 5 MP camera, IR camera Audio Audio by Poly Studio, dual stereo speakers with discrete amplifiers, integrated dual array microphones Pointing device Clickpad with multi-touch gesture support, Microsoft Precision Touchpad Ports 2 Thunderbolt 4 with USB Type-C 40Gbps signaling rate (USB Power Delivery, DisplayPort 1.4), 2 USB Type-A 5Gbps signaling rate (1 charging, 1 power), 1 HDMI 2.1, 1 stereo headphone/microphone combo jack Power 65 W USB Type-C adapter Fingerprint reader Fingerprint sensor Input devices Hall Sensor, Thermal sensor, Adaptive color sensor, HP Tamper Lock Ecolabels TCO Certified Sustainable impact specifications Low halogen
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