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South Africa
Send Flowers to India, Flowers to India, Send Flowers in India, Flower delivery India, Send Online flowers to India, Same day flowers to India, sending flowers to India, send flowers to India, Flower delivery India, Online Flower delivery in India, flowers online in India Send Gifts to India, Send gift to India, online gifts to India, Mother’s Day flowers to India, Rakhi to India, online gifts India, sending gifts to India, order flowers to India, online flower delivery India Flowers N Wishes is an online Florist. We deliver Flowers, Chocolates, Cakes, Dry Fruits to all the major cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Bangalore, Chandigarh, Pune Etc. We deliver Fresh Flowers like Roses, Zebras, Lilies, and Carnations etc. on different occasions like Valentine’s Day, Weddings, Anniversaries, Birthdays and all the occasions which one can think. You can book your order online at www.flowersnwishes.com and we will deliver your emotions and feelings in the form of flowers to your loved ones. We also take midnight orders which is available in the major cities. Book your orders online at Flowers N Wishes
R 1
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Krugersdorp (Gauteng)
+27640409447'';.., Johannesburg!~_%! SSD CHEMICAL +̲2̲7̲813334083 SOLUTIONS & ACTIVATION POWDER FOR CLEANING BLACK NOTES Johannesburg!~_%! SSD CHEMICAL +27640409447'';.., SOLUTIONS & ACTIVATION POWDER FOR CLEANING BLACK NOTES we can travel to do your work anywhere To buy genuine SSD solution chemical for cleaning black money,We also sale chemicals like SSD automatic solution form cleaning black dollars currencies, black rands currencies(zar). I hereby use this media to inform you, that our company can clean out black deface currency, (stained money) bank notes, we have all kinds of chemicals used for cleaning of black money or stained money in currencies such as U. S dollar, euro, Pound, KES, and all local currencies, even if your defaced note is 25 years old.Please note: we only deals on high quality S. S. D. Chemicals solution for cleaning black moneywe are manufacturer and seller of all sort of chemicals like super automatic ssd solution Z. W. V. 8 model activation powder and reactivation powder, anti air powder, mercury powder, automated money developer machines congeal chemical melting equipments, temperature controllers and automatic cleaning machine.• do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers Greater Johannesburg Photo: Keep up with SSD CHEMICAL SOLUTION +27640409447'';..,. We Supply The Best SSD CHEMICAL SOLUTION FOR CLEANING BLACK MONEY AND ACTIVATION POWDER FOR DEFACE CURRENCY. We have SSD automatic chemical solution for cleaning black money and any color of defaced currency Available in our laboratories worldwide. Our S.S.D Automatic solution is also used in the cleaning of stained bank notes with anti breeze quality, bills like USD, euro, pounds and other local currencies. We are direct manufacturer +27640409447'';..,
R 21.211
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Bloemfontein (Free State)
I would like you to host or book. Our fun is totally free. Please be clean and healthy
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Durban (KwaZulu Natal)
Chief Keyfukumbe herbalist healer +27630999512 - Chief Keyfukumbe is not just an ordinary traditional healer, but an extra ordinary healer. that heals with the natural god given powers together with the powers of good djinn in healering defferent disease and together with defferent problems, For example:, MAGIC RING FOR FARTILITY Are you trying to get pregnant? Do you want to have your own children? Do you want to have a healthy pregnancy? Banish infertility & bareness with a powerful magic rings for fertility SPIRITUAL MAGIC RINGS Magical artefacts such as magic rings are used to focus energy & magical forces that will improve luck or prosperity, or for protection to cure diseases. A magic ring has a specific ability to aid a person in focusing and amplifying power by aiding a person in achieving the future you desire. Magic rings are focus and a natural amplifier of magical & spiritual power By bringing in your ability to join with the power and energy of the Universal Life Force and the Life Force of this planet a magic rings will enhance your effort. Magic rings have focused energy to defend & protect the wearer of the magic ring from interference from dark forces to achieve a specific goal Focus your magical intentions with magic rings & attract positive energies that will help you achieve magical intentions for love, luck, prosperity, fertility, protection and more. Destroy unwelcome forces and providing protection from accidents with a powerful magic ring for protection JUPITER MAGIC RING Jupiter is the best planet for wealth, prosperity and good fortune. He is also associated with spirituality, philosophy and wisdom. These rings are very special as their signets were cast precisely at the astrologically auspicious time for Jupiter according to the rules of traditional (pre-1700) astrology and the key sources of ancient astrological magic. LOVE POTION NO 9 Classic and refined, while very modern, clean and fresh. The cooling combination of Citrus and Musk in Love Potion. may be worn equally by both Women and Men - transcending gender, transcending time. It is both mature and ageless - and will make you feel like pure magic! For Appointment Contact Chief keyfukumbe: Cell: +27 630 999 512 Email: chefkumber@gmail.com Or djinn@chiekeyfukumbe.com For more: visit our website: http://www.chiekeyfumbe.com »
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Barkly East (Eastern Cape)
AUTOMATIC SSD CHEMICAL SOLUTION AND ACTIVATING POWDER FOR SALE +27833928661 in SOUTH AFRICA, GHANA,Namibia,Botswana, Mozambique,Zambia,Swaziland,Madagascar,Zimbabwe,Lesotho,Uganda,Limpo­po Bellv­ille Benon­i Bloem­fonte­in Boksb­urg Cape Town Cen­turio­n Durba­n East Londo­n Empan­geni Georg­e Germi­ston Ibhay­i­rg Katle­hong Kempt­on Park Kha­yelit­sa Pol­okwan­e Port Eliza­beth Potch­efstr­oom Preto­ria Randb­urg Roode­poort Ruste­nburg Seb­okeng Sosha­nguve Sowet­o Sprin­gbok Stell­enbos­ch Tembi­sa Thoho­yando­u Umlaz­i Uping­ton Vande­rbijl­park Ver­eenig­ing Welko­m Witba­nk Easte­rn Cape Free State Gaute­ng KwaZu­lu-Na­tal Mpuma­langa Zambi­a, Zimba­bawe To purch­ase Best SSD Solut­ion Clean Black Notes Dolla­rs WE ALSO? SALE CHEMI­CALS LIKE SSD AUTOA­MATIC SOL­UTION­ FORM CLEAN­ING BLACK DOLLA­RS CURRE­NCIES­. I hereb­y use this media to infor­m you, that our compa­ny can clean out black­ def­ace curre­ncy, (stai­ned money­) bank notes­, We have all kinds of chemi­cals used for clean­ing of black money or stain­ed money in curre­ncies such as U.S Dolla­r, Euro, Pound­, and all local curre­ncies­, even if your defac­ed note is 25 years old, WE SALE CHEMI­CALS LIKE TOURM­ALINE­, S.S.D­. Chemi­cal / Solut­ion , CASTR­O X OX­IDE, A4. AND MANY Like ACTIV­ATION POWDE­R & SSD SOLUT­ION FOR CLEAN­ING BLACK MONEY Chemi­cal and Allie­d produ­ct incor­porat­ed is a major­ man­ufact­urer of indus­trial and pharm­aceut­ical produ­cts with key speci­aliza­tion in the produ­ction of S.S.D Autom­atic solut­ion used in the clean­ing of black money , defac­ed money and stain­ed bank notes with anti bree­ze quali­ty. OTHER­S FOR DAMAG­ED NOTES­, BILLS LIKE USD,E­URO, POUND­S, T­RANSF­ERRIN­G COLOR­S FROM USE NOTE TO NEW WHITE BILLS­,AND BLACK NOTES ,WE WORK ON COMMI­SSION WE ALSO OFFER MACHI­NES TO DO THE BIG CLEAN­INGS, AND WE D­O DELIV­ERY OF PRODU­CTS TO BUYER­S DESTI­NATIO­NS AFTER A CONSU­LTATI­ON FEE. DEPE­NDING ON DIFFE­RENT CASES­. FOR MORE INFOR­MATIO­N PLEAS­E DO CONTA­CT US IN O­UR DIFFE­RENT OFFIC­ES.SP­AIN, INDIA­, CHINA­, THAIL­AND, CAMBO­DIA. ENGLA­ND, SWEDE­N, MALAY­SIA.D­UBAI, DR BAT PODOL­SKI KLOSE Are you looki­ng for:-­ SSD Chemi­cal Solut­ion Chemi­cal Solut­ion for Clean­ing Black Money­ SSD Chemi­cal Compa­ny SSD Chemi­cal Solut­ion for Clean­ing Black Money­ SSD Prese­rving Compa­ny SSD Chemi­cal Solut­ion for Clean­ing Black­ Mon­ey Activ­ation Powde­r S.S.D­. Chemi­cal Solut­ion for Clean­ing Black­ US Dolla­rs Activ­e Powde­r Activ­ation Powde­r for Clean­ing Black Notes­ Bla­ck Money Clean­ing Clean Black Money Best SSD Solut­ion Clean Black Notes Clean­ing Black Notes Clean­ing Black Money­ PLE­ASE NOTE: WE ONLY DEALS ON HIGH QUALI­TY S.S.D­. CHEMI­CALS SOLUT­ION FOR CLEAN­ING BLACK MONEY We are manuf­actur­er and selle­r of all sort of chemi­cals like SUPER­ AUT­OMATI­C SSD SOLUT­ION Z.W.V­.8 MODEL ACTIV­ATION POWDE­R AND REACT­IVATI­ON P­OWDER­, ANTI AIR POWDE­R, MERCU­RY POWDE­R , AUTOM­ATED MONEY DEVEL­OPER MACHI­NES CONGE­AL CHEMI­CAL MELTI­NG EQUIP­MENTS­, TEMPE­RATUR­E CONTR­OLLER­S AND AUTOM­ATIC CLEA­NING MACHI­NE. Deliv­ery is by one of a follo­wing, UPS,D­HL, EMS. EMAIL: kennroger7@gmail.com https: // ssdchemical call +27833928661
R 3.000
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Tembisa (Gauteng)
No necessary compesations. Young fresh good-looking man.. Looking to help woman satisfy their need of nature, maried or not, n no personal info required n not judging, n im a discret person, u can pick me up n i can host u.. In th respct of our mbokoto... Contact me on 0603242680anytime
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Johannesburg (Gauteng)
Mobile Catering Service for events in and around Gauteng. We come to your event or venue and prepare the food fresh for you. Our Mobile Chef bakes Pizzas fresh in the oven! Roll your own Pizza and top it off the way you like it! We do Gourmet Braais, Mongolian Braais, Meaty spit BBQ's, Seafood braais, Sushi and Sushi-making classes at your home or venue. Visit the Gourmet Sausage Saloon, experience our 3 Curry Winter special, hot chip 'n dip, build-a-burger, canape platters and more. Spanish Paella dishes, Super Breakfasts and waffles on a stick. Pancakes, fruit and veg smoothies, soft serve ice cream, candyfloss, slush puppies, and popcorn. We serve hot chocolate or frozen coffees with donuts. Pick fresh fruits from our artfully decorated palm tree and dip them in the Hot Chocolate fountain. We hire out Popcorn, Candy Floss and Soft Serve Ice Cream machines plus Slush Puppie Machines. Try a Slush Puppy as a boozy cocktail with a bite too! Yum! See httpwww.creative-entertainment.co.za for even more ideas and services. Minimums apply. For schools we also do Arts and Craft workshops, kids make-your-own-pizza or sweets from heaven and baking workshops. We teach djembe drumming workshops and energetic Zulu dance shows.
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East London (Eastern Cape)
We clean mould and dirt on walls, driveways, pavements and roofs. Let us clean your home and make it feel fresh and clean, it's Christmas time again let us help. We operate the whole Eastern Cape(from PE, KWT, Bisho, Port Alfred, EL, Butterworth ETC). We come out and look, give advice on what to do then quote before we work. We quick, affordable and reliable(with good references)
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Cape Town (Western Cape)
We clean House,Apartment and Townhouse /Holiday houses Office,School,Shopping Centre,churches,restaurants, hotels.   Before and After Occupational Cleaning Post Construction Cleaning  HOUSE HELPERS/MAID PART TIME OR PERMANENT(Live-in/Live out) After Building cleaning Gutter Cleaning Window Cleaning Floor stripping and sealing. HONEST,RELIABLE AND PROFESSIONALLY TRAINED HELPERS Carpet Cleaning We do guarantee 99% stain removal. We will leave your office carpets fresh and clean! Emergency after party cleaning 24h /7 available. Please Call us for free qoute. Cell: 084 6902830 Whatapp your welkom Email: info@allsparkle.co.za Web: www.allsparkle.co.za
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Alberton (Gauteng)
Sparkling Professional Cleaning Top-to-Bottom Clean: Kitchens, bathrooms, living areas – we do it all! Deep Clean Magic: Dusting, vacuuming, sanitizing – your home will shine! Laundry & Organizing: Fresh clothes, tidy spaces – all part of the package. Custom Plans: Your schedule, your way – we’re here when you need us! Caring & Fun Babysitting Safe & Secure: Trustworthy care, so you can relax with peace of mind. Fun & Learning: Engaging activities, homework help, and meals – your kids will love it! Flexible Hours: Morning, noon, or night – we fit into your busy life!
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East London (Eastern Cape)
Cube Cleaning ( East London , South Africa) your professional carpet and upholstery cleaners offer carpet cleaning , rug cleaning , upholstery cleaning ,mattress cleaning , flood cleaning , emergency cleaning, vehicle cleaning .(Residential and Commercial). We make use of industrial carpet and upholstery extraction cleaning machines, giving all carpets and upholstery a thorough deep cleaning. Leaving your carpets and upholstery fresh , hygienically treated and clean.Ensuring short drying times and competitively priced. Cube cleaning owner carries out cleaning on Saturdays only. Give us a call for a quote. Cindy Mauer at 0832925759.
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Pietersburg (Limpopo)
We are looking for an experienced Forklift (Licensed) Driver Villiersdorp, Cape Town. CVB is an independent Supplier & Distributor within SA of quality Fresh Produce. * Available Immediately * Duties: Loading and unloading goods from vehicles. Moving goods packed on pallets around the storage facility Stacking goods in the correct storage bays, following inventory control instructions Checking loads are secure Stacking empty pallets Performing daily equipment checks such as recharging the truck’s battery and lubricating equipment Report any faults or damages Work within the Health and safety guidelines Keep work space clean and tidy. Must be willing to work shifts Flexible to relocate Desired Experience & Qualification Valid Forklift License F2 Matric Valid south African ID book Traceable References No criminal record Must have experience in Transport, Warehouse, factories Please respond with a CV that includes past work history and traceable references. If you have not heard from us within 14 days, please consider your application unsuccessful.
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Alberton (Gauteng)
Excellent clean and still in a perfect working condition, fresh interiors, perfectly working engine, low mileage of 90,000 on the clock, full service history and accident free...cash deal only
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South Africa (All cities)
A fresh and sophisticated lifestyle is commonly connected with the phrases “modern” and “luxury,” and this association is often reinforced when these words are used. For others, the utilization of clean lines, strong statement items, and an overall feeling of comfort and elegance are what compel them to go with a contemporary luxury aesthetic for their home’s interiors. To sum it up, for some individuals, contemporary luxury interiors serve as a status symbol. Luxurious interior designs for living area 1. Keep aesthetics on a minimalist level 2. Opt for prompt and smooth lines 3. Slay with bold furniture 4. Go with majestic and grand lighting 5. Be elegant with textures Contact us for all your home and office interiors. We are one of the best interior designers from Bangalore. https://pencilinteriors.co.in/luxury-interior-designs/ Pencilinteriors at @+91 87222 24325 – Mr. Sunjith
R 200.000
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Bloemfontein (Free State)
For business and residential carpet cleaning in Bloemfontein. Discover the joy of fresh and immediately dry carpets. You won't believe the amount of dirt and pets hair we clean out of your carpets. A proudly owner managed and operated business. Call now for a quote - 0794905202.
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