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Johannesburg (Gauteng)
Search Karelaine Tours and find more than 5000 notification.Most Important Places to Visit – The Length of your Tour will determine the Places included in your itinerary marked [Approx. 40 sites] {Depending on mobility of group.} [Place of final battle] Megiddo Overview Drive up to Caesarea Philippi, where Jesus told St. Peter “You are the rock, and upon this rock I will build my church”. Visit Baptismal Area at Jordan River – Opportunity for Baptism. Bethany where Jesus raised Lazarus from the death, visit the tomb of Lazarus Pool of Bethesda and surroundings. St. Anne’s Church where the parents of Virgin Mary lived, nearby view the Pool of the Bethesda Birthplace of Jesus and Shepherds fields. Bethlehem. After Nativity Church, the birthplace of Jesus Christ, Visit the Grotto of St. Jerome and Milk Grotto. Continue on to Beit Sahour to visit the Shepherd’s Fields Boat ride on Sea of Galilee- enjoying a scenic boat ride across the Sea of Galilee, where you will find a 2000 years old boat recently uncovered on the shores of Galilee Tiberius [Roman aqua-duct] [Place where Paul was held captive for years] Caesarea, which was once the ancient capital of the Roman province. Visit the Byzantine churches, the Roman Theatre, Crusader’s moat and the aqueduct. Cana where Jesus performed his first miracle, turning water into wine at the wedding feast. Renewal of Marriage vows Capernaum; the home of our Lord during his ministry, visit the synagogue, olive press and surroundings Float and relax – dead sea experience Ein Karem, the birthplace of St. John the Baptist to visit the church that commemorates his memory. Then walk up the hill to reach the Visitation Church where Mary met her cousin Elisabeth and proclaimed her famous Magnificent. Elah Valley where David fought with Goliath Emmaus where the resurrected Jesus met the two disciples and shared a meal with them Visit sites including Mt Beatitudes-sermon on the mount, Tabgha – place of multiplication, Communion at the Garden of burial and resurrection. HE IS NOT HERE -HE IS RISEN Place of Agony in the Olive Grove Garden of Gethsemane and the Church of All Nations and the Rock of Agony The Place of the Scull –The Crucifixion of Jesus The Via Dolorosa, our reminder of His way of suffering end at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre The Israel Museum in Jerusalem, holds valuable resources for both scientific and biblical research and exploration Oldest known City, Elisha’s fountain & Zacchaeus’ wild fig tree, Jericho Walls. Proceed through the Judean Wilderness to ancient Jericho, the oldest inhabited city in the world. Visit the ancient Elisha’s fountain, see the Mount of Temptation and later the Sycamore Tree Western wall and Temple area. Golden Menorah Old City. City of David. Jerusalem, holds valuable resources for both scientific and biblical research and exploration Christian baptismal area, where Jordan flows into Sea of Galilee remembering the Baptism at the Jordan River Knesset (Parliament) - The Knesset Menorah (Hebrew: is a bronze Menorah 4.30 meters high, 3.5 meters wide, and weighs 4 tons. It is located at the edge of Gan Havradim (Rose Garden) opposite the Knesset Ascend the Hilltop to the fortress of Masada by cable car. We will see Jezreel Valley and Megiddo, the Armageddon Battlefield, where archaeologists have unearthed 20 levels of civilization. Muhraka, the mountain where Elijah challenged Baal Priests. Continue on north to the sparkling city of Haifa; ascend to the top of Mt. Carmel for a panoramic view of the city and port, and the Cave of Elijah Mount of Beatitudes the scene of Jesus’ great Sermon on the Mount Mount Moriah and the Dome of the Rock from atop the Mount of Olives Walk the Palm Sunday Rd, and follow Via Dolorosa start the day at the top of the Mount of Olives; visit the Chapel of the Ascension and Paternoster Church where Jesus taught the Lord’s Prayer to his disciples enjoy the panoramic view of the old city of Jerusalem. Walk through Palm Sunday route to reach Dominus Flevit Church where Jesus wept over the fate of Jerusalem Mount Tabor to visit the site of Transfiguration of Jesus and enjoy the amazing scenery of Jezreel Valley Mount Zion, visit the upper room where Jesus had his Last Supper with the Disciples, Tomb of King David and Church of Dormition, then walk to the Church of St. Peter in Gallicantu, (cock Crow) the house of Caiaphas where Jesus was held for a night after he was arrested from the Garden Where Jesus grew to manhood. Nazareth to visit Mary’s well, the Basilica of the Annunciation and the Church of St. Joseph A first-century farm and village presenting the life, times and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth for all the world. Two thousand years after the birth of Jesus, Nazareth Village opened its doors to visitors. Nazareth Village is located on a site that was remarkably untouched and unchanged since Jesus time. Birthplace of Jesus Discovery of Dead Sea Biblical Scrolls (Quasar El Yehud) the Israeli side of Bethany Beyond the Jordan, the place where Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, where Elijah and Elisha crossed the Jordan as well as the area where the children of Israel led by Joshua entered the Promised land. Visit sites and areas Jesus performed miracles The angels visited the angels with the good news – of the Birth of Jesus St. Anne’s Church where the parents of Virgin Mary lived- Best singing experience PETER DE GALLICANTU Where Jesus denied Christ, (Cock Crow) Site of multiplication of loaves and fish “Tabgha”, continue on to visit the Church of St. Peter’s Primacy. The Second Temple model at the Israel Museum is a fascinating creation well worth seeing If you want to see what Jerusalem and the Temple looked like just before they were destroyed in 70 CE, there is no better place to go than the Israel Museum. The Israel Museum is home to an amazing model that allows you to get a glimpse of ancient Jerusalem in all its glory. Highlighting the history as well as scientific and archaeological research concerning the location of the first and second Jewish temples Place of the Last Supper. " just outside the Zion Gate where the disciple whom Jesus loved laid his head on His breast and where later Thomas cried, "my Lord & my God." Via Dolorosa, walk through the Stations of the Cross to reach the most sacred place for Christians, which is The Church of the Holy Sepulchre to visit the Golgotha and the Tomb Holocaust Memorial Centre Western Wall- Wailing wall. The most Holy site for Jews in Jerusalem. Entrance to the area of the Upper room Stopover for Pyramids and Sphynx visit when in Transit return with Egypt Air.
R 19.990
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Alberton (Gauteng)
The illuminate was founded in 1776 in Bavaria by Adam Westphalia, it is run behind the scenes as a new world order by special powers of supremacy, this has led to many names behind fame in music, sports, film industry, politics, prosperous business men and women plus many more, its never too late, join the list of prosperous famous people, like Bey once who confessed to Oprah Winfrey, jay, barrack Obama, Angelina Josie, Samuel Christian Rolando, most African politicians, p-square and many more who are silent but rich, bin alli mamafatia who is an agent, is here to help you and he has illuminate magic rings that can protect you from danger, maintain your wealth, relationships, business and so on. you can Join Illuminati Brotherhood. GOOD NEWS!!! Are you a business man? Business woman? Artist? Politicians? Student? Etc...And you want to become big, Powerful and famous in the world, join us to become one of our official member today. You shall be given a ideal chance to visit the Illuminati and his representative after registrations is completed by you, no sacrifice or human life needed, Illuminati brotherhood brings along wealth and famous in life, you have a full access to eradicate poverty away from your life now. It only a member who is been initiated into the church of Illuminati have the authority to bring any member to the church, so before you contact anybody you must be link by who is already a member, Join us today and realize your dreams. We also help out member in protection of drugs pushing. Magic Rings on sale!!! Once you become a member you will be rich and famous for the rest of your life, Illuminati make their member happy so I will want you all to also be a member of the Illuminati if you are interested kindly fill the form below to the below email address. ( ) Full name………. Country………. State of origin………. Date of birth………. Sex………. Address………. Phone………. Email address………. Tell us little about yourself… Call Agent binallimamafatia on: +27633809460 whats up
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South Africa
Hello Brothers and Sisters in the world and in Christ that use to chart with me on my Official face-book Page. Out of my busy times in the ministry i took this time to tell everyone to please be aware of fake profile claiming to be me on face-book as i just shut down my face-book profile and also ask my agents to shut there down also..Do not accept any friend request or add anybody clamming to me on face-book again, As am no longer the social network. I will tell everyone about myself as I Prophet Brian Carn was born September 11th, in Jacksonville Florida and raised in the admonition of the Lord. Like you all know i received the Lord in my life (salvation) at the early age of eight and began to grow spiritually, while receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit. At the age of twelve, I began ministering the Word of God and conducted his first three day revival. I Prophet Carn became tired of “church as usual”, so i began to seek the Lord with sincere fasting and praying. While on the eighty-eight day fast, I attended a Benny Hinn Crusade in Florida where i was called out. Pastor Hinn prophesied to me that i would walk in the same kind of anointing that the Lord had placed on his life, but “DOUBLE”. Much persecution has come against me because of the stand that i has taken for the things of the Kingdom of God. But when God calls you, He also equips you; so i put on the armor of God and prepared for battle. As i remember that the lord God almighty book which is the holy bible told that i swear step on serpents and scorpion and shall give me victory. In October 2006, God sent me to the State of Virginia to preach a Sunday morning service. The anointing was so powerful, I was invited back for a three night revival. When I returned, God turned three nights into a ten week “Move of GOD!” People with cancers were healed and blinded eyes were made to see! The deaf began to actually hear (naturally & spiritually)! Stammering tongues were loosened through the power of God! Last but definitely not least, many souls were saved and delivered and filled with the presence of the Holy Ghost. It was standing room only! Many of you that has come to my programs and crusade will know that i am truly a Prophet sent from God. I has ministered all over the country, including Memphis, Tennessee at the C.O.G.I.C. 100th Year Celebration. In January 2008, in Saginaw Michigan, I ministered at a church that normally seats 1500. Due to the moving of the Holy Ghost, more than 2800 people filled the sanctuary. There were people standing from the front door to the balcony, filling aisles and flowing out the doors. Don’t judge me by my age or stature, yet by the way that God moves through me. I took this time out of my life to place this article on the internet because of too many fake profile of me on face-book, I am not happy because i am lacking behind on what God almighty has asked me to come and do in this world as my main calling was to preach, heal and provide for the needy and orphans, restore broken homes, break any form of attack in anyone's life and help all that are into any problem in life. I can not carryout this mission alone, As i am dropping my personal email which is . As you should not forget that the bible say blessed is the hand that give than the one that take. With the anointing of God in me, I can change your entire life with the power of God IN JUST ONE WEEK as you join me provide for the needy and orphans, restore broken homes, break any form of attack in anyone's life and help all that are into any problem in life. { HEAL THE SICK, THE DEAF HEAR, THE DUMB SPEAK, THE LAME WALK AND THE POOR RICH} Please if you are not a sound christian, Come with to the lord and shall give you rest and peace in all you do. Prophet Brian Carn Ministries My Private email: .Note to all that i am no longer on face-book. Add me up or chart with me with that same email on yahoo messenger as that is the only social network i am for the now.
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Creighton (KwaZulu Natal)
Join Multi Billionaires Illuminati Club (+27633809460) in sand ton Calitzdorp The illuminate was founded in 1776 in Bavaria by Adam Westphalia, it is run behind the scenes as a new world order by special powers of supremacy, this has led to many names behind fame in music, sports, film industry, politics, prosperous business men and women plus many more, its never too late, join the list of prosperous famous people, like Bey once who confessed to Oprah Winfrey, jay, barrack Obama, Angelina Josie, Samuel Christian Rolando, most African politicians, p-square and many more who are silent but rich, bin alli mamafatia who is an agent, is here to help you and he has illuminate magic rings that can protect you from danger, maintain your wealth, relationships, business and so on. you can Join Illuminati Brotherhood. GOOD NEWS!!! Are you a business man? Business woman? Artist? Politicians? Student? Etc...And you want to become big, Powerful and famous in the world, join us to become one of our official member today. You shall be given a ideal chance to visit the Illuminati and his representative after registrations is completed by you, no sacrifice or human life needed, Illuminati brotherhood brings along wealth and famous in life, you have a full access to eradicate poverty away from your life now. It only a member who is been initiated into the church of Illuminati have the authority to bring any member to the church, so before you contact anybody you must be link by who is already a member, Join us today and realize your dreams. We also help out member in protection of drugs pushing. Magic Rings on sale!!! Once you become a member you will be rich and famous for the rest of your life, Illuminati make their member happy so I will want you all to also be a member of the Illuminati if you are interested kindly fill the form below to the below email address. ( ) Full name………. Country………. State of origin………. Date of birth………. Sex………. Address………. Phone………. Email address………. Tell us little about yourself… Call Agent binallimamafatia on: +27633809460 whats up.vist web site www.
R 340
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Adelaide (Eastern Cape) for information Tour price R19,990) Only R3,000 BALANCE PAYMENT before 2months prior departure.| DAY 1 DEPARTURE OR TAMBO JOHANNESBURG. DAY 2 – CAESAREA, MUHRAKA (Mt Carmel), TIBERIAS Arrive at Ben Gurion Airport. Drive to CAESAREA the ancient Mediterranean city for a visit. Continue to MUHRAKA (Mt Carmel), where Elijah confronted the priests of Baal. Then on route to your hotel in TIBERIAS for dinner & overnight. Day 3 - MT. BEATITUDES, TABGHA , CAPERNAUM, NAZARETH, TIBERIAS, Boat ride on the Sea of Galilee (B)(D) BOATRIDE on Sea of Galilee, Visit MT. BEATITUDES where Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount, TABGHA the site of the Miracle of the Multiplication, and CAPERNAUM on the northwest shore where Jesus began his preaching career. NAZARETH an Arab city in the Galilee, where Jesus grew to manhood. Continue to the village of CANA, the site of the First Miracle for Renewal of Marriage Vows. Return to hotel for dinner & overnight. TIBERIAS for dinner & overnight. Day 4 Qsar Al Yahud Baptismal site, JERICHO, (B)(D) Jordan River Valley,Qumran,Dead Sea Drive along the Jordan Valley to JERICHO - Elijah fountain and ruins of ancient city walls - QSAR AL YAHUD baptismal site (The site is also significant in the Jewish tradition, as it is believed to be the place where the Children of Israel crossed the Jordan when they entered Canaan) – on our way to Bethlehem we overlook the Judean Desert, QUMRAN where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered and swim (floating) in the waters of the DEAD SEA at Qumran which have amazing healing powers. BETHLEHEM for dinner & overnight Day 5Mt Olives, Palm Sunday path, Garden of Gethsemane, Upper Room, Mt Zion, Lions Gate,(St Stephens) Pool of Bethesda, Ecce Homo, (Antonios Fortress) Via Dolorosa, Jewish Quarter including Cardo,Wailing Wall(Western Wall) Bethlehem Early breakfast – MT OLIVE – GETHSEMANE - Enter the Old City through the St. Stephens Gate - Visit the Church of St. Anne and the Pool of Bethesda – Lithostrotos – walk along the VIA DOLOROSA also called the Way of the Cross - different stations along the route each commemorating an event along Jesus' route to crucifixion - Walk through colourful bazaars and proceed to Christian Café/Shopping Old Centre - WESTERN WALL the Holiest site of the Jewish nation.. BETHLEHEM for dinner & overnight Day 6 FROM THE CRADLE TO THE CROSS” After breakfast – BETHLEHEM Shepherds fields, Nativity Church, Caiaphas House where Peter denied Jesus, see the dungeon where Jesus was kept - Garden Tomb visit with communion in the garden area with hundreds of other Christians from all over the world. .. BETHLEHEM for dinner & overnight Day 7 Transfer to airport for departure Tel Aviv Ben Gurion Airport via Cairo to Johannesburg. Optional Daytrip Cairo. Or transfer to Airport Hotel. Departure to Johannesburg Day 8 (*) Arrival South Africa OR Tambo
R 19.990
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