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Empuluzi (Mpumalanga)
FastCOLOUR 1860mm EPSON DX7 Printhead Large-Format Water Based Dye or Pigment Ink Inkjet Printer with Full Accessories, MainTOP Software and Inks (Large Format Printer) Product Code: F-1866/AQUA, Large Format Printer, 0822222359 Large Format Printer Sales Price: R 100 249.00 Sales Price exclude VAT & Deliver, quoted at 2016-10-4 kao8kp3c 0822222359 http://LargeFormatPrinter.co.za/F-1866/AQUA# Pinch Rollers are Electronically Controlled, Life Up and Push Down by Press of a Button Printing Resolution Includes 360x720 dpi (2 pass), 360x1080 dpi (3 pass), 720x720 dpi (4 pass), 720x1080 dpi (6 pass) and 720x1440 dpi (8 pass) Printing Speed on 2,3 Pass Draft Mode is 30 m2/hPrinting Speed on 4 Pass Production Mode is 15 m2/hPrinting Speed on 6 Pass Quality Mode is 10 m2/hPrinting Speed on 8 Pass High-Resolution Mode is 7.5 m2/h Servo Motor on Printing Axia for Fast and Precision Movement and Result Higher Printing Quality Able to Print from All Major Raster Image Processor (RIP) Softwares, e.g. SAi PhotoPRINT, MainTOP Automatic Printhead Cleaning Functions Included, Anti Ink-Blocking, Auto Flash and Moisturizing Quiet Printing Experience with Stand-by Noise 32dB and Working Noise Level 65dB Maximum Printing Width 1860 mm with 50kg Capacity Rolled Media Feeding System Negative Pressure Continuous Ink Supply System (CISS), also Call Bulk Ink System With Height-Adjustable Printhead, Thickest Media Can be Printed is 5mm Connect to Computer by 100M Network Cable for Fast and Stable Printing Process Printing Media Sensor for Run-Out of Media Warning and Pause of Printing Use Household 220V Electricity, Stand-by Power Consumption 32W and Maximum Power Consumption 1500W Pre-Heat, Print-Heat, Post-Heat 3 Stage Heating System with Separate Temperature Control Utilize One EPSON DX7 Piezoelectric Printhead for Superb Printing Quality Four Colour C.M.Y.K. Eco-Solvent Ink, Eight Ink Feeding Tanks with 220ml Capacity Each Heavy Duty, Curling Prevention and Width Adjustable Rolled Media Feeding Device 0822222359 http://LargeFormatPrinter.co.za/F-1866/AQUA# More About Large Format Printer:Vinyl Print'n Cut Solution Demonstrated at ProPak Print Expo 2016 in Nasrec http://univision.co.za/video/162492466# Advanced Machinery Launches New Range of FastCOLOUR Printers https://cornerstone.co.za/2016/09/29/advanced-machinery-new-fastcolour-printers/# Stage and Set Manufacturing by AM's New Workshop - Absolute Manufactuing http://www.prevision.co.za/stage-and-set-manufacturing/# Details in this Large Format Printer package:(F-1860/FEEDER) Rolled Media Feeding Device with Two Round Bars for 1860mm FastCOLOUR Printer (F-BAR/1860) One Aluminium Round Bar for Feeding or Take-Up Paper Roller of 1860mm FastCOLOUR Printer X 2 (EPSON-DX7/AQUA) Water Based Ink Printhead Cap Unit for EPSON DX7 Printhead (EPSON-DX7/CABLE) A Set of Two Data Cables for EPSON DX7 Printhead (F-INK/BULK) Bulk Ink System with Four CMYK Ink Tank Compatible with Solvent Ink and Water Based Ink (F-AQUA/CYAN) AM.CO.ZA FastCOLOUR Cyan Colour Water Based Ink 1 Litre Bottle (F-INK/DAMPER/DX5) A Set of 8 Solvent Resistant Plastic One-way Flow Control Ink Dampers (Dumper) for EPSON DX5 Printhead (F-AQUA/MAGENTA) AM.CO.ZA FastCOLOUR Magenta Colour Water Based Ink 1 Litre Bottle (F-INK/STATION/CAP) Ink Station Solvent and Water Based Ink Cap for EPSON DX5/DX7 Printhead (F-AQUA/CLEAN) AM.CO.ZA FastCOLOUR Water Based Ink Cleaning Solution 1 Litre Bottle (F-CAR/BASE/DX7) FastCOLOUR Printer Carriage Base Plate for EPSON DX7 Printhead (F-AQUA/BLACK) AM.CO.ZA FastCOLOUR Black Colour Water Based Ink 1 Litre Bottle (T-BASIC/PF) Basic FastCOLOUR Printer Usage Training Course and Printing Practice with Client Purchased Printing Software (F-1860) FastCOLOUR 1860mm Large-Format Inkjet Printer Barebone Unit (F-BOARD/CAR/DX5) FastCOLOUR Printer Carriage Interface Card for EPSON DX5 Printhead (F-CAR/BASE/DX5) FastCOLOUR Printer Carriage Base Plate for EPSON DX5 Printhead (F-AQUA/YELLOW) AM.CO.ZA FastCOLOUR Yellow Colour Water Based Ink 1 Litre Bottle (F-1860/HEATER/B) FastCOLOUR Front Electric Radiative Drying Heater for 1860mm ECO-Solvent Printer (F-1860/HEATER/F) FastCOLOUR Front Fan Cooling System for 1860mm ECO-Solvent Printer (EPSON-DX7/W) EPSON DX7 Water Based Dye and Pigment Ink Piezoelectric Printhead (X-UTILITY/CD) AM.CO.ZA All-in-One Utility Disk with Softwares/Drives for CNC Machineries on a DVD (F-INK/TUBE) Solvent Resistant Soft Plastic Ink Tubing for FastCOLOUR Printer, Per Meter (S-MAINTOP) MainTop RIP Software, Include MainTop DTP and PSIII Software and USB Dongle (EPSON-DX5/CABLE) A Set of Two Data Cables for EPSON DX5 Printhead (F-1860/S) Powered Coated Steel Stand with Wheels for 1860mm FastCOLOUR Printer (F-INK/DAMPER/DX7) A Set of 4 Solvent Resistant Plastic One-way Flow Control Ink Dampers (Dumper) for EPSON DX7 Printhead (F-ROLLER) Take-Up Rolling Collecting Device for FastCOLOUR Large Format Printer (F-INK/TUBES) Damper Feeding Solvent Resistant Ink Tubes Set of CMYK for FastCOLOUR Printer (F-BOARD/CAR/DX7) FastCOLOUR Printer Carriage Interface Card for EPSON DX7 Printhead 0822222359 http://LargeFormatPrinter.co.za/F-1866/AQUA# More Large Format Printer Spares From Us:(F-INK/VALVE) Solvent Resistant Plastic Ink Valve with Tap for FastCOLOUR Printer (F-BOARD/CAR/DX5) FastCOLOUR Printer Carriage Interface Card for EPSON DX5 Printhead (F-BOARD/CAR/DX7) FastCOLOUR Printer Carriage Interface Card for EPSON DX7 Printhead
R 100.249
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Ekuvukeni (KwaZulu Natal)
FastCOLOUR 1860mm EPSON DX5 Printhead Large-Format Water Based Dye or Pigment Ink Inkjet Printer with Full Accessories, SAi PhotoPRINT Software and Inks (Large Format Printer) Product SKU: F-1867/AQUA/DX5, Large Format Printer, 0822222359 Large Format Printer Price: R 107 349.00 Price exl. VAT & Shipping Cost, quoted at 2016-10-4 kao8kp3c 0822222359 http://LargeFormatPrinter.co.za/F-1867/AQUA/DX5# Printing Speed on 2,3 Pass Draft Mode is 30 m2/hPrinting Speed on 4 Pass Production Mode is 15 m2/hPrinting Speed on 6 Pass Quality Mode is 10 m2/hPrinting Speed on 8 Pass High-Resolution Mode is 7.5 m2/h Pinch Rollers are Electronically Controlled, Life Up and Push Down by Press of a Button Utilize One EPSON DX5 Piezoelectric Printhead for Superb Printing Quality Printing Resolution Includes 360x720 dpi (2 pass), 360x1080 dpi (3 pass), 720x720 dpi (4 pass), 720x1080 dpi (6 pass) and 720x1440 dpi (8 pass) Maximum Printing Width 1860 mm with 50kg Capacity Rolled Media Feeding System Quiet Printing Experience with Stand-by Noise 32dB and Working Noise Level 65dB Pre-Heat, Print-Heat, Post-Heat 3 Stage Heating System with Separate Temperature Control Connect to Computer by 100M Network Cable for Fast and Stable Printing Process Able to Print from All Major Raster Image Processor (RIP) Softwares, e.g. SAi PhotoPRINT, MainTOP Printing Media Sensor for Run-Out of Media Warning and Pause of Printing Four Colour C.M.Y.K. Eco-Solvent Ink, Eight Ink Feeding Tanks with 220ml Capacity Each Heavy Duty, Curling Prevention and Width Adjustable Rolled Media Feeding Device With Height-Adjustable Printhead, Thickest Media Can be Printed is 5mm Automatic Printhead Cleaning Functions Included, Anti Ink-Blocking, Auto Flash and Moisturizing Servo Motor on Printing Axia for Fast and Precision Movement and Result Higher Printing Quality Use Household 220V Electricity, Stand-by Power Consumption 32W and Maximum Power Consumption 1500W Negative Pressure Continuous Ink Supply System (CISS), also Call Bulk Ink System 0822222359 http://LargeFormatPrinter.co.za/F-1867/AQUA/DX5# More About Large Format Printer:Vinyl Print&Cut Demo on Printer and Vinyl Cutter with Automatic Contour Cutting http://discam.co.za/video/157329051# Our FastCOLOUR Large Format Printer Powers VB Business Solutions http://www.prevision.co.za/lenasia-printing-business-success/# V-Auto Vinyl Cutter and FastCOLOUR Large Format Printer Dominate GAPP Print Expo https://cornerstone.co.za/2016/04/02/fastcolour-vauto-vinyl-cutter/# Product You Will Receive in this Large Format Printer purchase:(F-1860) FastCOLOUR 1860mm Large-Format Inkjet Printer Barebone Unit (F-1860/HEATER/F) FastCOLOUR Front Fan Cooling System for 1860mm ECO-Solvent Printer (F-INK/TUBE) Solvent Resistant Soft Plastic Ink Tubing for FastCOLOUR Printer, Per Meter (F-AQUA/BLACK) AM.CO.ZA FastCOLOUR Black Colour Water Based Ink 1 Litre Bottle (F-CAR/BASE/DX7) FastCOLOUR Printer Carriage Base Plate for EPSON DX7 Printhead (F-BAR/1860) One Aluminium Round Bar for Feeding or Take-Up Paper Roller of 1860mm FastCOLOUR Printer X 2 (F-INK/DAMPER/DX5) A Set of 8 Solvent Resistant Plastic One-way Flow Control Ink Dampers (Dumper) for EPSON DX5 Printhead (F-AQUA/MAGENTA) AM.CO.ZA FastCOLOUR Magenta Colour Water Based Ink 1 Litre Bottle (F-BOARD/CAR/DX5) FastCOLOUR Printer Carriage Interface Card for EPSON DX5 Printhead (EPSON-DX5/AQUA) Water Based Ink Printhead Cap Unit for EPSON DX5 Printhead (EPSON-DX7/CABLE) A Set of Two Data Cables for EPSON DX7 Printhead (F-ROLLER) Take-Up Rolling Collecting Device for FastCOLOUR Large Format Printer (EPSON-DX5/CABLE) A Set of Two Data Cables for EPSON DX5 Printhead (F-INK/STATION/CAP) Ink Station Solvent and Water Based Ink Cap for EPSON DX5/DX7 Printhead (F-INK/DAMPER/DX7) A Set of 4 Solvent Resistant Plastic One-way Flow Control Ink Dampers (Dumper) for EPSON DX7 Printhead (F-1860/S) Powered Coated Steel Stand with Wheels for 1860mm FastCOLOUR Printer (F-INK/TUBES) Damper Feeding Solvent Resistant Ink Tubes Set of CMYK for FastCOLOUR Printer (F-AQUA/YELLOW) AM.CO.ZA FastCOLOUR Yellow Colour Water Based Ink 1 Litre Bottle (F-1860/HEATER/B) FastCOLOUR Front Electric Radiative Drying Heater for 1860mm ECO-Solvent Printer (F-CAR/BASE/DX5) FastCOLOUR Printer Carriage Base Plate for EPSON DX5 Printhead (EPSON-DX5/W) EPSON DX5 Water Based Dye and Pigment Ink Piezoelectric Printhead (X-UTILITY/CD) AM.CO.ZA All-in-One Utility Disk with Softwares/Drives for CNC Machineries on a DVD (F-AQUA/CLEAN) AM.CO.ZA FastCOLOUR Water Based Ink Cleaning Solution 1 Litre Bottle (F-1860/FEEDER) Rolled Media Feeding Device with Two Round Bars for 1860mm FastCOLOUR Printer (F-AQUA/CYAN) AM.CO.ZA FastCOLOUR Cyan Colour Water Based Ink 1 Litre Bottle (F-BOARD/CAR/DX7) FastCOLOUR Printer Carriage Interface Card for EPSON DX7 Printhead (T-BASIC/PF) Basic FastCOLOUR Printer Usage Training Course and Printing Practice with Client Purchased Printing Software (AC-PHOTOPRINT) SAi PhotoPRINT DX 11 Cloud Edition RIP Software, USB Dongle and Activation Code (F-INK/BULK) Bulk Ink System with Four CMYK Ink Tank Compatible with Solvent Ink and Water Based Ink 0822222359 http://LargeFormatPrinter.co.za/F-1867/AQUA/DX5# Other Large Format Printer Products Sell By Us:(EPSON-DX7/CABLE) A Set of Two Data Cables for EPSON DX7 Printhead (AG-OCP/25) 2500mm Long 180 DPI Optical Coupling Grating Belt (F-INK/TANK/220B) Bulk Ink Feeding 220ml Capacity Plastic Ink Cartridge for FastCOLOUR Printer
R 107.349
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Cradock (Eastern Cape)
FastCOLOUR 1860mm Large-Format Water Based Dye or Pigment Ink EPSON DX5 Printhead Inkjet Printer with a Set of CMYK Inks (Large Format Printer) SKU: F-1861/AQUA/DX5, Large Format Printer, 0822222359 Large Format Printer Product Price: R 92 669.00 Sales Price exclude VAT and Shipping Cost, quoted at 2016-9-21 kao8kp3c 0822222359 http://LargeFormatPrinter.co.za/F-1861/AQUA/DX5# Servo Motor on Printing Axia for Fast and Precision Movement and Result Higher Printing Quality Utilize One EPSON DX5 Piezoelectric Printhead for Superb Printing Quality Use Household 220V Electricity, Stand-by Power Consumption 32W and Maximum Power Consumption 1500W Maximum Printing Width 1860 mm with 50kg Capacity Rolled Media Feeding System Pinch Rollers are Electronically Controlled, Life Up and Push Down by Press of a Button Printing Resolution Includes 360x720 dpi (2 pass), 360x1080 dpi (3 pass), 720x720 dpi (4 pass), 720x1080 dpi (6 pass) and 720x1440 dpi (8 pass) Quiet Printing Experience with Stand-by Noise 32dB and Working Noise Level 65dB Pre-Heat, Print-Heat, Post-Heat 3 Stage Heating System with Separate Temperature Control Automatic Printhead Cleaning Functions Included, Anti Ink-Blocking, Auto Flash and Moisturizing Able to Print from All Major Raster Image Processor (RIP) Softwares, e.g. SAi PhotoPRINT, MainTOP With Height-Adjustable Printhead, Thickest Media Can be Printed is 5mm Four Colour C.M.Y.K. Eco-Solvent Ink, Eight Ink Feeding Tanks with 220ml Capacity Each Printing Speed on 2,3 Pass Draft Mode is 30 m2/hPrinting Speed on 4 Pass Production Mode is 15 m2/hPrinting Speed on 6 Pass Quality Mode is 10 m2/hPrinting Speed on 8 Pass High-Resolution Mode is 7.5 m2/h Connect to Computer by 100M Network Cable for Fast and Stable Printing Process Negative Pressure Continuous Ink Supply System (CISS), also Call Bulk Ink System Printing Media Sensor for Run-Out of Media Warning and Pause of Printing 0822222359 http://LargeFormatPrinter.co.za/F-1861/AQUA/DX5# More About Large Format Printer:Vinyl Print and Cut, Sticker and Label Making Solution for Signage Business http://univision.co.za/video/162293078# CNC Machines from Powered Brand Inventors Whole Workshop http://www.prevision.co.za/brand-inventors-machines/# Stage and Set Manufacturing by AM's New Workshop - Absolute Manufactuing http://www.prevision.co.za/stage-and-set-manufacturing/# Details in this Large Format Printer purchase:(EPSON-DX5/AQUA) Water Based Ink Printhead Cap Unit for EPSON DX5 Printhead (F-INK/DAMPER/DX5) A Set of 8 Solvent Resistant Plastic One-way Flow Control Ink Dampers for EPSON DX5 Printhead (F-CAR/BASE/DX5) FastCOLOUR Printer Carriage Base Plate for EPSON DX5 Printhead (F-AQUA/BLACK) AM.CO.ZA FastCOLOUR Black Colour Water Based Ink 1 Litre Bottle (EPSON-DX5/W) EPSON DX5 Water Based Dye and Pigment Ink Piezoelectric Printhead (T-BASIC/PF) Basic FastCOLOUR Printer Usage Training Course and Printing Practice with PhotoPRINT Software (F-BOARD/CAR/DX5) FastCOLOUR Printer Carriage Interface Card for EPSON DX5 Printhead (F-1860/S) Powered Coated Steel Stand with Wheels for 1860mm FastCOLOUR Printer (F-AQUA/CYAN) AM.CO.ZA FastCOLOUR Cyan Colour Water Based Ink 1 Litre Bottle (F-AQUA/MAGENTA) AM.CO.ZA FastCOLOUR Magenta Colour Water Based Ink 1 Litre Bottle (X-UTILITY/CD) AM.CO.ZA All-in-One Utility Disk with Softwares/Drives for CNC Machineries on a DVD (F-AQUA/CLEAN) AM.CO.ZA FastCOLOUR Water Based Ink Cleaning Solution 1 Litre Bottle (F-1860) FastCOLOUR 1860mm Large-Format Inkjet Printer Barebone Unit (F-AQUA/YELLOW) AM.CO.ZA FastCOLOUR Yellow Colour Water Based Ink 1 Litre Bottle (F-FEEDER) Rolled Media Feeding Device for FastCOLOUR Large Format Printer X 2 0822222359 http://LargeFormatPrinter.co.za/F-1861/AQUA/DX5# Other Large Format Printer Spare Parts Stock By Us:(F-INK/DAMPER/DX7) A Set of 4 Solvent Resistant Plastic One-way Flow Control Ink Dampers for EPSON DX7 Printhead (F-INK/TANK/220B) Bulk Ink Feeding 220ml Capacity Plastic Ink Cartridge for FastCOLOUR Printer (F-PANEL/HEAT) Three Level Heater Temperature Controller FastCOLOUR Large Format Printer
R 92.669
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Citrusdal (Western Cape)
FastCOLOUR 1860mm EPSON DX5 Printhead Large-Format Water Based Dye or Pigment Ink Inkjet Printer with SAi PhotoPRINT Software and Inks (Large Format Printer) Product SKU: F-1864/AQUA/DX5, Large Format Printer, 0822222359 Large Format Printer Price: R 98 459.00 Sales Price exl. VAT & Transport Code, quoted at 2016-9-23 kao8kp3c 0822222359 http://LargeFormatPrinter.co.za/F-1864/AQUA/DX5# Utilize One EPSON DX5 Piezoelectric Printhead for Superb Printing Quality Printing Media Sensor for Run-Out of Media Warning and Pause of Printing Pre-Heat, Print-Heat, Post-Heat 3 Stage Heating System with Separate Temperature Control Automatic Printhead Cleaning Functions Included, Anti Ink-Blocking, Auto Flash and Moisturizing Use Household 220V Electricity, Stand-by Power Consumption 32W and Maximum Power Consumption 1500W With Height-Adjustable Printhead, Thickest Media Can be Printed is 5mm Maximum Printing Width 1860 mm with 50kg Capacity Rolled Media Feeding System Quiet Printing Experience with Stand-by Noise 32dB and Working Noise Level 65dB Negative Pressure Continuous Ink Supply System (CISS), also Call Bulk Ink System Printing Speed on 2,3 Pass Draft Mode is 30 m2/hPrinting Speed on 4 Pass Production Mode is 15 m2/hPrinting Speed on 6 Pass Quality Mode is 10 m2/hPrinting Speed on 8 Pass High-Resolution Mode is 7.5 m2/h Able to Print from All Major Raster Image Processor (RIP) Softwares, e.g. SAi PhotoPRINT, MainTOP Servo Motor on Printing Axia for Fast and Precision Movement and Result Higher Printing Quality Four Colour C.M.Y.K. Eco-Solvent Ink, Eight Ink Feeding Tanks with 220ml Capacity Each Pinch Rollers are Electronically Controlled, Life Up and Push Down by Press of a Button Printing Resolution Includes 360x720 dpi (2 pass), 360x1080 dpi (3 pass), 720x720 dpi (4 pass), 720x1080 dpi (6 pass) and 720x1440 dpi (8 pass) Connect to Computer by 100M Network Cable for Fast and Stable Printing Process 0822222359 http://LargeFormatPrinter.co.za/F-1864/AQUA/DX5# More About Large Format Printer:Vinyl Print&Cut Demo on Printer and Vinyl Cutter with Automatic Contour Cutting http://discam.co.za/video/157329051# V-Auto Vinyl Cutter and FastCOLOUR Large Format Printer Dominate GAPP Print Expo https://cornerstone.co.za/2016/04/02/fastcolour-vauto-vinyl-cutter/# CNC Machines from Powered Brand Inventors Whole Workshop http://www.prevision.co.za/brand-inventors-machines/# Details in this Large Format Printer purchase:(F-AQUA/CYAN) AM.CO.ZA FastCOLOUR Cyan Colour Water Based Ink 1 Litre Bottle (T-BASIC/PF) Basic FastCOLOUR Printer Usage Training Course and Printing Practice with PhotoPRINT Software (F-1860/S) Powered Coated Steel Stand with Wheels for 1860mm FastCOLOUR Printer (F-AQUA/YELLOW) AM.CO.ZA FastCOLOUR Yellow Colour Water Based Ink 1 Litre Bottle (F-CAR/BASE/DX5) FastCOLOUR Printer Carriage Base Plate for EPSON DX5 Printhead (F-FEEDER) Rolled Media Feeding Device for FastCOLOUR Large Format Printer X 2 (AC-PHOTOPRINT) SAi PhotoPRINT DX 11 Cloud Edition RIP Software, USB Dongle and Activation Code (F-AQUA/MAGENTA) AM.CO.ZA FastCOLOUR Magenta Colour Water Based Ink 1 Litre Bottle (EPSON-DX5/W) EPSON DX5 Water Based Dye and Pigment Ink Piezoelectric Printhead (F-1860) FastCOLOUR 1860mm Large-Format Inkjet Printer Barebone Unit (F-BOARD/CAR/DX5) FastCOLOUR Printer Carriage Interface Card for EPSON DX5 Printhead (F-AQUA/CLEAN) AM.CO.ZA FastCOLOUR Water Based Ink Cleaning Solution 1 Litre Bottle (X-UTILITY/CD) AM.CO.ZA All-in-One Utility Disk with Softwares/Drives for CNC Machineries on a DVD (EPSON-DX5/AQUA) Water Based Ink Printhead Cap Unit for EPSON DX5 Printhead (F-AQUA/BLACK) AM.CO.ZA FastCOLOUR Black Colour Water Based Ink 1 Litre Bottle (F-INK/DAMPER/DX5) A Set of 8 Solvent Resistant Plastic One-way Flow Control Ink Dampers for EPSON DX5 Printhead 0822222359 http://LargeFormatPrinter.co.za/F-1864/AQUA/DX5# More Large Format Printer Products Stock By Us:(F-CAR/BASE/DX7) FastCOLOUR Printer Carriage Base Plate for EPSON DX7 Printhead (F-BOARD) Motion Control Motherboard for FastCOLOUR Large Format Printer (F-INK/TANK/220B) Bulk Ink Feeding 220ml Capacity Plastic Ink Cartridge for FastCOLOUR Printer
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South Africa (All cities)
Buy Where in The World is Carmen Sandiego Card game - Based On The Classic Computer game by Pressman for R1,217.66
R 1.217
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South Africa (All cities)
Adata Micro SDHC 32GB UHS-I Class10 Secure digital card Retail with Adapter Overview: With the more frequent use of smartphones and tablet PCs for multimedia recording and playback, there are increasing demands on the read and write speeds of dedicated memory cards. This Premier series memory card implements the latest SDA 3.0 specification UHS-I (Ultra High Speed 1, in compliance with SD 2.0 Class 10 speed), and comes with an entry-level price for consumers who want a dedicated card for their smartphone or tablet PC. Features: Increased speed, no increase in cost Premier microSDHC/SDXC UHS-I Class 10 U1 memory cards have higher capacity, but without a higher price, and provide consumers with the faster read speeds of UHS-I specification at the price of a Class 10 card. Sequential reads are up to 50 MB/second, and write speeds reach the UHS-I speed class 1 specification. They are remarkably suitable for users who enjoy high definition photography and video recording. Running multiple applications simultaneously causes no loss in read/write speed. * Data is based on internal tests. Test results will vary depending on different platforms and software. Excellent Durability These memory cards employ Error-Code Correction (ECC), and are extremely cold-resistant, heat-resistant and impervious to x-rays, making them one of the world’s most rugged memory cards. Wide Range of Capacities In addition to the 8, 16,32 and 64 GB capacity options, a bundle option includes a single memory card and an SD adapter card, allowing for easy transfer of files to and from hardware. Specifications: Product Code AUSDH32GUICL10-RAI Capacity 32GB Standard SDA 3.0 Dimensions (L x W x H) 15 x 11 x 1.0mm (W x H x D) Weight 0.25g Voltage 2.7~3.6V Performance Seq Read/Write rate up to 50 / 10 (MB/s) Random Read/Write: 1400 /100 (IOPs) Certifications FCC, CE, BSMI, VCCI Note **Read/write speed based on ADATA internal testing, performance may be lower depending on host device. Speed Class UHS Speed: Class 1 Speed Class: Class 10 Compatibility Smartphone/ Tablet/ Car black box Operating temperature -25°C (-13°F) ~ 85°C (185°F)
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South Africa (All cities)
Adata Micro SDHC 16GB UHS-I Class10 Secure digital card Retail with Adapter Overview: With the more frequent use of smartphones and tablet PCs for multimedia recording and playback, there are increasing demands on the read and write speeds of dedicated memory cards. This Premier series memory card implements the latest SDA 3.0 specification UHS-I (Ultra High Speed 1, in compliance with SD 2.0 Class 10 speed), and comes with an entry-level price for consumers who want a dedicated card for their smartphone or tablet PC. Features: Increased speed, no increase in cost Premier microSDHC/SDXC UHS-I Class 10 U1 memory cards have higher capacity, but without a higher price, and provide consumers with the faster read speeds of UHS-I specification at the price of a Class 10 card. Sequential reads are up to 50 MB/second, and write speeds reach the UHS-I speed class 1 specification. They are remarkably suitable for users who enjoy high definition photography and video recording. Running multiple applications simultaneously causes no loss in read/write speed. * Data is based on internal tests. Test results will vary depending on different platforms and software. Excellent Durability These memory cards employ Error-Code Correction (ECC), and are extremely cold-resistant, heat-resistant and impervious to x-rays, making them one of the world’s most rugged memory cards. Wide Range of Capacities In addition to the 8, 16,32 and 64 GB capacity options, a bundle option includes a single memory card and an SD adapter card, allowing for easy transfer of files to and from hardware. Specifications: Product Code AUSDH16GUICL10-RA1 Capacity 16GB Standard SDA 3.0 Dimensions (L x W x H) 15 x 11 x 1.0mm (W x H x D) Weight 0.25g Voltage 2.7~3.6V Performance Seq Read/Write rate up to 50 / 10 (MB/s) Random Read/Write: 1400 /100 (IOPs) Certifications FCC, CE, BSMI, VCCI Note **Read/write speed based on ADATA internal testing, performance may be lower depending on host device. Speed Class UHS Speed: Class 1 Speed Class: Class 10 Compatibility Smartphone/ Tablet/ Car black box Operating temperature -25°C (-13°F) ~ 85°C (185°F)
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South Africa (All cities)
Description ADATA 16GB Class 10 Micro SD Card b'&' Adapter ADATA Premier MicroSDHC UHS-I U1 Class10 16GB Micro SD Card. Capacity: 16 GB, Flash card type: MicroSDHC, Flash memory class: Class 10, Read speed: 30 MB/s, Write speed: 10 MB/s. Product colour: Black, Grey With the more frequent use of smartphones and tablet PCs for multimedia recording and playback, there are increasing demands on the read and write speeds of dedicated memory cards. This Premier series memory card implements the latest SDA 3.0 specification UHS-I (Ultra High Speed 1, in compliance with SD 2.0 Class 10 speed), and comes with an entry-level price for consumers who want a dedicated card for their smartphone or tablet PC. Increased speed, no increase in cost Premier microSDHC/SDXC UHS-I U1memory cards have higher capacity but without a higher price. Provide consumers with the faster read speeds of UHS-I U1 specification at the price of a Class 10 card. Sequential reads are up to 50 MB/second and write speeds reach the UHS-I speed class 1 specification. Random read and write IOPS are 1400 and 100 respectively. They are remarkably suitable for users who enjoy high definition photography and video recording. Running multiple applications simultaneously causes no loss in reading/write speed. * Data is based on internal tests. Test results will vary depending on different platforms and software. Durability These memory cards employ Error-Code Correction (ECC), and are extremely cold-resistant, heat-resistant and impervious to x-rays, making them one of the world’s most rugged memory cards. Wide Range of Capacities In addition to the 8, 16, 32, and 64 GB capacity options, a bundle option includes a single memory card and an SD adapter card, allowing for easy transfer of files to and from hardware. Specifications: Product Type: MicroSDHC Memory Card + Adaptor Capacity: 16GB Class: 10 Interface: UHS-I, compatible with HS interface Series: Premier
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South Africa (All cities)
ADATA 16GB Class 10 Micro SD Card b'&' Adapter ADATA Premier MicroSDHC UHS-I U1 Class10 16GB Micro SD Card. Capacity: 16 GB, Flash card type: MicroSDHC, Flash memory class: Class 10, Read speed: 30 MB/s, Write speed: 10 MB/s. Product colour: Black, Grey With the more frequent use of smartphones and tablet PCs for multimedia recording and playback, there are increasing demands on the read and write speeds of dedicated memory cards. This Premier series memory card implements the latest SDA 3.0 specification UHS-I (Ultra High Speed 1, in compliance with SD 2.0 Class 10 speed), and comes with an entry-level price for consumers who want a dedicated card for their smartphone or tablet PC. Increased speed, no increase in cost Premier microSDHC/SDXC UHS-I U1memory cards have higher capacity but without a higher price. Provide consumers with the faster read speeds of UHS-I U1 specification at the price of a Class 10 card. Sequential reads are up to 50 MB/second and write speeds reach the UHS-I speed class 1 specification. Random read and write IOPS are 1400 and 100 respectively. They are remarkably suitable for users who enjoy high definition photography and video recording. Running multiple applications simultaneously causes no loss in reading/write speed. * Data is based on internal tests. Test results will vary depending on different platforms and software. Durability These memory cards employ Error-Code Correction (ECC), and are extremely cold-resistant, heat-resistant and impervious to x-rays, making them one of the world’s most rugged memory cards. Wide Range of Capacities In addition to the 8, 16, 32, and 64 GB capacity options, a bundle option includes a single memory card and an SD adapter card, allowing for easy transfer of files to and from hardware. Specifications: Product Type: MicroSDHC Memory Card + Adaptor Capacity: 16GB Class: 10 Interface: UHS-I, compatible with HS interface Series: Premier
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South Africa (All cities)
Samsung Evo Plus 128GB MicroSDXC Memory card, Up to 160MB/s read speed, Adapter, A1, V10, U1, MB-MC64SA Overview: EVO Plus + Adapter microSDXC 128GB 2024 MB-MC128SA Your microSD card includes a Samsung adapter that works with your computer, handheld gaming console, tablet or camera-and virtually any device with an SD card slot. The EVO Plus is ready to save real-time moments with ultra-fast transfer speeds of up to 160 MB/s. Save every second in mere minutes with storage capacities ranging from 64GB to 512GB. Features: Accelerate everything The fast transfer speeds of the EVO Plus help you do more on every device. It instantly expands the memory on your phone, gaming console or tablet. It also supports 4K UHD videos and photos easily and quickly. Compatibility meets convenience Adapter Included Your microSD card includes a Samsung adapter that works with your computer, handheld gaming console, tablet or camera-and virtually any device with an SD card slot. It’s made to be versatile so you can transfer files with no fuss-and no need to hunt for extra tech. Speed that keeps up Transfer Speeds up to 160 MB/s The foregoing read b'&' write speed performance is based on testing of 512GB capacity under standard conditions. Actual speeds may vary depending upon card capacity. Stated performance is achieved by using EVO Plus microSD cards with Samsung adapters. Storage that fits your life Save every second in mere minutes with storage capacities ranging from 64GB to 512GB. It’s always reliable with the right amount of space to fit your lifestyle, so you can hold on to the things that matter most. State-of-the-art speed U3, Class 10, A2, V30, and UHS-I Interface Ultra-high speeds. Crystal clear 4K UHD video and content. It’s all wrapped up in this A2 memory card, complete with the latest U3 and V30 speeds-bringing the most modern tech together for faster transfers and more memory. Protected for peace of mind The Samsung EVO Plus microSD is tough enough to take on anything. With protection covering everything from water³ to extreme temperatures – it can handle wear and tear.7 Take it with you on all your adventures. Adapts to every need Extensive Compatibility Whether you’re using a DSLR camera or a PC, count on the EVO Plus for extensive compatibility. It’s a true team player when it comes to heavy-duty application usage or file-saving. Specifications: Product Code MB-MC128SA/APC General Feature Product Type Memory Cards Storage Capacity 64GB Key Features Data Transfer Speed Transfer Speeds up to 160 MB/s
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South Africa (All cities)
Description ADATA 32GB Class 10 Micro SD Card b'&' Adapter ADATA Premier MicroSDHC UHS-I U1 Class10 32GB SD Card. Capacity: 32GB, Flash card type: MicroSDHC, Flash memory class: Class 10, Read speed: 30 MB/s, Write speed: 10 MB/s. Product colour: Black, Grey With the more frequent use of smartphones and tablet PCs for multimedia recording and playback, there are increasing demands on the read and write speeds of dedicated memory cards. This Premier series memory card implements the latest SDA 3.0 specification UHS-I (Ultra High Speed 1, in compliance with SD 2.0 Class 10 speed), and comes with an entry-level price for consumers who want a dedicated card for their smartphone or tablet PC. Increased speed, no increase in cost Premier microSDHC/SDXC UHS-I U1memory cards have higher capacity, but without a higher price, and provide consumers with the faster read speeds of UHS-I U1 specification at the price of a Class 10 card. Sequential reads are up to 50 MB/second and write speeds reach the UHS-I speed class 1 specification. Random read and write IOPS are 1400 and 100 respectively. They are remarkably suitable for users who enjoy high definition photography and video recording. Running multiple applications simultaneously causes no loss in reading/writing speed. * Data is based on internal tests. Test results will vary depending on different platforms and software. Durability These memory cards employ Error-Code Correction (ECC), and are extremely cold-resistant, heat-resistant and impervious to x-rays, making them one of the world’s most rugged memory cards.
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South Africa (All cities)
ADATA 32GB Class 10 Micro SD Card b'&' Adapter ADATA Premier MicroSDHC UHS-I U1 Class10 32GB SD Card. Capacity: 32GB, Flash card type: MicroSDHC, Flash memory class: Class 10, Read speed: 30 MB/s, Write speed: 10 MB/s. Product colour: Black, Grey With the more frequent use of smartphones and tablet PCs for multimedia recording and playback, there are increasing demands on the read and write speeds of dedicated memory cards. This Premier series memory card implements the latest SDA 3.0 specification UHS-I (Ultra High Speed 1, in compliance with SD 2.0 Class 10 speed), and comes with an entry-level price for consumers who want a dedicated card for their smartphone or tablet PC. Increased speed, no increase in cost Premier microSDHC/SDXC UHS-I U1memory cards have higher capacity, but without a higher price, and provide consumers with the faster read speeds of UHS-I U1 specification at the price of a Class 10 card. Sequential reads are up to 50 MB/second and write speeds reach the UHS-I speed class 1 specification. Random read and write IOPS are 1400 and 100 respectively. They are remarkably suitable for users who enjoy high definition photography and video recording. Running multiple applications simultaneously causes no loss in reading/writing speed. * Data is based on internal tests. Test results will vary depending on different platforms and software. Durability These memory cards employ Error-Code Correction (ECC), and are extremely cold-resistant, heat-resistant and impervious to x-rays, making them one of the world’s most rugged memory cards.
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South Africa (All cities)
Adata Premier 64GB Class 10 microSDXC Card + Adapter Overview: With the more frequent use of smartphones and tablet PCs for multimedia recording and playback, there are increasing demands on the read and write speeds of dedicated memory cards. This Premier series memory card implements the SDA 3.0 specification UHS-I (Ultra High Speed 1, in compliance with SD 2.0 Class 10 speed), and comes with an entry-level price for consumers who want a dedicated card for their smartphone or tablet PC. Features: Increased speed, no increase in cost Premier microSDHC/SDXC UHS-I Class 10 U1 memory cards have higher capacity, but without a higher price, and provide consumers with the faster read speeds of UHS-I specification at the price of a Class 10 card. Sequential reads are up to 80 MB/second, and write speeds reach the UHS-I speed class 1 specification. They are remarkably suitable for users who enjoy high definition photography and video recording. Running multiple applications simultaneously causes no loss in read/write speed. Excellent Durability These memory cards employ Error-Code Correction (ECC), and are extremely cold-resistant, heat-resistant and impervious to x-rays, making them one of the world’s most rugged memory cards. Wide Range of Capacities In addition to the 16,32 and 64 GB capacity options, a bundle option includes a single memory card and an SD adapter card, allowing for easy transfer of files to and from hardware. Specifications: Product Code AUSDX64GUICL10-RAI Capacity 64GB Standard SDA 3.0 Dimensions (L x W x H) 15 x 11 x 1.0mm Weight 0.25g Voltage 2.7~3.6V Performance Seq Read/Write rate up to 80 / 10 (MB/s) Certifications FCC, CE, VCCI, CTICK, EAC Note **Read/write speed based on ADATA internal testing; performance may be lower depending on host device. Speed Class UHS Speed: Class 1 Speed Class: Class 10 Compatibility Smartphone/ Tablet/ Car black box Operating temperature -25°C (-13°F) ~ 85°C (185°F)
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South Africa (All cities)
Asrock Intel Arc A750 Challenger D 8GB OC PCI-e 4.0 x16 Graphics card, DP, HDMI Overview: Intel Arc A750 Challenger D 8GB OC A750 CLD 8GO Clock: GPU / Memory GPU Clock: 2200 MHz Memory Clock: 16 Gbps Key Specifications IntelArc A750 Graphics 8GB 256-bit GDDR6 IntelXe HPG Microarchitecture IntelXe Super Sampling (Xe SS) DirectX12 Ultimate 2 x 8-pin Power Connectors 2 x DisplayPort 2.0 / 1 x HDMI 2.1 / 1 x HDMI 2.0b Key Features Dual Fan Design Stylish Metal Backplate Striped Axial Fan Ultra-fit Heatpipe 0dB Silent Cooling Super Alloy Graphics Card Features: OC Edition – Great Performance. Delivers great performance which is more higher than reference cards based on the solid hardware design. Dual Fan Design Two fans that provide strong cooling performance and make your gaming rig stay cool. It’s optimized for delivering excellent gaming experience with stylish and streamlined design. Stylish Metal Backplate – Solid, Fancy, Cool. Designed to avoid PCB bending. The fancy outlook makes the graphic card more legendary in visual. It also helps to enhance cooling with the premium thermal pads equipped backside. Striped Axial Fan – Designed For Enhanced Airflow. ASRock’s custom Striped Axial Fan delivers enhanced airflow to optimize cooling from not only the stripe structure on each fan blade but also the polishing surface on the bottom side. 0dB Silent Cooling – Spin For Cooling, Stop For Silence. The fan spins when the temperature goes high for the optimal cooling, and stops when the temperature goes low for the complete silence. Ultra-fit Heatpipe – Consolidated to Maximize the Contact. The heatpipes are consolidated to maximize the contact among each others and also the GPU baseplate for the optimized heat dissipation. Nano Thermal Paste – Perfect Thermal Teamwork. Eliminate the gaps in the contact area to maximize heat transfer and thermal efficiency. Premium Thermal Pad – Better Heat Transfer. The premium thermal pad helps to transfer the heat of the components to the heatsink, improving heat dissipation. Precise Screw Torque – Optimized Mounting Pressure. ASRock adopts precise screw torque when assembling its graphics cards to optimize the cooler mounting pressure to improve thermal efficiency while avoiding damage to GPU die. SPS (Smart Power Stage) Dr.MOS design features the latest SPS (Smart Power Stage) technology. It’s optimized for monitoring current and temperature of each phase, thus delivering smoother and neater power to the GPU with enhanced performance and OC capability. Premium 100A Power Choke Compared to traditional chokes, ASRock’s premium 100A power chokes effectively make the saturation current up to three times better, thus providing enhanced and improved Vcore voltage to the graphics card. Matte Black PCB A new mysterious matte black and copper color scheme to match the prestigious components on ASRock’s high-end graphics card. High Density Glass Fabric PCB High Density Glass Fabric PCB design that reduces the gaps between the PCB layers to protect the graphics card against electrical shorts caused by humidity. 8K Resolution Support Not only can it handles 4K graphics but also supports the next generation 8K video output for the ultimate visual experience. Supercharge your gaming. Dive into immersive, high-performance gaming with AI-enhanced Xe SS upscaling and full support for DirectX 12 Ultimate. Experience immersive high-performance gaming. IntelArc Control gives gamers options and controls to refine their gaming experience in an intuitive and modern layout. Get seamless driver updates, optimize your favorite games, stream from your home without interruption and more. Xe Super Sampling (Xe SS) Take your gaming experience to the next level with AI-enhanced upscaling technology, enabling more performance with high image fidelity. DirectX 12 Ultimate Support Fully compatible with the latest breakthroughs in graphics technologies, including ray tracing, variable rate shading, mesh shading and sampler feedback – the fundamentals for next-gen gaming. Unleash your creativity. Experience cutting-edge AI-accelerated content creation. Take center stage. Broadcast seamlessly with advanced streaming technologies enabled by IntelArc Control software. Elevate your gaming experience. Refine your gaming experience with IntelArc Control in an intuitive and modern layout. Get seamless driver updates and optimize many of your favorite games. Maximize your Intelplatform. Enhance your creation, gaming and streaming experiences with IntelDeep Link Technology features by pairing IntelCore processors with IntelArc graphics. Specifications: Product Code 90-GA3HZZ-00UAN Graphics Engine Intel Arc A750 Graphics Bus Standard PCI Express 4.0 x16 DirectX 12 Ultimate OpenGL 4.6 Memory 8GB GDDR6 Engine Clock 2200 MHz Intel XMX Engines 448 Memory Clock 16 Gbps Memory Interface 256-bit Resolution Digital Max Resolution: 7680×4320 Interface 2 x DisplayPort 2.0 up to UHBR 10 1 x HDMI 2.1 (the HDMI connector which is closest to the PCB’s golden finger) 1 x HDMI 2.0b *Designed for DP 2.0, certification pending VESA CTS Release. HDCP Yes Multi-view 4 Recommended PSU 650W Power Connector 2 x 8-pin Accessories 1 x Quick Installation Guide Dimensions 271 x 132 x 48 mm, 2.4-slot Net Weight 785 g
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South Africa (All cities)
Samsung Evo+ Micro SD 64GB SDXC + adaptor Samsung Evo+ Micro SD 64GB SDXC + adaptor, UHS-I, Up to 130MB/s read speed, U1, V10, A1 Overview: 64GB EVO Plus microSD Card (2021) MB-MC64KA/APC Up to 130MB/s transfer speed Compatible with a wide range of devices Includes Full-Size SD Adapter Features: All the space you need The smarter choice. Improved speed and compatibility deliver reliable performance. Huge capacity lets you store tons of media on your phone, load your handheld console with games, or download more apps on your tablet. Top-notch speed makes transfers seamless with trusted reliability. Fast and smooth Tackle big tasks with ease. Even with huge files, the EVO Plus is quick with superfast U3, class 10 rated transfer speeds of up to 130MB/s1. Load and run big apps smoothly, including 4K video with A2, V30, and UHS-I Interface2. 1 Speed and rating apply to 128GB, 256GB and 512GB cards. 64GB card is U1 rated, with transfer speeds of up to 130MB/s. The foregoing read b'&' write speeds are based on internal tests conducted under controlled conditions. Actual speeds may vary depending upon card capacity. Stated performance is achieved by using EVO Plus microSD cards with Samsung readers. 2 Ratings apply to 128GB and 256GB cards. 32GB and 64GB card is A1, V10, UHS-I rated. Expand and store more Free your phone from limits. Find your perfect fit from 64GB, 128GB, 256GB, or an enormous 512GB. With so many sizes, all your needs are fully covered. No more worrying about storage- there’s space for all your memories. * Test Device: Samsung Note Ultra 1 14K Video (3840*2160) 30fps (Video size 30Min 7.93 GB) ²FHD Video (1920*1080) 30fps (Video size 30Min 2.95 GB) *4K Image 4000*3000 (Avg Pic size 2.36 MB) *FHD Image 4000*1868 (Avg Pic size 1.81 MB) Specifications: Specifications Product Code MB-MC64KA/APC General Feature Product Type microSDXC Memory Card Family Line EVO PLUS Application Mobile phone, Smartphone, Tablet, etc Rated Capacity 64GB, (1GB=1Billionbyte) * Actual storage capacity may be lower than the labeled capacity. Part of the storage may be used for system files and other storage control purposes. Interface UHS-I, compatible to UHS interface Dimension (WxHxD) 15x11x1 mm Weight Approx. 0.25g Accessory SD adapter Performance Speed Read: up to 130MB/s Write: Lower than Read Speed* Read/Write speed requires compatible devices capable of reaching such speeds and it may vary among different host devices and testing conditions. * For products incompatible with UHS-I interface, the speeds may vary subject to different interface conditions Speed Class U1, V10, A1 Environment Operating Voltage 2.7~3.6V Storage Temperature -40°C to 85°C Operating Temperature -25°C to 85°C Durability 10,000 mating cycles Certification EMC CE(UKCA)/FCC/VCCI/RCM
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South Africa (All cities)
SanDisk is proud to announce our newest format and capacity to the SD card family: microSD High Capacity (microSDHC) 32GB flash card.Features:High storage capacity (32GB) for storing essential digital content such as high quality photos, videos, music and moreOptimal speed and performance for microSDHC compatible devicesSpeed performance rating: Class 4 (based on SD 2.00 Specification)High Quality microSDHC card backed by 5-year limited warrantyBuilt to last, with an operating shock rating of 2000Gs, equivalent to a ten-foot drop
R 76
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South Africa (All cities)
Sapphire Radeon R5 230 2GB - Silent (LP) Specifications: - Display Support - 2 x Maximum Display Monitor(s) support Output - 1 x D-Sub(VGA) - 1 x HDMI (with 3D) - 1 x Dual-Link DVI-D GPU - 625 MHz Core Clock - 160 x Stream Processors Video Memory - 2048 MB - 64-bit DDR3 - 1334 MHz Effective Dimensions - 190(L) x 94(W) x 22(H) mm - 1 x PCI slot - Low Profile Bracket Incl. System Requirements - PCI Express® based PC is required with one X16 lane graphics slot available on the motherboard - 1024 MB Minimum system memory - 400 Watt Power Supply is required ***Please confirm stock availability before placing your order. ***
R 999
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Jeffreys Bay (Eastern Cape)
Brand new ultrabook tablet, Hardly used. It does have minor scratches on the screen. Keyboard is excluded. Brand: CHUWI Type: Ultrabook OS:Windows 10 CPU Brand: Intel CPU: Intel Cherry Trail x5-Z8350 Core: 1.44GHz,Quad Core GPU: Intel HD Graphic(Gen8) RAM: 4GB ROM: 64GB External Memory: TF card up to 128GB (not included) Support Network: WiFi WIFI: 802.11b/g/n wireless internet Bluetooth: Yes Screen type: Capacitive,IPS Screen size: 10.1 inch Screen resolution: 1920 x 1200 (WUXGA) Camera type: Dual cameras (one front one back) Back camera: 2.0MP Front camera: 2.0MP TF card slot: Yes Type-C: Yes Micro USB Slot: Yes Micro HDMI: Yes 3.5mm Headphone Jack: Yes Docking Interface: Support
R 3.400
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South Africa (All cities)
Description MSI Radeon RX7900 XTX Gaming Trio Classic 24G Graphics Card b'/xc2/xa0' AMD Radeon RX 7000 Series graphics cards redefine ultra-enthusiast gaming performance. Featuring advanced AMD RDNA 3 compute units, lightning-fast clock speeds, and chiplet technology for fluid, high-refresh rate gaming experiences. Breakthrough new levels of performance with up to 24GB of GDDR6 memory and 2nd generation AMD infinity cache to deliver an incredible experience at 4K resolutions and beyond. The AMD Radeon RX 7000 Series graphics cards are the world’s first gaming GPUs powered by AMD RDNA 3 chiplet technology, you’ll get unprecedented performance, visuals, and efficiency. Immerse yourself in breathtaking visuals thanks to the AMD Radiance Display Engine’s pinpoint colour accuracy, and boost frame rates with AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution and Radeon Super Resolution upscaling technologies. Combine AMD Radeon RX 7000 Series graphics with compatible AMD Ryzen processors to activate AMD smart technologies for even more performance. TORX FAN 4.0 is based on collaboration, with pairs of fan blades joined by an outer ring design link that directs airflow into the updated TRI FROZR 2 cooling system. Core Pipes are precision-machined for maximum contact with the GPU and heat distribution along the entire length of the heatsink for optimal cooling. Airflow Control, which improves airflow dynamics, allows you to remain silent. Deflectors increase surface area and direct air to where it is most needed for maximum cooling. The Wave-curved 2.0 fin edges reduce noise by disrupting unwanted airflow harmonics.
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Klerksdorp (North West)
FastCOLOUR 1860mm EPSON DX7 Printhead Large-Format ECO Solvent Ink Inkjet Printer with Full Accessories, MainTOP Software and Inks (Large Format Printer) Code: F-1866/ECO/DX7, Large Format Printer, 0822222359 Large Format Printer Product Price: R 100 249.00 Sales Price exclude VAT and Transport, quoted at 2016-10-4 kao8kp3c 0822222359 http://LargeFormatPrinter.co.za/F-1866/ECO/DX7# Printing Speed on 2,3 Pass Draft Mode is 30 m2/hPrinting Speed on 4 Pass Production Mode is 15 m2/hPrinting Speed on 6 Pass Quality Mode is 10 m2/hPrinting Speed on 8 Pass High-Resolution Mode is 7.5 m2/h Pre-Heat, Print-Heat, Post-Heat 3 Stage Heating System with Separate Temperature Control Printing Resolution Includes 360x720 dpi (2 pass), 360x1080 dpi (3 pass), 720x720 dpi (4 pass), 720x1080 dpi (6 pass) and 720x1440 dpi (8 pass) Automatic Printhead Cleaning Functions Included, Anti Ink-Blocking, Auto Flash and Moisturizing Utilize One EPSON DX7 Piezoelectric Printhead for Superb Printing Quality With Height-Adjustable Printhead, Thickest Media Can be Printed is 5mm Four Colour C.M.Y.K. Eco-Solvent Ink, Eight Ink Feeding Tanks with 220ml Capacity Each Servo Motor on Printing Axia for Fast and Precision Movement and Result Higher Printing Quality Printing Media Sensor for Run-Out of Media Warning and Pause of Printing Able to Print from All Major Raster Image Processor (RIP) Softwares, e.g. SAi PhotoPRINT, MainTOP Maximum Printing Width 1860 mm with 50kg Capacity Rolled Media Feeding System Pinch Rollers are Electronically Controlled, Life Up and Push Down by Press of a Button Quiet Printing Experience with Stand-by Noise 32dB and Working Noise Level 65dB Negative Pressure Continuous Ink Supply System (CISS), also Call Bulk Ink System Connect to Computer by 100M Network Cable for Fast and Stable Printing Process Use Household 220V Electricity, Stand-by Power Consumption 32W and Maximum Power Consumption 1500W Heavy Duty, Curling Prevention and Width Adjustable Rolled Media Feeding Device 0822222359 http://LargeFormatPrinter.co.za/F-1866/ECO/DX7# More About Large Format Printer:Advanced Machinery Launches New Range of FastCOLOUR Printers https://cornerstone.co.za/2016/09/29/advanced-machinery-new-fastcolour-printers/# Our FastCOLOUR Large Format Printer Powers VB Business Solutions http://www.prevision.co.za/lenasia-printing-business-success/# V-Auto Vinyl Cutter and FastCOLOUR Large Format Printer Dominate GAPP Print Expo https://cornerstone.co.za/2016/04/02/fastcolour-vauto-vinyl-cutter/# Components included in this Large Format Printer purchase:(F-1860/S) Powered Coated Steel Stand with Wheels for 1860mm FastCOLOUR Printer (F-BOARD/CAR/DX7) FastCOLOUR Printer Carriage Interface Card for EPSON DX7 Printhead (F-INK/TUBE) Solvent Resistant Soft Plastic Ink Tubing for FastCOLOUR Printer, Per Meter (EPSON-DX7) EPSON DX7 Eco-Solvent Ink Piezoelectric Printhead (F-ECO/CLEAN) FastCOLOUR Solvent Ink, and Pigment Ink Cleaning Solution 1 Litre Bottle (EPSON-DX5/CABLE) A Set of Two Data Cables for EPSON DX5 Printhead (F-BAR/1860) One Aluminium Round Bar for Feeding or Take-Up Paper Roller of 1860mm FastCOLOUR Printer X 2 (F-INK/DAMPER/DX7) A Set of 4 Solvent Resistant Plastic One-way Flow Control Ink Dampers (Dumper) for EPSON DX7 Printhead (F-1860/FEEDER) Rolled Media Feeding Device with Two Round Bars for 1860mm FastCOLOUR Printer (F-ECO/BLACK) FastCOLOUR Black Colour ECO-Solvent Ink 1 Litre Bottle (F-ECO/YELLOW) FastCOLOUR Yellow Colour ECO-Solvent Ink 1 Litre Bottle (F-ECO/CYAN) FastCOLOUR Cyan Colour ECO-Solvent Ink 1 Litre Bottle (T-BASIC/PF) Basic FastCOLOUR Printer Usage Training Course and Printing Practice with Client Purchased Printing Software (F-1860/HEATER/F) FastCOLOUR Front Fan Cooling System for 1860mm ECO-Solvent Printer (F-BOARD/CAR/DX5) FastCOLOUR Printer Carriage Interface Card for EPSON DX5 Printhead (X-UTILITY/CD) AM.CO.ZA All-in-One Utility Disk with Softwares/Drives for CNC Machineries on a DVD (F-1860/HEATER/B) FastCOLOUR Front Electric Radiative Drying Heater for 1860mm ECO-Solvent Printer (EPSON-DX7/CABLE) A Set of Two Data Cables for EPSON DX7 Printhead (S-MAINTOP) MainTop RIP Software, Include MainTop DTP and PSIII Software and USB Dongle (F-INK/DAMPER/DX5) A Set of 8 Solvent Resistant Plastic One-way Flow Control Ink Dampers (Dumper) for EPSON DX5 Printhead (F-INK/STATION/CAP) Ink Station Solvent and Water Based Ink Cap for EPSON DX5/DX7 Printhead (F-ROLLER) Take-Up Rolling Collecting Device for FastCOLOUR Large Format Printer (F-INK/BULK) Bulk Ink System with Four CMYK Ink Tank Compatible with Solvent Ink and Water Based Ink (EPSON-DX7/ECO) Solvent Ink Printhead Cap Unit for EPSON DX7 Printhead (F-CAR/BASE/DX7) FastCOLOUR Printer Carriage Base Plate for EPSON DX7 Printhead (F-1860) FastCOLOUR 1860mm Large-Format Inkjet Printer Barebone Unit (F-CAR/BASE/DX5) FastCOLOUR Printer Carriage Base Plate for EPSON DX5 Printhead (F-INK/TUBES) Damper Feeding Solvent Resistant Ink Tubes Set of CMYK for FastCOLOUR Printer (F-ECO/MAGENTA) FastCOLOUR Magenta Colour ECO-Solvent Ink 1 Litre Bottle 0822222359 http://LargeFormatPrinter.co.za/F-1866/ECO/DX7# Other Large Format Printer Components Sell By Us:(EPSON-DX5/CABLE) A Set of Two Data Cables for EPSON DX5 Printhead (F-INK/DAMPER/DX5) A Set of 8 Solvent Resistant Plastic One-way Flow Control Ink Dampers (Dumper) for EPSON DX5 Printhead (EPSON-DX5/CABLE) A Set of Two Data Cables for EPSON DX5 Printhead
R 100.249
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South Africa (All cities)
ASUS Geforce GTX 1080 Ti Founders Edition Graphics Card ASUS Geforce GTX 1080 Ti Founders Edition DDR5X 11GB Graphics Card - 3584 Cuda Core - Tweak II with XSplit Gamecaster - VR Ready The GeForce GTX 1080 Ti is NVIDIA's new flagship gaming GPU, based on the NVIDIA Pascal architecture. The latest addition to the ultimate gaming platform, this card is packed with extreme gaming horsepower, next-gen 11 Gbps gddr5x memory, and a massive 11 GB frame buffer. Website https://www.aceelectronics.co.za/index.php?route=product/product&path=60&product_id=73
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South Africa (All cities)
Description Gigabyte B760M DS3H DDR4 Intel Socket LGA 1700 mATX Motherboard b'/xc2/xa0' 6+2+1 Phases Hybrid Digital VRM Design 6+2+1 Phases Low RDS(on) MOSFETs Premium Choke and Capacitors to improve transient response and minimize oscillation GIGABYTE Ultra-Efficient M.2 Thermal Guard With durability in mind, GIGABYTE provides a thermal solution for M.2 SSD devices. The M.2 Thermal Guard prevents throttling and bottlenecks from high speed M.2 SSDs as it helps to dissipate heat before it becomes an issue. b'/xc2/xa0' SMART FAN 6 b'/xc2/xa0' Smart Fan 6 contains several unique cooling features that ensure gaming PC maintain its performance while staying cool and quiet. Multiple fan headers can support PWM/DC fan and pump, and users can easily define each fan curve based on different temperature sensors across the board via intuitive user interface b'/xc2/xa0' PERSONALIZATION b'/xc2/xa0' GIGABYTE motherboards bundle several useful and intuitive software to help users to control every aspect of motherboard and provide customizable lighting effect with outstanding aesthetics to fit your unique personality. b'/xc2/xa0' ULTRA DURABLE Q-Flash Plus Update the BIOS easily without installing the CPU, memory and graphics card. With GIGABYTE Q-Flash Plus, you don’t need to install the CPU, memory and graphics card nor enter the BIOS menu to flash the BIOS. Just download and save a new BIOS file (rename to gigabyte.bin) on the USB flash drive, then press the dedicated Q-Flash Plus button and you’re good to go! b'/xc2/xa0' Gigabyte B760M DS3H DDR4 Intel Socket LGA 1700 mATX Motherboard GA-B760M-DS3H-DDR4
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South Africa (All cities)
Adata Premier 64GB Class 10 MICRO UHS- I Card + Adapter Overview: Premier microSDXC/SDHC UHS-I Class 10 memory cards provide read speeds up to 100MB per second for rapid file transfers. Featuring a Class 10 performance rating, Premier microSDXC/SDHC UHS-I memory cards enable uninterrupted, high quality recording of Full HD video on smartphones and tablets. It also meets the A1 standard for quicker and smoother execution of APPs. Being V10 (Video Speed Class) qualified, they can record up to 10MB of video per second. Available in 16GB to 256GB and backed by solid multi-point protection, Premier microSDXC/SDHC UHS-I memory cards allow mobile device enthusiasts to record and share wonderful memories with ease! Features: Rapid data transfer up to 100MB/s UHS-I Class 10 qualified, maximum sequential read speed on Premier microSDXC/SDHC memory cards reaches 100MB per second, allowing users to quickly transfer data between smartphones/tablets and computers without frustrating delays. Class 10 and V10 – Supports Full HD video recording Meeting Class 10 data speed requirements, Premier microSDXC/SDHC UHS-I Class 10 memory cards support Full HD 1080p video recording, enabling users to capture every scene in impressive, natural detail. They also meet V10 (Video Speed Class) specs, meaning they can record up to 10MB of video per second. A1 qualified – for faster app performance If you are an Android smartphone/tablet user, A1-qualified Premier microSDXC/SDHC UHS-I memory cards can help to install and run apps faster. With Android 6.0/7.0, users are able to choose microSD cards as adaptable storage not just for static content such as photos and video, but also for apps. This helps expand smartphone internal storage for more exciting mobile usage. High compatibility across multiple devices Featuring high compatibility, Premier microSDXC/SDHC UHS-I Class 10 memory cards support smartphones, tablets, digital cameras, and video recorders with the bundled SD card adapter. Premier microSDXC/SDHC UHS-I Class 10 memory cards offer up to 256GB of storage expansion, so even the most demanding content can be recorded without fear of quickly running out of space. Ample storage up to 256GB Providing a wide capacity range from 16GB to 256GB, Premier microSDXC/SDHC UHS-I Class 10 memory cards allow you to store thousands of photos and hours of Full HD video without complicated setup right on your smartphone or tablet, wherever you may be. Concentrate on the task at hand thanks to plentiful storage: don’t worry about space or which file will go where! Full protection for high durability Premier microSDXC/SDHC UHS-I Class 10 memory cards are equipped with automatic error correcting code (ECC). They pass rigorous waterproof, shockproof, X-ray proof, and anti-static testing for rugged durability. Specifications: Product Code AUSDX64GUICL10A1-RA1 Capacity 64GB Standard SD 5.1 Dimensions (LxWxH) 15 x 11 x 1mm Weight 0.25g Working Voltage 2.7V-3.6V R/W performance up to 100MB / 25MB per sec *Read / Write speed based on ADATA internal testing, actual performance may vary Speed class UHS Speed: Class 1 Speed Class: Class 10 Video Speed Class: V10 Compatibility Smartphones / Tablets / Dash Recorders Operating Temperature -25°C – 85°C Certifications FCC, CE, VCCI, CTICK, EAC
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South Africa
FastCOLOUR 1860mm EPSON DX5 Printhead Large-Format ECO Solvent Ink Inkjet Printer with Full Accessories, MainTOP Software and Inks (Large Format Printer) Code: F-1866/ECO, Large Format Printer, 0722279977 Large Format Printer Price: R 105 339.00 Sales Price exl. VAT and Transport Code, valid at 2016-9-19 kao8kp3c 0722279977 http://LargeFormatPrinter.co.za/F-1866/ECO# Printing Media Sensor for Run-Out of Media Warning and Pause of Printing Printing Speed on 2,3 Pass Draft Mode is 30 m2/hPrinting Speed on 4 Pass Production Mode is 15 m2/hPrinting Speed on 6 Pass Quality Mode is 10 m2/hPrinting Speed on 8 Pass High-Resolution Mode is 7.5 m2/h Printing Resolution Includes 360x720 dpi (2 pass), 360x1080 dpi (3 pass), 720x720 dpi (4 pass), 720x1080 dpi (6 pass) and 720x1440 dpi (8 pass) Four Colour C.M.Y.K. Eco-Solvent Ink, Eight Ink Feeding Tanks with 220ml Capacity Each Able to Print from All Major Raster Image Processor (RIP) Softwares, e.g. SAi PhotoPRINT, MainTOP Automatic Printhead Cleaning Functions Included, Anti Ink-Blocking, Auto Flash and Moisturizing Quiet Printing Experience with Stand-by Noise 32dB and Working Noise Level 65dB Pinch Rollers are Electronically Controlled, Life Up and Push Down by Press of a Button Utilize One EPSON DX5 Piezoelectric Printhead for Superb Printing Quality With Height-Adjustable Printhead, Thickest Media Can be Printed is 5mm Pre-Heat, Print-Heat, Post-Heat 3 Stage Heating System with Separate Temperature Control Negative Pressure Continuous Ink Supply System (CISS), also Call Bulk Ink System Servo Motor on Printing Axia for Fast and Precision Movement and Result Higher Printing Quality Connect to Computer by 100M Network Cable for Fast and Stable Printing Process Use Household 220V Electricity, Stand-by Power Consumption 32W and Maximum Power Consumption 1500W Maximum Printing Width 1860 mm with 50kg Capacity Rolled Media Feeding System 0722279977 http://LargeFormatPrinter.co.za/F-1866/ECO# More About Large Format Printer:CNC Machines from Powered Brand Inventors Whole Workshop http://www.prevision.co.za/brand-inventors-machines/# Vinyl Print'n Cut Solution Demonstrated at ProPak Print Expo 2016 in Nasrec http://univision.co.za/video/162492466# Our FastCOLOUR Large Format Printer Powers VB Business Solutions http://www.prevision.co.za/lenasia-printing-business-success/# Components included in this Large Format Printer package:(EPSON-DX5/ECO) Solvent Ink Printhead Cap Unit for EPSON DX5 Printhead (F-ROLLER) Take-Up Rolling Collecting Device for FastCOLOUR Large Format Printer (F-ECO/CLEAN) FastCOLOUR Solvent Ink, and Pigment Ink Cleaning Solution 1 Litre Bottle (F-1860/HEATER/F) FastCOLOUR Front Fan Cooling System for 1860mm ECO-Solvent Printer (T-BASIC/PF) Basic FastCOLOUR Printer Usage Training Course and Printing Practice with PhotoPRINT Software (F-INK/DAMPER/DX5) A Set of 8 Solvent Resistant Plastic One-way Flow Control Ink Dampers for EPSON DX5 Printhead (F-CAR/BASE/DX5) FastCOLOUR Printer Carriage Base Plate for EPSON DX5 Printhead (F-ECO/MAGENTA) FastCOLOUR Magenta Colour ECO-Solvent Ink 1 Litre Bottle (F-BOARD/CAR/DX5) FastCOLOUR Printer Carriage Interface Card for EPSON DX5 Printhead (F-1860/HEATER/B) FastCOLOUR Front Electric Radiative Drying Heater for 1860mm ECO-Solvent Printer (F-1860/S) Powered Coated Steel Stand with Wheels for 1860mm FastCOLOUR Printer (F-BAR/1860) Stainless Steel Round Bar for Paper Roller of 1860mm FastCOLOUR Printer X 2 (F-ECO/BLACK) FastCOLOUR Black Colour ECO-Solvent Ink 1 Litre Bottle (F-ECO/YELLOW) FastCOLOUR Yellow Colour ECO-Solvent Ink 1 Litre Bottle (S-MAINTOP) MainTop RIP Software, Include MainTop DTP and PSIII Software and USB Dongle (F-FEEDER) Rolled Media Feeding Device for FastCOLOUR Large Format Printer X 2 (X-UTILITY/CD) AM.CO.ZA All-in-One Utility Disk with Softwares/Drives for CNC Machineries on a DVD (F-1860) FastCOLOUR 1860mm Large-Format Inkjet Printer Barebone Unit (EPSON-DX5) EPSON DX5 Eco-Solvent Ink Piezoelectric Printhead (F-ECO/CYAN) FastCOLOUR Cyan Colour ECO-Solvent Ink 1 Litre Bottle 0722279977 http://LargeFormatPrinter.co.za/F-1866/ECO# More Large Format Printer Spares Stock By Us:(F-BOARD) FastCOLOUR Large Format Printer Motherboard (EPSON-DX7/W) EPSON DX7 Water Based Dye and Pigment Ink Piezoelectric Printhead (F-INK/TUBE) Solvent Resistant Soft Plastic Ink Tubing for FastCOLOUR Printer, Per Meter
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Ermelo (Mpumalanga)
FastCOLOUR 1860mm Large-Format ECO Solvent Ink Inkjet Printer, EPSON DX5 Printhead with Full Accessories and Inks (Large Format Printer) Code: F-1862/ECO, Large Format Printer, 0722279977 Large Format Printer Price: R 102 649.00 Sales Price exclude VAT and Transport Code, valid at 2016-9-27 kao8kp3c 0722279977 http://LargeFormatPrinter.co.za/F-1862/ECO# Printing Media Sensor for Run-Out of Media Warning and Pause of Printing Automatic Printhead Cleaning Functions Included, Anti Ink-Blocking, Auto Flash and Moisturizing Servo Motor on Printing Axia for Fast and Precision Movement and Result Higher Printing Quality Connect to Computer by 100M Network Cable for Fast and Stable Printing Process Pinch Rollers are Electronically Controlled, Life Up and Push Down by Press of a Button Pre-Heat, Print-Heat, Post-Heat 3 Stage Heating System with Separate Temperature Control Use Household 220V Electricity, Stand-by Power Consumption 32W and Maximum Power Consumption 1500W Quiet Printing Experience with Stand-by Noise 32dB and Working Noise Level 65dB With Height-Adjustable Printhead, Thickest Media Can be Printed is 5mm Negative Pressure Continuous Ink Supply System (CISS), also Call Bulk Ink System Able to Print from All Major Raster Image Processor (RIP) Softwares, e.g. SAi PhotoPRINT, MainTOP Four Colour C.M.Y.K. Eco-Solvent Ink, Eight Ink Feeding Tanks with 220ml Capacity Each Printing Resolution Includes 360x720 dpi (2 pass), 360x1080 dpi (3 pass), 720x720 dpi (4 pass), 720x1080 dpi (6 pass) and 720x1440 dpi (8 pass) Maximum Printing Width 1860 mm with 50kg Capacity Rolled Media Feeding System Printing Speed on 2,3 Pass Draft Mode is 30 m2/hPrinting Speed on 4 Pass Production Mode is 15 m2/hPrinting Speed on 6 Pass Quality Mode is 10 m2/hPrinting Speed on 8 Pass High-Resolution Mode is 7.5 m2/h Utilize One EPSON DX5 Piezoelectric Printhead for Superb Printing Quality 0722279977 http://LargeFormatPrinter.co.za/F-1862/ECO# More About Large Format Printer:Vinyl Print&Cut Demo on Printer and Vinyl Cutter with Automatic Contour Cutting http://discam.co.za/video/157329051# CNC Machines from Powered Brand Inventors Whole Workshop http://www.prevision.co.za/brand-inventors-machines/# Our FastCOLOUR Large Format Printer Powers VB Business Solutions http://www.prevision.co.za/lenasia-printing-business-success/# Product You Will Receive in this Large Format Printer package:(X-UTILITY/CD) AM.CO.ZA All-in-One Utility Disk with Softwares/Drives for CNC Machineries on a DVD (F-INK/DAMPER/DX5) A Set of 8 Solvent Resistant Plastic One-way Flow Control Ink Dampers for EPSON DX5 Printhead (EPSON-DX5) EPSON DX5 Eco-Solvent Ink Piezoelectric Printhead (F-BOARD/CAR/DX5) FastCOLOUR Printer Carriage Interface Card for EPSON DX5 Printhead (F-ECO/YELLOW) FastCOLOUR Yellow Colour ECO-Solvent Ink 1 Litre Bottle (F-ECO/CYAN) FastCOLOUR Cyan Colour ECO-Solvent Ink 1 Litre Bottle (F-ECO/MAGENTA) FastCOLOUR Magenta Colour ECO-Solvent Ink 1 Litre Bottle (F-CAR/BASE/DX5) FastCOLOUR Printer Carriage Base Plate for EPSON DX5 Printhead (F-FEEDER) Rolled Media Feeding Device for FastCOLOUR Large Format Printer X 2 (F-1860) FastCOLOUR 1860mm Large-Format Inkjet Printer Barebone Unit (T-BASIC/PF) Basic FastCOLOUR Printer Usage Training Course and Printing Practice with PhotoPRINT Software (F-ECO/CLEAN) FastCOLOUR Solvent Ink, and Pigment Ink Cleaning Solution 1 Litre Bottle (EPSON-DX5/ECO) Solvent Ink Printhead Cap Unit for EPSON DX5 Printhead (F-ECO/BLACK) FastCOLOUR Black Colour ECO-Solvent Ink 1 Litre Bottle (F-1860/HEATER/B) FastCOLOUR Front Electric Radiative Drying Heater for 1860mm ECO-Solvent Printer (F-ROLLER) Take-Up Rolling Collecting Device for FastCOLOUR Large Format Printer (F-BAR/1860) Stainless Steel Round Bar for Paper Roller of 1860mm FastCOLOUR Printer X 2 (F-1860/HEATER/F) FastCOLOUR Front Fan Cooling System for 1860mm ECO-Solvent Printer (F-1860/S) Powered Coated Steel Stand with Wheels for 1860mm FastCOLOUR Printer 0722279977 http://LargeFormatPrinter.co.za/F-1862/ECO# More Large Format Printer Components Stock By Us:(F-INK/BULK) Bulk Ink System with Four CMYK Ink Tank Compatible with Solvent Ink and Water Based Ink (EPSON-DX5) EPSON DX5 Eco-Solvent Ink Piezoelectric Printhead (F-1860/HEATER/F) FastCOLOUR Front Fan Cooling System for 1860mm ECO-Solvent Printer
R 102.649
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Delmas (Mpumalanga)
FastCOLOUR 1860mm EPSON DX7 Printhead Large-Format ECO Solvent Ink Inkjet Printer with MainTOP Software and Inks (Large Format Printer) Product SKU: F-1863/ECO/DX7, Large Format Printer, 0722279977 Large Format Printer Price: R 91 359.00 Sales Price exl. VAT and Deliver, quoted at 2016-9-27 kao8kp3c 0722279977 http://LargeFormatPrinter.co.za/F-1863/ECO/DX7# Servo Motor on Printing Axia for Fast and Precision Movement and Result Higher Printing Quality Printing Resolution Includes 360x720 dpi (2 pass), 360x1080 dpi (3 pass), 720x720 dpi (4 pass), 720x1080 dpi (6 pass) and 720x1440 dpi (8 pass) With Height-Adjustable Printhead, Thickest Media Can be Printed is 5mm Use Household 220V Electricity, Stand-by Power Consumption 32W and Maximum Power Consumption 1500W Connect to Computer by 100M Network Cable for Fast and Stable Printing Process Maximum Printing Width 1860 mm with 50kg Capacity Rolled Media Feeding System Automatic Printhead Cleaning Functions Included, Anti Ink-Blocking, Auto Flash and Moisturizing Able to Print from All Major Raster Image Processor (RIP) Softwares, e.g. SAi PhotoPRINT, MainTOP Negative Pressure Continuous Ink Supply System (CISS), also Call Bulk Ink System Printing Speed on 2,3 Pass Draft Mode is 30 m2/hPrinting Speed on 4 Pass Production Mode is 15 m2/hPrinting Speed on 6 Pass Quality Mode is 10 m2/hPrinting Speed on 8 Pass High-Resolution Mode is 7.5 m2/h Printing Media Sensor for Run-Out of Media Warning and Pause of Printing Four Colour C.M.Y.K. Eco-Solvent Ink, Eight Ink Feeding Tanks with 220ml Capacity Each Pinch Rollers are Electronically Controlled, Life Up and Push Down by Press of a Button Utilize One EPSON DX7 Piezoelectric Printhead for Superb Printing Quality Pre-Heat, Print-Heat, Post-Heat 3 Stage Heating System with Separate Temperature Control Quiet Printing Experience with Stand-by Noise 32dB and Working Noise Level 65dB 0722279977 http://LargeFormatPrinter.co.za/F-1863/ECO/DX7# More About Large Format Printer:Vinyl Print'n Cut Solution Demonstrated at ProPak Print Expo 2016 in Nasrec http://univision.co.za/video/162492466# Assemble and Print with FastCOLOUR Large Format Printer http://www.welldone.co.za/FastCOLOUR-Quality-Printing# V-Auto Vinyl Cutter and FastCOLOUR Large Format Printer Dominate GAPP Print Expo https://cornerstone.co.za/2016/04/02/fastcolour-vauto-vinyl-cutter/# Product You Will Receive in this Large Format Printer purchase:(F-ECO/BLACK) FastCOLOUR Black Colour ECO-Solvent Ink 1 Litre Bottle (F-BOARD/CAR/DX7) FastCOLOUR Printer Carriage Interface Card for EPSON DX7 Printhead (EPSON-DX7/ECO) Solvent Ink Printhead Cap Unit for EPSON DX7 Printhead (F-CAR/BASE/DX7) FastCOLOUR Printer Carriage Base Plate for EPSON DX7 Printhead (EPSON-DX7) EPSON DX7 Eco-Solvent Ink Piezoelectric Printhead (F-FEEDER) Rolled Media Feeding Device for FastCOLOUR Large Format Printer X 2 (F-ECO/YELLOW) FastCOLOUR Yellow Colour ECO-Solvent Ink 1 Litre Bottle (T-BASIC/PF) Basic FastCOLOUR Printer Usage Training Course and Printing Practice with PhotoPRINT Software (F-INK/DAMPER/DX7) A Set of 4 Solvent Resistant Plastic One-way Flow Control Ink Dampers for EPSON DX7 Printhead (F-ECO/CYAN) FastCOLOUR Cyan Colour ECO-Solvent Ink 1 Litre Bottle (F-1860) FastCOLOUR 1860mm Large-Format Inkjet Printer Barebone Unit (X-UTILITY/CD) AM.CO.ZA All-in-One Utility Disk with Softwares/Drives for CNC Machineries on a DVD (F-ECO/CLEAN) FastCOLOUR Solvent Ink, and Pigment Ink Cleaning Solution 1 Litre Bottle (S-MAINTOP) MainTop RIP Software, Include MainTop DTP and PSIII Software and USB Dongle (F-1860/S) Powered Coated Steel Stand with Wheels for 1860mm FastCOLOUR Printer (F-ECO/MAGENTA) FastCOLOUR Magenta Colour ECO-Solvent Ink 1 Litre Bottle 0722279977 http://LargeFormatPrinter.co.za/F-1863/ECO/DX7# More Large Format Printer Components Stock By Us:(F-FAN) 3000RPM Vacuum Fan for Media Vacuum Suction Platform of FastCOLOUR Large Format Printer (F-INK/VALVE) Solvent Resistant Plastic Ink Valve with Tap for FastCOLOUR Printer (EPSON-DX5/AQUA) Water Based Ink Printhead Cap Unit for EPSON DX5 Printhead
R 91.359
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