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Underberg (KwaZulu Natal)
EasyRoute 380V Standard Bakelite Clampable Vacuum CNC Router with Pneumatic Automatic Tool Changer of Three 5.5kW High-Torque Water-Cooled Spindles Triple Heads and Stepper Motors, with Vacuum Pump and Dust Collector Full Package (CNC Router) Product SKU: R-2030V3/55, CNC Router, 0722279977 CNC Router Product Price: R 378 659.00 Price exclude VAT & Shipping Cost, quoted at 2016-9-21 kao8kp3c 0722279977 http://SalePrice.co.za/R-2030V3/55# Maximum 20 Meter Per Minute Moving Speed on X/Y Axis, With Factory Default on 12 Meters/Min Use Industrial 380V 3-Phase Electricity, 5 Pin 32A Plug Included High-Load, High-Speed Caged Ball Screw Transmission System on Z Axis Total Four Stepper Motors on All Axis, Two Stepper Motors on Y-Axis Working Area 2050x3050x300mm on X/Y/Z, the Area Spindle Can Reach Clampable Vacuum Table Surface Made By Bakelite, Very Durable and High Wear-Resistant with Several Aluminium Clamping T-Slots Build In Achieve 0.01mm Resolution on All Axis Maximum 5 Meter Per Minute Moving Speed on Z Axis, With Factory Default on 3 Meters/Min High Precision Rack and Pinion System with Helical Teeth Driving System on X and Y Axis Linear Guide Rail in Twin Parallels Structure and Two Roller Bearing Sliders on Each Rail Guide X/Y/Z Movement With Standalone AM.CO.ZA EasyRoute Control System, No Computer Needed, Stable System Suitable for Industrial Usage Rugged Keypad Against Water, Oil, Dust and Collision, Cheap and Easy to Replace If Damaged Accept All Kinds of G-Code File by USB Flush Drive, G-Code File Size Up to 256M Left and Right Spindles Allow to Manually Adjust from Vertical to Horizontal or Any Angle in Between for Side Slotting/Drilling Achieve Under 0.5mm Per Meter Accuracy and Repeatability on All Axis Triple Spindle Heads Driven by Compressed Air for Pneumatic Automatic Tool Change of 3 Tools 5.5kW Liquid-Ring Vacuum Pump Provides Reliable, Durable and High Vacuum Performance Working Area Specially Enlarged for South African Market that Offers 2050mm Width for Perspex With Rotary Attachment Supporting Interface and can Switch between Rotary Rotating and X-Axis Linear Movement 0722279977 http://SalePrice.co.za/R-2030V3/55# More About CNC Router:Mdf-Shower Mould by AM's CNC Router http://www.welldone.co.za/MDF-Shower-Mould# Solid Surfaces and CNC Router Interview conducted Between Valdo and Mark http://www.welldone.co.za/MSS-Valdo-Interview# Blacksteer Tydanis Furniture Manufacturing with CNC Router http://www.welldone.co.za/Blacksteer-CNC-Router# Product You Will Get in this CNC Router package:(AE-DRIVER/MS3) 3-Phase Microstepping Motor Driver ( Controller ) for Stepper Motor X 4 (T-BASIC/RE) Basic EasyRoute CNC Router Control Usage Training Course (R-HOLDER/125) Φ125mm Solid Chromoly Steel Spindle Holder for Water Cool Spindle (R-CLAMP/6) A Set of Six CNC Router T-Slot Table Clamping Kits (AG-VACUUM/LR) Generic 380V 5.5kW Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump for CNC Automation (R-VFD-75) 7.5kW Inverter for ≤7.5kW Spindle, Three Phase 380V for CNC Router (X-UTILITY/CD) AM.CO.ZA All-in-One Utility Disk with Softwares/Drives for CNC Machineries on a DVD (A-CHILLER/800) Generic AM-5000 800W Water Chiller with Air Compressor (R-2030V/55L) AM.CO.ZA EasyRoute 380V Standard Bakelite Clampable Vacuum CNC Router with 5.5kW High-Torque Water-Cooled Spindle and Stepper Motors (AE-MOTOR/450C) 86 Series 450C 1.8° High-Torque Hybrid Stepper Motor X 4 (R-ER25) ER25 Collet Essential Set, Includes Collet Nut, 6mm/12mm/16mm Holders and 3mm/4mm Adapter (R-DUST/100) Φ100mm Dust Hood with Replaceable Brushes for Water Cool Spindle (AG-DUST) Generic Industrial Dust Collector 380V 2.2kW with Single Bucket and Two Bags (AG-CORD) Rubber Form Sealing Cord for Vacuum Table, Per 10 Metres X 2 (R-SPINDLE-55/125) 5.5kW Φ125mm High-Torque Water Cooled Spindle ER25 for CNC Router X 3 (R-HEAD/20/300) One Additional Router Head Structure Installed for EasyRoute 2050mm Standard Gantry X 2 (S-ARTCAM/EXP) ArtCAM Express CADCAM Software For CNC Woodworking, Milling, Routing & Engraving 0722279977 http://SalePrice.co.za/R-2030V3/55# Other CNC Router Components Sold By Us:(R-SPINDLE-12) 12kW Air Cooled BT30 Tool Change Spindle with Air Shield for CNC Router (R-VFD-125) 12.5kW Inverter for ≤12.5kW Spindle, Three Phase 380V for CNC Router (AG-DUST4) Generic Industrial Dust Collector 380V 4kW with Two Buckets and Four Bags
R 378.659
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Ekangala (Mpumalanga)
EasyRoute 380V Standard Bakelite Clampable Vacuum CNC Router with Pneumatic Automatic Tool Changer of Three 5.5kW High-Torque Water-Cooled Spindles Triple Heads and Servo Motors, with Vacuum Pump and Dust Collector Full Package (CNC Router) SKU: R-2040SV3/55, CNC Router, 0722279977 CNC Router Price: R 471 959.00 Price exl. VAT & Deliver, valid at 2016-9-29 kao8kp3c 0722279977 http://SalePrice.co.za/R-2040SV3/55# Accept All Kinds of G-Code File by USB Flush Drive, G-Code File Size Up to 256M Achieve Under 0.05mm Per Meter Accuracy and Repeatability on All Axis Triple Spindle Heads Driven by Compressed Air for Pneumatic Automatic Tool Change of 3 Tools Use Industrial 380V 3-Phase Electricity, 5 Pin 32A Plug Included 7.5kW Liquid-Ring Vacuum Pump Provides Reliable, Durable and High Vacuum Performance Left and Right Spindles Allow to Manually Adjust from Vertical to Horizontal or Any Angle in Between for Side Slotting/Drilling High-Load, High-Speed Caged Ball Screw Transmission System on Z Axis With Rotary Attachment Supporting Interface and can Switch between Rotary Rotating and X-Axis Linear Movement Rugged Keypad Against Water, Oil, Dust and Collision, Cheap and Easy to Replace If Damaged Clampable Vacuum Table Surface Made By Bakelite, Very Durable and High Wear-Resistant with Several Aluminium Clamping T-Slots Build In Linear Guide Rail in Twin Parallels Structure and Two Roller Bearing Sliders on Each Rail Guide X/Y/Z Movement Servo Motors Give Your Much Better Accuracy, Much Faster Speed and Much More Torch. Total 4 Servo Motors Used, Two on Y-Axis Maximum 80 Meter Per Minute Moving Speed on X/Y Axis, With Factory Default on 25 Meters/Min Working Area 2050x4000x300mm on X/Y/Z, the Area Spindle Can Reach With Standalone AM.CO.ZA EasyRoute Control System, No Computer Needed, Stable System Suitable for Industrial Usage Maximum 5 Meter Per Minute Moving Speed on Z Axis, With Factory Default on 3 Meters/Min High Precision Rack and Pinion System with Helical Teeth Driving System on X and Y Axis Achieve 0.001mm Resolution on All Axis Z-Axis Setter/Presetter Included, Automatic Measure Tool Length and Establish 0 Reference Point 0722279977 http://SalePrice.co.za/R-2040SV3/55# More About CNC Router:Custom Build Twin Station CNC Router for Ampaglas by Advanced Machinery http://univision.co.za/video/137699835# Advanced Machinery Joins Partnership With RAW Studios https://cornerstone.co.za/2015/08/11/raw-studios-partnership/# Baby Furniture Manufacturing by Advanced Machinery's CNC Router http://www.welldone.co.za/Baby-Furniture-Manufacturing# Products included in this CNC Router package:(R-HOLDER/125) Φ125mm Solid Chromoly Steel Spindle Holder for Water Cool Spindle (R-SPINDLE-55/125) 5.5kW Φ125mm High-Torque Water Cooled Spindle ER25 for CNC Router X 3 (T-BASIC/RE) Basic EasyRoute CNC Router Control Usage Training Course (R-PRESETTER) Normally Open Wired 0.001mm Accuracy High-Precision Z-Axis Zero Tool Length Setter/Presetter for CNC Machines (R-HEAD/20/300) One Additional Router Head Structure Installed for EasyRoute 2050mm Standard Gantry X 2 (AE-MOTOR/15) 1.5kW Servo Motor, AC 3-Phase X 4 (S-ARTCAM/EXP) ArtCAM Express CADCAM Software For CNC Woodworking, Milling, Routing & Engraving (A-CHILLER/800) Generic AM-5000 800W Water Chiller with Air Compressor (AE-DRIVER/15) 1.5kW 3-Phase Servo Motor Driver ( Controller ) X 4 (AG-CORD) Rubber Form Sealing Cord for Vacuum Table, Per 10 Metres X 3 (R-VFD-75) 7.5kW Inverter for ≤7.5kW Spindle, Three Phase 380V for CNC Router (R-2040SV/55L) AM.CO.ZA EasyRoute 380V Standard Bakelite Clampable Vacuum CNC Router with 5.5kW High-Torque Water-Cooled Spindle and Servo Motors (X-UTILITY/CD) AM.CO.ZA All-in-One Utility Disk with Softwares/Drives for CNC Machineries on a DVD (R-CLAMP/6) A Set of Six CNC Router T-Slot Table Clamping Kits (R-ER25) ER25 Collet Essential Set, Includes Collet Nut, 6mm/12mm/16mm Holders and 3mm/4mm Adapter (R-DUST/100) Φ100mm Dust Hood with Replaceable Brushes for Water Cool Spindle (AG-VACUUM/LR/75) Generic 380V 7.5kW Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump for CNC Automation (AG-DUST2) Generic Industrial Dust Collector 380V 3kW with Two Buckets and Four Bags 0722279977 http://SalePrice.co.za/R-2040SV3/55# Other CNC Router Products Sell By Us:(R-SPINDLE-40/100) 4kW Water Cooled Spindle, Φ100mm ER20 Three Phase 380V for CNC Router (R-ER11) ER11 Collet Essential Set, Includes Collet Nut, 6mm Holder, 4mm Holder and 3mm Adapter (R-HOLDER/100) Φ100mm Solid Chromoly Steel Spindle Holder for Water Cool Spindle
R 471.959
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Ballitoville (KwaZulu Natal)
EasyRoute 380V Standard 2050x4000mm Hard PVC/Bakelite Clampable Vacuum CNC Router with Pneumatic ATC of Three 5kW Water-Cooled Spindles Triple Heads with 5+4 Drilling Head and Servo Motors (CNC Router) Product Code: R-2040SV3D/50L, CNC Router, 0725299409 CNC Router Price: R 507 969.00 Price exclude VAT and Transport, valid at 2020-11-24kao8kp3c We cannot edit price on this advertising once published (at 2020-11-24). Please contact us for recent price since price effected by forex rate often. 0725299409 http://SalePrice.co.za/R-2040SV3D/50L# Clampable Vacuum Table Surface Made By Bakelite or Hard Rigid PVC, Very Durable and High Wear-Resistant with Several Aluminium Clamping T-Slots Build In High-Load, High-Speed Caged Ball Screw Transmission System on Z Axis Rugged Keypad Against Water, Oil, Dust and Collision, Cheap and Easy to Replace If Damaged Z-Axis Setter/Presetter Included, Automatic Measure Tool Length and Establish 0 Reference Point Accept All Kinds of G-Code File by USB Flush Drive, G-Code File Size Up to 256M With Standalone AM.CO.ZA EasyRoute Control System, No Computer Needed, Stable System Suitable for Industrial Usage Maximum 80 Meter Per Minute Moving Speed on X/Y Axis, With Factory Default on 25 Meters/Min Achieve 0.01mm Resolution on All Axis Integrated Drilling Head with Total 9 Non-Programmable Drills for Easy and Fast Drilling Application Linear Guide Rail in Twin Parallels Structure and Two Roller Bearing Sliders on Each Rail Guide X/Y/Z Movement Maximum 5 Meter Per Minute Moving Speed on Z Axis, With Factory Default on 3 Meters/Min Right Hand Spindle Allows to Manually Adjust from Vertical to Horizontal or Any Angle in Between for Side Slotting/Drilling Achieve Under 0.5mm Per Meter Accuracy and Repeatability on All Axis High Precision Rack and Pinion System with Helical Teeth Driving System on X and Y Axis With Rotary Attachment Supporting Interface and can Switch between Rotary Rotating and X-Axis Linear Movement Servo Motors Give Your Much Better Accuracy, Much Faster Speed and Much More Torch. Total 4 Servo Motors Used, Two on Y-Axis Use Industrial 380V 3-Phase Electricity, 5 Pin 32A Plug Included Working Area 2050x4000x300mm on X/Y/Z, the Area Spindle Can Reach Triple Spindle Heads Driven by Compressed Air for Pneumatic Automatic Tool Change of 3 Tools 0725299409 http://SalePrice.co.za/R-2040SV3D/50L# More About CNC Router:Manufacturing of Spare Parts by AM's EasyRoute CNC Router http://www.welldone.co.za/Egli-Machine-CNC-Router# Blacksteer Tydanis Furniture Manufacturing with CNC Router http://www.welldone.co.za/Blacksteer-CNC-Router# University Of Johannesburg Receives CNC Router Tender http://www.welldone.co.za/CNC-Router-UJ-Tender# Product You Will Receive in this CNC Router purchase:(AG-CORD) 6mm Diameter Rubber Form Sealing Cord for Vacuum Table, Per 10 Metres X 3 (R-HEAD/20/300) One Additional Router Head Structure Installed for EasyRoute 2050mm Standard Gantry X 2 (R-BOX/SERVO) (Compartment) EasyRoute Servo 380V Control Box, with 7.5kW Inverter, 4 Servo Motor Drivers and Other Electric Essentials (R-TABLE/V2040) (Compartment) EasyRoute CNC Router Hard PVC/Bakelite Clampable Vacuum Table Structure of 2050x4000mm Working Area (R-2040SV/50L) AM.CO.ZA EasyRoute 380V Standard 2050x4000mm Hard PVC/Bakelite Clampable Vacuum CNC Router with 5kW Water-Cooled Spindle and Servo Motors (R-HEAD/DRILL) Install 5+4 Drilling Head for EasyRoute CNC Router (X-UTILITY) Utility, Softwares/Drives for CNC Machineries Freely Downloadable from CNCU.CO.ZA (R-HOLDER/100) Φ100mm Solid Chromoly Steel Spindle Holder for Water Cool Spindle (R-PRESETTER) Normally Open Wired 0.001mm Accuracy High-Precision Z-Axis Zero Tool Length Setter/Presetter for CNC Machines (R-GANTRY/S2040) (Compartment) EasyRoute Servo 300mm Z-Axis 2050x4000mm Working Area Gantry Structure with Four 1.5kW Servo Motors and Single Water-Cooling Spindle Supporting Structure (T-BASIC/RE) Basic EasyRoute CNC Router Control Usage Training Course (AC-ENROUTE) SAi EnRoute Complete, Most Powerful Version Support All Our CNC Routers, Subscription Based Software From $89.95 Monthly (R-DUST/100) Φ100mm Spindle Dust Hood with Replaceable Brushes and Φ100mm Hose Connector (AE-DRIVER/15) 1.5kW 3-Phase Servo Motor Driver ( Encoder, Servo Motor Controller ) X 4 (AE-MOTOR/15) 1.5kW Medium Capacity Brushless Servo Motor, 2500 RPM 6.0 Nm, AC 3-Phase X 4 (NO-STOP/1) AM.CO.ZA NO-STOP High Speed Lubrication Oil 1L Bottle for Mechanical Parts like Linear Guide Rails and Runner Blocks (R-CLAMP/6) A Set of Six CNC Router T-Slot Table Clamping Kits (R-ER20) ER20 Collet Essential Set, Includes Collet Nut, 6mm/12mm Holders and 3mm/4mm Adapter (R-SPINDLE-50/100) 5kW Water Cooled Spindle, Φ100mm ER20 Three Phase 380V for CNC Router X 3 (A-COOLER) Generic AM-3000 Thermolysis Water-Cooled Chiller (AG-CAP) Rubber Cap for Vacuum Table Vacuum Hole, Per 10 Caps Pack X 4 0725299409 http://SalePrice.co.za/R-2040SV3D/50L# More CNC Router Components Stock By Us:(R-ISO30) ISO30 ER32 Collet Chuck Precision Tool Holder 20crmnti Alloy Steel, Non-Keyway Design, Balanced to 25000 RPM (R-ER20) ER20 Collet Essential Set, Includes Collet Nut, 6mm/12mm Holders and 3mm/4mm Adapter (AG-DUST2/L) Generic Domestic Dust Collector 220V 3kW with Two Buckets and Four Bags
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Lebohang (Mpumalanga)
EasyRoute 2000×3000 High-Torque 7.5kW CNC Wood Router, 380V, Water Cooled Spindle, Clamping Table (New) SKU:R-2030K/75L - R233999 0724767510 http://am.co.za/router/advertising # Available Z Axes Distance: 280 mm Voltage: 220 Volts Maximum Speed: 12 Metres / minute Driving Motor: 1.8 Degree Hi-Torque Stepper Motor with Rated Torque 3.5 N-m (newton metre). Collet: ER25 Resolution: 0.011681 mm Spindle Rotate Speed: 0 - 24000 RPM Data Interface: USB 2.0 Port Supports USB Flash Drive up to 32 GB Transmission: Rack and Pinion System with Helical Teeth Contact 0724767510 NOW or Please visit our website: http://am.co.za/router/advertising # Before purchase any other product, do not regret later for NOT choose our products. At Advanced Machinery, we only sell industrial machinery for industrial and business users. Our machines strong and reliable design is the key to achieving the speed, accuracy and consistency that is required for our customers to get competitive advantage. Lubrication is very important to all machine components including the Racks, Gears, Ball Screws, Runner Blocks, Bearings and so forth. Due to the fact that so many of the components require lubrication, we have installed the one step lubrication system that ensures the lubrication of your routers components. You can read through our large range of products on our webpage: http://am.co.za/router/advertising # We are believing that you will find the suitable products for your business. Have a query, feel free to contact on 0724767510 Advanced Machinery is building industry machines at "made in China" prices here by working together with machine manufactures and setting up assemble lines in Johannesburg. After all, you still get the very cheap price of machines made in China and great services and the after-sale support you deserve. Please visit our website: http://am.co.za/ # for CNC Router, Vinyl Cutters, Laser Cutting & Engraving machines, Hypertherm Plasma and more.
R 233.999
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Alberton (Gauteng)
EasyRoute 1300×2500 3kW CNC Sign-Making Router, 220V Lite Version, Water Cooled Spindle, Clamping Table New SKU:R-1325C/30 price R129999 0724767510 http://am.co.za/router/advertising # Standard ER20 Collet size is used for our CNC Wood Routers and most of the EasyRoute CNC Router product range. By deploying the standard collet size, you will be able to use all sizes of tool bits by just plugging in the corresponding collet ( of which the biggest diameter of ER20 available for sale is the 0.512 inch or 13mm ). You can read through our extensive range of products on our web page: http://am.co.za/router/advertising # We are believing that you will find the right kind of products for your work. Have an inquiry, feel free to contact on 0724767510 At Advanced Machinery, we only sell industrial machines for factory and business users. Our machinery strong and reliable design is the key to achieve the speed, accuracy and consistency that is required for our clients to gain competitive advantage. Lubrication is very important to all mechanical components including the Racks, Gears, Ball Screws, Runner Blocks, Bearings and so forth. Due to the fact that so many of the parts require lubrication, we have installed the one step lubrication system that ensures the lubrication of your routers components. You can browse through our extensive selection of products on this webpage: http://am.co.za/router/advertising # We are sure that you will find the right kind of products for your task. Have a query, feel free to contact on 0724767510 Using a Tslot clamp table is the most energy efficient way to fix your working board and spoilboard onto the cutting table surface. No electricity is needed. This makes it particularly effective for cutting and relief 3-D engraving. To get more information about the product, visit our page: http://am.co.za/router/advertising # You will read more info our products online. If you have any questions do not hesitate to call on 0724767510 today. Advanced Machinery is focussed on Computer Controlled (CNC), completely automatic and semi-automatic machines with high precision and high capacity. All our industry-usage machines are for heavy usage, minimized downtime is ensured by quality-build products, over-stocked parts and always available technicians. With the machine building parts from all over the world, for example: machine structure of China, Servo Motor of Japan, CNC control system of Taiwan, High-Speed Spindles of Italy, precision switch of German and Power Supplies of America, Advanced Machinery is capable of create world-class machinery for the African continent. Please visit our website http://am.co.za/ # for Laser Engraver, Paper Cutter, CNC Router and Plasma Cutter and more.
R 129.999
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Plettenbergbay (Western Cape)
AM.CO.ZA EasyRoute 380V Standard PVC Clampable Vacuum CNC Router with 9kW Air-Cooled ATC Spindle and Servo Motors, with 5.5kW Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump (NEW) SKU:R-1325K/90V - R381989 0790781118 http://am.co.za/router/wood # The warranty of the product, pricing and other data of the router is captured on the website and you will have to go through to http://am.co.za/router/wood # should you want to find out more about this. If you require any technical support you can opt for technical support from the technicians who are available 24/7. We also provide service plans to our customers for freeand you only have to deal with our control system. You are free to come to our workshop and you can locate the address and the direction on the website too. You can browse through our extensive selection of products on this web page: http://am.co.za/router/wood # We are sure that you will find the right kind of products for your task. Have a question, do not hesitate to contact on 0790781118 Dust is made from the cutting and carving process. For this reason, a dust collection process is installed in the CNC Wood Router. With this, you can have a clean environment free of any dust. The collet system, one of the most popular %collet% systems is found in this 9kW CNC Wood Routering Machine. You can use tools of a variety of sizes while adhering to the international standards. We provide one collet nut and collets of four sizes as well as adapters as a value add. You can use the standard oil that is used in the engines of vehicles. Once a week, you need to push the lever of the pump so that it reaches all of the different parts equally. Similar to all machines, lubrication is also necessary for these routers. Since there are many components and they need to be lubricated separately, we have incorporated a system that ensures "one time" lubrication so that all the components get covered at the same time. The vacuum table is designed so that it holds different elements firmly. The surface is constructed of Bakelite plates. There are a bunch of zones in the vacuum table and with the help of an independent switch, you can now activate the areas that are employed for holding. If you prefer to find out more detail regarding the functionality of the machine, you can go through to: http://am.co.za/router/wood # For more extensive assistance, you can also contact at 0790781118 who are committed to supplying help to our valued customers round the clock. We strive to give the greatest available product. Advanced Machinery is making machines at "made in China" prices here by working with machinery manufactures and building up assemble-lines in Johannesburg. After all, you still get the super cheap price of machine made in China plus great services and the after sales support you deserve. Please visit our website: http://am.co.za/ # for CNC Marble Router, CNC Paper Cutter, Laser Engraver, Plasma Cutter and more.
R 381.989
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Lebowakgomo (Limpopo)
AM.CO.ZA EasyRoute 380V Standard PVC Clampable Vacuum CNC Router with Pneumatic ATC of Three 4.5kW High-Torque Water-Cooled Spindles Triple Heads with 5+4 Drilling Head and Servo Motors, with 5.5kW Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump NEW SKU:R-2030SK3D/45V price R490959 0724767510 http://am.co.za/router/wood # Features That Make The CNC Wood Router Stand Apart from the Rest. The 4.5kW 2050x3050mm CNC Wood Router is the most widely acclaimed product in the EasyRoute CNC Wood Router range. The product offers both a vacuum table and a sealing ring that is conjoined to it. Furthermore, it can work with any material of any given size. You can produce furniture or any other Cupboard Factory just by changing the tool and all this is possible with simply touch of the button that facilitates the change. The Spindle is another vital part of the 4.5kW CNC Wood Routing Machine with water cooling. Besides this model, you can also find a bunch of of spindles of lots of different denominations that are associated with many tables. These adjustments and configurations help in ensuring the most efficient performance. For cooling, our water cooling unit pumps plus minus six liters of water per minute. When you have any queries regarding this product, please visit product page: http://am.co.za/router/wood # and do not hesitate to Call on 0724767510. I will answer your question and assist you make an informed decision. You can make use of the usual oil that is used in the engines of vehicles. Once a week, you need to push the lever of the pump so that it reaches all of the separate parts equally. The collet system, one of the most popular %collet% systems is employed in this 4.5kW CNC Wood Routering Machine. You can employ tools of different sizes while adhering to the international standards. We give one collet nut and collets of four sizes and also adapters free of charge. Dust is generated from the cutting and carving process. As a result of this, a dust collection process is installed in the CNC Woodworking Router. With this, you can have a clean environment free of any dust. Similar to all machines, lubrication is also necessary for these routers. Since there are numerous components and they require to be lubricated separately, we have added a system that promises "one time" lubrication so that all the components get covered at the same time. The vacuum table is designed so that it grips different elements solidly. The surface is made of Bakelite plates. There are different zones in the vacuum table and with the assistance of an independent switch, you can now activate the areas that are employed for holding. For further information, you can have a look at: http://am.co.za/router/wood # Or call on 0724767510. Our customer care representative are always happy to aid you with all your queries and questions. Advanced Machinery is focussed on CNC Machinery, completely automatic and semi automatic machines with high precision and high output capacity. All our industry-usage machines are for heavy usage, minimal downtime is ensured by quality build products, overstocked parts and always-available technicians. With the machine building parts from four corners of the earth, for example: machine chassis of China, Servo-Motors of Japan, CNC System of Taiwan, High Speed Spindles of Italy, precision Switch of German and Power Supplies of America, Advanced Machinery is capable of create world-class machines for the African continent. Please open our website http://am.co.za/ # for CNC Laser Engraver, CNC Vinyl Cutter, CNC Wood Router and Plasma Cutting Machines and many more.
R 490.959
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Embalenhle (Mpumalanga)
AM.CO.ZA EasyRoute 380V Standard Bakelite Clampable Vacuum CNC Router with 4kW Water-Cooled Spindle with 5+4 Drilling Head and Stepper Motors, with 5.5kW Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump Brand New SKU:R-2030VD/40V - R312979 0822222359 http://am.co.za/router/wood # The warranty of the product, pricing and other information of the router is mentioned on the website and you will have to go through to http://am.co.za/router/wood # should you desire to find out more about this. If you require any technical support you can opt for technical support from the technicians who are available around the clock. We further provide service plans to our customers free of chargeand you only have to deal with our control system. You are free to come to our workshop and you can locate the address and the direction on the website too. If you have questions about our products then, we would advice you to take a look at our website: http://am.co.za/router/wood # in there you can find all the features and details of our products. Please feel free to contact on 0822222359 Dust is created from the cutting and carving process. Because of this, a dust collection process is installed in the Woodworking CNC Routing Machine. With this, you can have a clean environment free of any dust. The vacuum table is designed so that it holds different elements securely. The surface consists of Bakelite plates. There are various zones in the vacuum table and with the help of an independent switch, you can now activate the areas that are employed for holding. You can make use of the standard oil that is used in the engines of vehicles. Once a week, you will have to push the lever of the pump so that it reaches all of the different parts equally. The collet system, one of the most popular %collet% systems is used in this 4kW Wood CNC Routing Machine. You can make use of tools of different sizes while adhering to the international standards. We provide one collet nut and collets of four sizes as well as adapters as a value add. Similar to all machines, lubrication is also significant for these routers. Since there are a variety of components and they desire to be lubricated separately, we have incorporated a system that guarantees "one time" lubrication so that all the components get covered simultaneously. To get more info about our products, visit our website: http://am.co.za/router/wood # You will get more our product online. If you like to buy do not hesitate to Call at 0822222359 Today! Advanced Machinery is focussed on Computerized Numerical Controlled Machines, automatic and semi-automatic machines with high precision and high output capacity. All our industry-used machines are for heavy usage, less downtime is ensured by quality-build products, over stocked parts and always-available technicians. With the machine spare parts from worldwide, for example: machine structure of China, Servo Motors of Japan, CNC Controls of Taiwan, Super High-Speed Routing Spindle of Italy, precision switch of German and power system of America, Advanced Machinery is capable of create world-class machines for the African continent. Please get more info from our website http://am.co.za/ # for CNC Laser, CNC Paper Cutter, CNC Wood Router and CNC Plasma and more.
R 312.979
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Durban (KwaZulu Natal)
AM.CO.ZA EasyRoute 380V Standard Bakelite Clampable Vacuum CNC Router with 5kW Water-Cooled Spindle with 5+4 Drilling Head and Servo Motors (New) SKU:R-2030SVD/50L price R361989 0790781118 http://am.co.za/router/wood # You have the option to employ the normal oil that is used in the engines of vehicles. Once a week, you should push the lever of the pump so that it reaches all of the various parts equally. The vacuum table is designed so that it holds different elements securely. The surface consists of Bakelite plates. There are different zones in the vacuum table and with the help of an independent switch, you can now activate the areas that are used for holding. The collet system, one of the most popular %collet% systems is used in this 5kW Woodworking CNC Router. You can use tools of a variety of sizes while adhering to the international standards. We give one collet nut and collets of four sizes in addition to adapters free of charge. Dust is generated from the cutting and carving process. Based on this, a dust collection process is installed in the Woodworking CNC Routering Machine. With this, you can have a clean environment free of any dust. Like all machines, lubrication is also vital for these routers. Since there are a variety of components and they require to be lubricated separately, we have incorporated a system that ensures "one time" lubrication so that all the components get covered simultaneously. Visit the information page to get all details http://am.co.za/router/wood # Or speak to on 0790781118 in the event that you have any questions on our product or its components. Advanced Machinery is making machines at "made in China" prices locally here by working with machine factories and setting up assemble lines in Joburg. After all, you still get the super affordable price of equipment made in China plus great services and the after-sales support you deserve. Please visit our website: http://am.co.za/ # for CNC Router, Vinyl Cutting Machine, Laser Engraving Machine, CNC Plasma Cutter and many more.
R 361.989
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Pretoria (Gauteng)
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South Africa (All cities)
NO HIDDEN COSTS 4x Day & Night Vision Dome HikVision Cameras 1x 8 Channel DVR – AHD/ IP Compatible 1 x TB Hard Drive 1 x 12 volt Battery Backup Power Supply 100m Power Coaxial Cable 2 Year warranty on Product: Camera’s, DVR & Power Supply 1 Year guarantee on Installation Affordable payment plans are available For a free security assessment please call Daryl: 076 1364 827 Highly experienced, certified and professional HikVision specialists and a proud member of PSIRA. Website http://www.avastech.co.za
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Upington (Northern Cape)
Device name d e s k t o p o l0033 t processor intel(r) celeron(r) n4000 c p u @ 1 10 g hz 1 10 g hz installed r a m 4 00 g b (3 83 g b usable) system type 64 bit operating system, x64 based processor pen and touch no pen or touch input is available for this display edition windows 10 home single language version 22 h2 installed on ‎23 ‎02 ‎2024 o s build 19045 4529 experience windows feature experience pack 1000 19058 1000 0 processor 1x intel® celeron® n4000 processor(celeron® n4000) memory 1x 4 g b d d r42400 operating system windows 10 home single language 64(e n: english) hard drive 1x 500 g b 5400 wireless network 1x bluetooth® 4 2; lenovo wireless a c ports 1x 2 u s b 3 0; 1 u s b 2 0; d c jack(round); combo of 3 5mm stereo headphone output; s d card reader; h d m i camera 1x 0 3 m p with single microphone graphics 1x intel® u h d graphics 600 monitor 15 6 1366x768
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Port Elizabeth (Eastern Cape)
· Intel® Core™ i5 – 7500 CPU @ 3.40 GHz 792 MHz · 8GB 2400MHz DDR4 Memory · 256 GB NVMe Toshiba Hard drive (Master) · 500 GB Sata Hard drive (Slave) · Windows 10 Pro Installed R 3800-00 Phone 0823002873
R 3.800
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Johannesburg (Gauteng)
2011 Audi A4 1.8T Manual Full Service history Service book Spare Key Mileage : 92 000 km Price : R 120 000 Neg Fuel type : Petrol Spear wheel and Jack Available Airbags,Aircon,Power Steering,Central Locking System,Mp3 Player,Security Alarm System,Perfect Driving Mechanism, Fuel Saver,Perfect and Very Excellent Condition. For more information about us, Call now C2 AUTO DAILY SALE DEALERSHIP OFFICE
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Johannesburg (Gauteng)
2007 Toyota RunX 1.8 Rsi trd Full Service history Service book Spare Key Mileage : 47 000 km Price : R 82 000 Neg Fuel type : Petrol Spear wheel and Jack Airbags,Aircon,Power Steering,Central Locking System,Mp3 Player,Security Alarm System,Perfect Driving Mechanism, Fuel Saver,Perfect and Very Excellent Condition. For more information about us, Call now C2 AUTO DAILY SALE DEALERSHIP OFFICE
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