Make Hotel Soap at 25 cents - 50 cents each! Hotel soap bars are in high demand all year round. Annually, hotel guests consume tons of soaps, shower shampoos, gels, etc. Hotels are reducing plastic waste. THE DEMAND FOR HOTEL SOAP BARS and SHAMPOO BARS IS SET TO INCREASE! Join the market and become the owner of OUR ALL NEW SMALL SOAP PLANT. S.A. First. The Small Soap Plant includes 3 Pieces of Machinery and Startup raw materials: 1. Soap Mixer. 2. Soap Extruder. 3. Manual Soap Press. 4. Training Make 50kg per hour. Price Small Soap Plant: ONLY R 168 000. MANUFACTURING COST OF 15g - 30g HOTEL SOAP: 25 - 50 cents each. Sell the 15 - 30g Hotel Soap Bar at R0.80 - R1.50 each. Profit: 200% plus. Advantages of Purchasing The Small Soap Plant: Very Low Price. (The nearest imported is R1m - R1.5m plus). Locally manufactured. Very profitable business: 200%. Easy to use, safe, 3phase 1-2 employees. Small space needed. Quality supplies. Soap Noodles feedstock. Training. Support. Versatile and expansive: you can make Laundry bars, household Bath soaps, natural organic soaps USING THE SAME MACHINE. Get in touch to get started. FIRST COME. FIRST SERVED LIMITED ORDERS PER MONTH. LEAD TIME: 4 - 8 Weeks. PROSPERITY AND ABUNDANCE begins with an idea. Next is ACTION! IT'S YOUR MOVE. Technical support, training and supplies WATCH YOUR BUSINESS GROW!
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R 168.000,00
R 168.000,00