ARE YOU AWARE OF THE EVER GROWING SHORTAGE OF I.T. SKILLED PEOPLE WITH NETWORKING KNOWLEDGE? Cyber-rite is a global I.T. services, training and solutions provider who also innovates I.T. infrastructure and designs I.T. solutuions. Cyber-Rite was recently launched in South Africa, Sandton, to further assist countries into finding candidates who can fill the shortage that we are facing. its mission is to promote productivity in the world. it has therefore partnered with cisco networking academy to further train and increase productivity world wide. CISCO NETWORKING ACADEMY IS AN INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION INITIATIVE WHICH Delivers information and communication technology skills to meet the growing demand of certified Cisco persons. they prepare students with skills for rewarding careers and high paying jobs which are available everyday world wide! IN SHORT, “CISCO IS THE PASSPORT TO OPPORTUNITY ” We offer a CCNA Course (Cisco certified network associate) on behalf of Cisco. this includes the COMPTIA A+ which is a start up course that gives you basic computer skills and knowledge in areas such as installation, maintenance, security and networking. it is a certification for computer support technicians. The CCNA which follows is intense and covers theory effectively, it validates the ability to install, configure, operate and troubleshoot medium sized routed and switched networks, implement and verify connections to remote sites in a wide area network. you may also visit our website on WWW.CYBER-RITE.NET. more information on the networking course can be found at WWW.CISCO.COM. DURATION; 2-6MONTHS PART TIME OR FULL TIME CNR RIVONIA BLVD 10TH BLVD EDENBURG TERRACES BLOCK C 3rd FLOOR RIVONIA Since course content is delivered over a global human network, students all over the world receive the same quality of education and access to life changing opportunities. As soon as you are CCNA approved jobs look for you! once completed with the course, we will assist in finding you immediate job placement in an internship, and thereafter, once permanently placed you can expect a salary from approximately R12 000. WE INVITE YOU TO JOIN THE NETWORKING ACADEMY ENROLL NOW! Call our career advisor for any queries on 072 694 9693 or this email address with any open questions. I am currently doing the course and would gladly correspond with you with regard to it. KIND REGARDS Bongani Makhaya
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