Since the overwhelming majority of wood fl oors are composed of solid hardwood,eco friendly wood plastic composite fence this care guide applies specifi cally to this type of fl ooring.
Properly fi nished wood is the easiest of all fl oor surfaces to keep clean and looking like new, year after year, with only minimal care.
How minimal? Vacuum and/or dust mop weekly or more often if merited. Vacuuming is the best way to remove surface dust and dirt before it gets walked into the fi nish and dulls its luster. Vacuuming also pulls accumulated dust from the grooves of factory fi nished and plank fl oors. Some wood fl oor care guidelines will depend on the type of fl oor fi nish. However, there are a number of preventive maintenance tips that are the fi rst steps in caring for your wood fl oors,[url=]Wood plastic composite floor[/url] regardless of the fi nish type.
First and foremost, wood and water don’t mix. No matter what fi nish your wood fl oor has, never pour water on your fl oor. While a slightly dampened mop may be used on polyurethane and other surface fi nishes in good condition, even small amounts of water can cause the deterioration of fi nishes and warp the underlying wood.
Also, when using any maintenance product, please read the label. Always follow label directions for maintenance products, except for directions which call for using water on wood. Always use only products specifi cally designed for wood fl oors. Contact your local wood fl ooring distributor for products and specifi c cleaning recommendations.
You can keep your car running better and longer when you regularly change your oil, check your tire pressure, and keep your radiator fi lled with antifreeze. Your wood fl oors benefi t from preventive maintenance just as much as your car does. The following are some maintenance tips for keeping your fl oors looking great for years and years.
• Dirt and grit act just like sandpaper on any fl oor. To keep grit from entering in your home use dirt-trapping, walk-off mats at all exterior doors. NOFMA recommends placing throw-rugs or small sections of carpet just inside the entrances. Always remember to keep door mats clean.
• Vacuum regularly, as often as you vacuum carpets; a brush attachment works beautifully. Don’t use the beater bar; it can damage the fi nish. Sweep or use an untreated dust mop daily or as needed, but do not use a household dust treatment as this may cause your fl oor to become slick, dull the fi nish, or interfere with re-coating.installing composite decking Please be aware that vacuum wheels may scratch the surface.
• Check with the fl ooring manufacturer before using a micro fi ber pad to clean your fl oor. The micro fi bers may catch wood fi bers and lift a splinter or cause a tear, exposing unfi nished wood.
• It is extremely important that the fi nish is fully cured (7 to 90 days depending on the type of fi nish) before placing any rugs, rug pads, etc. on the fl oor to keep from affecting the fi nish and leaving a prominent “rug print”.
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Properly fi nished wood is the easiest of all fl oor surfaces to keep clean and looking like new, year after year, with only minimal care.
How minimal? Vacuum and/or dust mop weekly or more often if merited. Vacuuming is the best way to remove surface dust and dirt before it gets walked into the fi nish and dulls its luster. Vacuuming also pulls accumulated dust from the grooves of factory fi nished and plank fl oors. Some wood fl oor care guidelines will depend on the type of fl oor fi nish. However, there are a number of preventive maintenance tips that are the fi rst steps in caring for your wood fl oors,[url=]Wood plastic composite floor[/url] regardless of the fi nish type.
First and foremost, wood and water don’t mix. No matter what fi nish your wood fl oor has, never pour water on your fl oor. While a slightly dampened mop may be used on polyurethane and other surface fi nishes in good condition, even small amounts of water can cause the deterioration of fi nishes and warp the underlying wood.
Also, when using any maintenance product, please read the label. Always follow label directions for maintenance products, except for directions which call for using water on wood. Always use only products specifi cally designed for wood fl oors. Contact your local wood fl ooring distributor for products and specifi c cleaning recommendations.
You can keep your car running better and longer when you regularly change your oil, check your tire pressure, and keep your radiator fi lled with antifreeze. Your wood fl oors benefi t from preventive maintenance just as much as your car does. The following are some maintenance tips for keeping your fl oors looking great for years and years.
• Dirt and grit act just like sandpaper on any fl oor. To keep grit from entering in your home use dirt-trapping, walk-off mats at all exterior doors. NOFMA recommends placing throw-rugs or small sections of carpet just inside the entrances. Always remember to keep door mats clean.
• Vacuum regularly, as often as you vacuum carpets; a brush attachment works beautifully. Don’t use the beater bar; it can damage the fi nish. Sweep or use an untreated dust mop daily or as needed, but do not use a household dust treatment as this may cause your fl oor to become slick, dull the fi nish, or interfere with re-coating.installing composite decking Please be aware that vacuum wheels may scratch the surface.
• Check with the fl ooring manufacturer before using a micro fi ber pad to clean your fl oor. The micro fi bers may catch wood fi bers and lift a splinter or cause a tear, exposing unfi nished wood.
• It is extremely important that the fi nish is fully cured (7 to 90 days depending on the type of fi nish) before placing any rugs, rug pads, etc. on the fl oor to keep from affecting the fi nish and leaving a prominent “rug print”.
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