This farm embraces an area of 3179-hectare and is one of only a handful of livestock farms in the Upper-Karoo that is for sale. This area is renowned for the production of excellent quality meat and wool. With a grazing capacity norm of 1:22 LSU or 3.66 hectare per SSU (Small Stock Unit) the farm was farmed conservative the previous few years and the veldt is in pristine condition after the recent drought. The average rainfall is about 250mm per annum. The veldt varies from short 'ganna' veldt to fertile 'leegtes' with various typical Karoo shrubs, 'ganna leegtes', quality long- and short Boesman and other grasses. After the rain a large number of succulents add additional valuable natural grazing. A rich diversity of edible, high-nutrition bushes, shrubs and Boesman grasses cover the entire farm. While it is currently utilised for natural grazing by Merino sheep, it is equally suitable for the production of cattle, goats, and game. Springbuck and small antelopes also roam the farm. There are no buildings or a house, but all other necessary farming infrastructure; like fencing, sheep handling facilities, windmills, reservoirs, and water troughs are in place. All infrastructure are in good repair. There is also a large earth dam fed by run-off water after good rainfall. The perimeter fencing is electrified, and the farm is divided into 7 inner camps. Ample water for livestock is available in each camp. The roads on the farm are in good condition and all sections of the farm can easily be accessed. Farms of this size and nature are seldom offered to utilize as a second farm to your current farming operation. This farm is for sale for the amount of R7,350,000 excluding VAT. The seller is a VAT vendor and if the purchaser is also a VAT vendor this sale could be a 0% VAT transaction. Property Reference #: RL5546 Agent Details: Jan Vos Agrisell Pty Ltd 9A Kerk Street Piketberg 7320
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R 7.350.000,00
R 7.350.000,00