classic Operators Training has experienced tremendous growth, with branches in Gauteng The growth of the business can be attributed to the dedicated management team, professional facilitators, fair pricing and quality-focused customer care. classicOperators Training is a TETA Accredited Training Centre. Our aim is to be South Africa`a leading training providers with the most versatile courses offered classic Operators & Welding Training is committed to ensuring that quality underlies every aspect of the businesses objectives:
Being customer, industry and community driven
Designing training programs to meet the needs of the customer, industry and community
Using performance indicators to improve and develop
Using assessment/appraisal results to improve
Commitment to change
We offer onsite training, so that your production doesn’t stop!
We offer health and safety training to private individuals and employees, providing valuable skills and information on procedures, available equipment and the required action. Our unparalleled service and integrity make us your ideal OHS partner.
Train today, for a safer more productive tomorrow
About Us
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you so much for entrusting us as one of the best service providers in as far as Machine Operations training, Mine related training and construction related training is concerned.
We are a training Provider who specialize in training the general public on how to safety operate Lifting machines/equipments such as Forklifts, Mobile Crane, Gantry cranes, Truck Mounted Cranes, Telehandler, Reach Stacker, Reach Truck, Over-head Crane, Tower cranes etc. call us 0787743362/whatsapp
We also train in Earth moving operations such as the training of TLB (Tractor Backhoe Loader), Excavator, Graders, Dump Truck, Rollers, Bob Cat, water tanks, etc
In the mining industry, we train various courses such as Boiler Makers, Electrical Engineers, Riggers, Blasting certificate, Blasting Assistants, Mine Managers, Mine overseers, Mine Foremen, Process Control managers, Strata Control managers, Rock breaking, Drill Rigging, LHD Scoops, Underground support technicians, Safety officers, Fitter and Turners.
We also have other courses such as Safety officers, Diesel Mechanics, Safety Representatives, Occupational health and safety, First Aid.
We are so proud of having trained hundreds of students from across the whole continent, from Malawi, Botswana, Mozambique, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia and the number continues to grow every day.
our biggest challenge however has been in accommodating huge numbers of students with our "free accommodation" package. However, we would like to take this opportunity that we are not an accommodation service provider, we are not a five star hotel. We are a training centre and our primary focus is the training. South Africa is one of the best countries in the World with first class accommodation. If you want to have this luxurious experience, you have to include this in your application so as to receive an appropriate invoice with your application. Our accommodation is limited and this always dictates the number of trainees at any single moment that we can intake.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to invest our skills and knowledge into the market to empower the people who need it the most.
Our Vision
Our vision is to be a center of excellence aimed at training and developing people in all industries to ensure better quality of living and working.
There are millions of people throughout South Africa who want and need to learn new skills to better their lives and get employment. Others are already employed but need to improve the skills that they have and also learn new ones.
There are an estimated 4.3-million people who are unemployed, most of whom have little training and few skills. More than half of the learners who leave school every year don’t have sufficient basic skills to get work in any sector of the economy. So it is clear that skills development, along with training and education are vital elements for the people in South Africa and for the economy
school offers FREE ACCOMMODATION to all students who wants to train from free State, Kroonstand, Limpopo, Polokwane, kimberly, Durban, Mpumalanga, Johannesburg, Soweto, Pretoria, Zambia, Angola, Nigeria, kenya, Mozambique, Botswana, Swaziland
. We offer training in the fields of Health and Safety, First Aid, Fire Fighting, Lifting Equipment, Driver Training, Dangerous Goods, Earth Moving Equipment and Management in the workplace. We have more the 18 Years' experience in the field of training and our facilitators are passionate about their work, they are dedicated to provide training that is unique, but focused on the individual's needs.
+27787743362 classic operators training center is located inGERMISTON,Johannesburg, South Africa)
call us on +27787743362 or whatsappor Email Us:
classic Operators Training centeris Fully Registered Training institute regno:2007/003416/23
. We offer training in the fields of Health and Safety, First Aid, Fire Fighting, Lifting Equipment, Driver Training, Dangerous Goods, Earth Moving Equipment and Management in the workplace. We have more than 18 Years' experience in the field of training and our facilitators are passionate about their work, they are dedicated to provide training that is unique, but focused on the individual's needs.
1.Counter balance (forklift) 5days training
2.Tractor loader backhoe 10 days training
3.Front end loader 10 days training
4.Excavator 10 days training
5.Mobile crane 10 days training
6.Tower crane 10 days training
7.Overhead crane 10 days training
8.Dump Truck 10 days training
9.Reach truck 5 days training
10.Grader 10 days training
11.Bulldozer 10 days training
12.Roller 10 days training
13.Scoop-tram (LHD)
14.Bob cat 5 days training
15.Container handler 10 days training
"Welding Courses " call +27787743362 for booking
16Boiler making 4 weeks training
17.Co2 4 weeks training
18.Ark welding 4 weeks training
19.Stick welding 4 weeks training
20.Agony 4 weeks training
21.Gas welding
classic Operators Training has experienced tremendous growth, with branches in Gauteng The growth of the business can be attributed to the dedicated management team, professional facilitators, fair pricing and quality-focused customer care. classicOperators Training is a TETA Accredited Training Centre. Our aim is to be South Africa`a leading training providers with the most versatile courses offered classic Operators & Welding Training is committed to ensuring that quality underlies every aspect of the businesses objectives:
Being customer, industry and community driven
Designing training programs to meet the needs of the customer, industry and community
Using performance indicators to improve and develop
Using assessment/appraisal results to improve
Commitment to change
We offer onsite training, so that your production doesn’t stop!
We offer health and safety training to private individuals and employees, providing valuable skills and information on procedures, available equipment and the required action. Our unparalleled service and integrity make us your ideal OHS partner.
Train today, for a safer more productive tomorrow
About Us
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you so much for entrusting us as one of the best service providers in as far as Machine Operations training, Mine related training and construction related training is concerned.
We are a training Provider who specialize in training the general public on how to safety operate Lifting machines/equipments such as Forklifts, Mobile Crane, Gantry cranes, Truck Mounted Cranes, Telehandler, Reach Stacker, Reach Truck, Over-head Crane, Tower cranes etc. call us 0787743362/whatsapp
We also train in Earth moving operations such as the training of TLB (Tractor Backhoe Loader), Excavator, Graders, Dump Truck, Rollers, Bob Cat, water tanks, etc
In the mining industry, we train various courses such as Boiler Makers, Electrical Engineers, Riggers, Blasting certificate, Blasting Assistants, Mine Managers, Mine overseers, Mine Foremen, Process Control managers, Strata Control managers, Rock breaking, Drill Rigging, LHD Scoops, Underground support technicians, Safety officers, Fitter and Turners.
We also have other courses such as Safety officers, Diesel Mechanics, Safety Representatives, Occupational health and safety, First Aid.
We are so proud of having trained hundreds of students from across the whole continent, from Malawi, Botswana, Mozambique, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia and the number continues to grow every day.
our biggest challenge however has been in accommodating huge numbers of students with our "free accommodation" package. However, we would like to take this opportunity that we are not an accommodation service provider, we are not a five star hotel. We are a training centre and our primary focus is the training. South Africa is one of the best countries in the World with first class accommodation. If you want to have this luxurious experience, you have to include this in your application so as to receive an appropriate invoice with your application. Our accommodation is limited and this always dictates the number of trainees at any single moment that we can intake.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to invest our skills and knowledge into the market to empower the people who need it the most.
Our Vision
Our vision is to be a center of excellence aimed at training and developing people in all industries to ensure better quality of living and working.
There are millions of people throughout South Africa who want and need to learn new skills to better their lives and get employment. Others are already employed but need to improve the skills that they have and also learn new ones.
There are an estimated 4.3-million people who are unemployed, most of whom have little training and few skills. More than half of the learners who leave school every year don’t have sufficient basic skills to get work in any sector of the economy. So it is clear that skills development, along with training and education are vital elements for the people in South Africa and for the economy
school offers FREE ACCOMMODATION to all students who wants to train from free State, Kroonstand, Limpopo, Polokwane, kimberly, Durban, Mpumalanga, Johannesburg, Soweto, Pretoria, Zambia, Angola, Nigeria, kenya, Mozambique, Botswana, Swaziland
. We offer training in the fields of Health and Safety, First Aid, Fire Fighting, Lifting Equipment, Driver Training, Dangerous Goods, Earth Moving Equipment and Management in the workplace. We have more the 18 Years' experience in the field of training and our facilitators are passionate about their work, they are dedicated to provide training that is unique, but focused on the individual's needs.
+27787743362 classic operators training center is located inGERMISTON,Johannesburg, South Africa)
call us on +27787743362 or whatsappor Email Us:
classic Operators Training centeris Fully Registered Training institute regno:2007/003416/23
. We offer training in the fields of Health and Safety, First Aid, Fire Fighting, Lifting Equipment, Driver Training, Dangerous Goods, Earth Moving Equipment and Management in the workplace. We have more than 18 Years' experience in the field of training and our facilitators are passionate about their work, they are dedicated to provide training that is unique, but focused on the individual's needs.
1.Counter balance (forklift) 5days training
2.Tractor loader backhoe 10 days training
3.Front end loader 10 days training
4.Excavator 10 days training
5.Mobile crane 10 days training
6.Tower crane 10 days training
7.Overhead crane 10 days training
8.Dump Truck 10 days training
9.Reach truck 5 days training
10.Grader 10 days training
11.Bulldozer 10 days training
12.Roller 10 days training
13.Scoop-tram (LHD)
14.Bob cat 5 days training
15.Container handler 10 days training
"Welding Courses " call +27787743362 for booking
16Boiler making 4 weeks training
17.Co2 4 weeks training
18.Ark welding 4 weeks training
19.Stick welding 4 weeks training
20.Agony 4 weeks training
21.Gas welding
1 reviews