+27787743362WE are committed to upholding the national code of practice for the evaluation of training providers for lifting machine operators, under the driven machinery regulations in the occupational health and safety act 85/1993, of the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA)
We do provide safety Courses on Lifting, Construction and Welding Training on the following.DRIVING SCHOOL IS ALSO AVAILABLE FOR ALL CODES
CONSTRUCTION & LIFTING MACHINES 7-10 DAY for Registration & Booking+27787743362REG NO:2007/003416/23
* FORKLIFT Operator Training for 5 Days
* DUMP TRUCK Operator Training for 7-10 Days
* EXCAVATOR Operator Training for 7-10 Days
* T.L.B Operator Training for 7-10 Days
* FRONT END LOADER Operator Training for 7-10 Days
* BULLDOZER Operator Training for 7-10 Days
* GRADER Operator Training for 7-10 Days
* BOB CAT Operator Training for 3-5 Days
* MOBILE CRANE Operator Training for 7-10 Days
* TOWER CRANE Operator Training for 7-10 Days
* OVER HEAD CRANE Operator Training for 7-10 Days
* DRILL RIGG Operator Training for 7-10 Days
* TELESCOPIC Operator Training for 7-10 days
* LHD Scoop Operator Training for 7-10 Days
* REACH TRUCK Operator Training for 3-5 Days
* ROLLER TRUCKER Operator Training for 7-10 Days
* REACH STACKER Operator Training for 7-10 Days
We are situated in South Africa Germiston (Johannesburg) We Offer accommodation to all to Our Students LOCALand INTERNATIONAL form DURBAN, Cape Town, Mpumalanga, Freestate, Gauteng, North West, North West, Eastern Cape, Limpopo, Kwazulu-Natal. Angola, Namibia, Botswana, Mozambique, Nigeria, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Ghana, Malawi, DRC (Congo) e.t.c
WELDING COURSES 3-4 WEEKS CALL +27787743362 for Registration & Booking
* Boiler making 4 weeks
* Co2 Welding 4 weeks
* Arc Welding 4 weeks
* Stainless Steel Welding 4 Weeks
* Argon Welding 4 weeks
* Electrical installation 4 weeks
* Plumbing 4 weeks
* Carpentry 4 weeks
* Pipe fitting 4 weeks
* Fit and Turning 4 weeks
* Shuttering 4 weeks and SUPERLINK TRAININGS 4weeks
we assist you by sending your CV to different mining and construction companies on your behalf.
For the registration one need to bring 1 I.D copy or Valid Passport Copy Or Asylum 2passport, FreeACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE.WE TRAIN STUDENTS TO PASS NOT TO FAILCALL +27726598966ORWHATSAPP +27787743362